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About Bashe

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  1. I miss uncommentated speedruns a lot


  2. Lower back injuries may be the least fun thing ever. Take it easy out there.

  3. I have gotten significantly worse at Doom 4 in recent years D:

  4. Wrestling with decades-old hardware ain't the most fun thing sometimes

  5. It's scary how quickly mental health can change for the worse. Be careful out there.

    1. DuckReconMajor


      Hope you and those around you are well

  6. KndjaQE.jpg


    Accurate depiction of my Windows 98 machine one hour into a Doom 2 stream

  7. Finally finished the original TimeSplitters on hard. Just merely completed it, mind you.



  8. Was enjoying some Doom 64 in Doom 2 on my Windows 98 computer before it started shitting the bed :\


    Might be time for a new HDD, if I even have one

  9. technical country

    1. Bashe


      satanic blackened grindened j-metalcore/dubstep

    2. Ichor


      polka rap

  10. Nice to run into @Sparktimus yesterday. Was definitely a highlight in an otherwise blah day of driving, driving, driving, stressing hardcore while driving in my brother's slippery Mustang in rain, and driving.

  11. Rest in peace :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bashe


      Very suddenly passed away recently. Only 31 years old :(

    3. Catpho


      Aw darn, RIP.

    4. Demon of the Well

      Demon of the Well

      Rest in peace, man. Wish we'd chatted more often these past couple of years.



  12. 0V6IBJLl.jpg



    1. esselfortium


      Where’s this?

    2. Bashe


      At a restaurant called Melt that opened recently. The mural features Dayton area notables, and as soon as I saw the GBV at the top I thought of you lol

  13. I've noticed a random mild tinnitus in my right ear lately


    Do NOT

    1. Memfis


      Oh man, I had it in right ear too for some weeks or maybe even months. Got quite worried already but then it somehow solved itself. Just in case I'm now always extra careful with loud stuff, and for example in cinema I often have earphones on because goddamn some movies are loud.

    2. Doomkid


      I have pretty bad permanent tinnitus so I can relate, but hopefully it isn't permanent in your case, Bashe.

    3. Bashe


      I'm pretty sure this is happening as a side effect to a medication, so hopefully it will pass in time. If not, I might have to try some things. It's very mild, but it's enough to concern me as it was never there before.

  14. Is it bad that I can only see your name as "Manletstapler" ?

    1. ⇛Marnetmar⇛


      I am a compact, space efficient pocket stapler.

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