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What Is Your Favorite Doom II Weapon (Poll!)
SnowyFoxxo replied to Oldschoolgeek32's topic in Doom General
To me it's just satisfying to use, especially the reloading 'clack' it makes, the power is a fun bonus -
The non-coloured door in that room (The one that reveals after stepping off the computer platform that raises the lift) leads to a switch that lowers the totem it's on, I know of the straferun trick and honestly, if people want to do it, all it skips is some monsters, ammo, and a mega-armour; Some nice stuff, but nothing essential to finish the map, call it a speedrunning trick lmao Regardless, thank you for the play and feedback!
Thank you so much for the play and the feedback, and doubly so for finding that damn elusive broken secret! I'll fix that soon, it bothered me so much having to see 6/7 secrets.
Interesting. Yeah, the silver walkways lower down to let you back up, also I didn't notice the HoM effect in that room, it appears fine to me, maybe it's just a quirk between the different engines though. Also I wonder why that cabinet crashes the engine, regardless thanks for letting me know, I'll update my post to add it, but it's just an opening wall, I wonder what weird bug causes that.
Thank you for the play! Honestly I don't know why I switched my doors up like I did, but I do sort of like how the top-to-bottom opening doors feel slightly more, I just wish they had a variant of the lift - Or really just more in general - function that works with keycards, I would've liked to have kept the blue door consistent, but oh well. Ammo-wise, maybe I'm just bad at planning around Archviles, or maybe it's because I just like to 100% maps so I naturally go for secrets when I know them. I think I need to build my full map first then add secrets afterwards, but I'm just kinda bad about seeing a spot that would work well for a secret and putting it there immediately, I did try to make my secrets pretty obvious though - Not that it helps the overlying issue, but more a saving grace of the flaw. Regardless, yeah I guess I am fairly bad at planning secretless ammo supplies, I'll definitely try to work on that better in the future.
"You awaken in a hellish dimension, similar to your own but not quite the same. The air is heavy with hatred, malice, and vile, a feeling you're all too familiar with; There's demons afoot, and from what you can tell, you've got some baddies ahead of you. Stepping outside and grabbing your shotgun, you now make sense of the area around you. Abaddon's Grove; A mythical place, believed by scholars to be purely a concept of overactive minds, a landscape that can warp itself to whatever trials the fallen angel deems fitting for his newest victim. You steady yourself - If you wish to get out alive, you must fight through the demons within, and whatever devious traps they have lying in wait." --------------- Compatibility --------------- IWAD: Doom II/Plutonia - I built it on Plutonia, but evidently it works on the Doom II IWAD too, so pick your flavour. Map Count: 1 Jump/Crouch/Freelook: None, designed for any version of Doom II Builder, Testing Port: Built on Ultimate Doom Builder R3596 64-bit, SLADE3 used to add the automap name and change the music, tested on GZDoom g4.2.0 - If anyone would mind testing on other ports and reporting any issues, it would be greatly appreciated and I will update this section later on. Known Issues: Chocolate Doom; Secret #1 (Scratched wooden texture cabinet) crashes the game on use. ------------- Map Details ------------- Map Theme: Very traditional Doom-style run-and-gun map, no puzzles, no jumping secrets, just good ol' demon-slaying carnage. Map Difficulty: Hard - Some demon encounters are very hectic and lethal, with careful movement and forethought nothing that can't be overcome, but the Archvile traps are where it gets the most dangerous, be careful towards the end of the map. ------------- Screenshots ------------- My newest map, I didn't have any ideas going into it so I just started building and just saw how it went from there. Not certain if I'd call this my best map so far, but I at least enjoyed building and testing it, so there's that much. I like the scale of it more than my first map, but I enjoy the combat much more, I liked the cramped, hectic combat of my second map more but I like the layout of this map more. I feel like sitting right between those two is a good spot for it in my opinion. Also, there's an additional random secret somewhere in the level I simply cannot find, so unless someone points it out to me, consider 100% secrets to be 6/7, I'll count the seventh secret as being broken, I just have no idea what the hell got tagged as a secret. Download: Abaddon's Grove V1.0.zip UV-Max Playthough/Level testing:
Thank you for the play and the feedback! It probably would serve well to add some better visuals, and it's something I'll do more of when I feel much more comfortable using UDB and building maps in general, for now my focus is on making sure they're playable and enjoyable. Also I definitely need to not do what I did with the blue key room exit, it slows down and confuses too many players I've noticed, or at the very least make sure the texture is the most obvious thing in the room.
Np lol, I might just need to rethink that room since my solution seems to be pretty unlike what other people think XD
The skull switch is unrelated to the exit, on the wall directly right to that switch, the part of the texture that's different from the rest drops down to let you out
Thank you for the play and advice! I've solved a bit of the ammo problems in the map with the update I've made - Granted I don't know if you played V1.0 or V1.1, but since you mention the HK softlock I'm assuming V1.0 - I had the most trouble with keeping consistent ammo towards the end and that's where I focused the fix, it's still possible I need to go back and add a bit more earlier too though. Even on my first version I could finish the map without secrets, but it was a tight run and I was extremely low on ammo, even having to chaingun the ending Archvile, which the chaingun is my least favourite weapon for them other than the stunlocking (Plas. just does it better and faster) but it was still done. Maybe it's just because I have a habit of trying to conserve as much ammo as I can, but I rarely find I have ammo problems on most maps, and when I do it's usually because I just get a bit too trigger happy. As for the 'No' room lockin idea, I was alright with doing it with the Hell Knights because it was a fairly low-risk encounter compared to the horde of Revenants and Cacos, that one just feels like it would be a bit unfair, plus door fighting is one of my favourite tactics of Doom. Yeah, it may be a bit cheesy, but against the hordes of Hell, I feel like you deserve every trick and tactic you can use in your environment, I see door fighting as just as much a part of the game as the SSG and Cacodemon and I'm more than willing to embrace it. Regardless though, thank you for the play and the feedback! It's greatly appreciated, and I'll be sure to try out those maps you suggested!
Yeah, that's sadly a bad flaw of mine; I'm pretty impatient sometimes, I have too much of the Sagittarius 'Leap before you look' kind of mentality, and stuff that takes me multiple days to do tend to make me burn out and get tired of it, so I try to finish them before that happens. It's just a matter of finding a method of pacing that works well for me, I just still quite haven't done that yet
Yeah, you'd think I'd understand that by now. I think I just got too into the idea of building a cramped space to fight through and didn't think ahead of just how bad it can get in certain situations. Also ammo is another thing I struggled with on this map, I wanted it to be scarce but I think I got a bit too tight with it, I'll throw a few more pieces in to make it less of a clutch to finish the map
Yeah, I have to agree watching both of you, cramped encounters aren't always bad but there's a certain limit, and this definitely gets rough if you don't go slower about it, which in all fairness is how I tend to handle maps, but that's also not how everyone does so I understand where the frustration comes in. I'll try better to strike a finer balance between the two, thank you!
Good to keep in mind, thank you!
Thank you for playing! As for some of the things in the video; The wall texture in the blue key room with the bullet patterns, the less obvious one that I'm going to fix, lowers down to let you out when you interact with it. Also I ran into that issue with the raising wall in the previous room as well, it's just another thing I thought I had fixed but evidently forgot in the process of making the map. For the secrets you missed, one is in the room that the blue lift takes you to, there's a darkened wall texture that opens to reveal a soul sphere. Likewise, in the yellow doorroom, there's a similar wall that has a darker tint that opens to an ammo cache. Also I didn't expect monsters to be able to operate those lifts like that, you learn something new every day about this game! Thank you for playing and reviewing!