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About Goody

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    Hell on EarthBound
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  1. Let's play some catch up! Again, playing continuously on UV vs DSDA. I didn't mention this before, but I am going for all kills and secrets! Map 4: Pull the Plug Where have I played (parts) of this? There's something going on with the poison tunnels below that make me feel like I've played this exact segment before. But at this point I had not yet gotten hip to myolden's secret hiding style and ended up leaving a bunch of secrets that would have been extremely useful. Map 5: Poison Godmachine Same thing! I know I've played parts of this before. I don't think I watched the Dean of Doom on this one since I try not to watch episodes for WADs I haven't played, but it feels really recent in my memory. Map 6: Spirit Crusher Pretty straight forward, but woof, that Ache-Vile at the end spanked me a couple of times. What worked for me was to rush through that room where it spawns in back out to the early section and turn around and take him and the rest of the monsters out. Map 7: A Fine Day to Die Ooh, we're starting to see some of that hellishness creep through into the visuals. That's probably one of my favorite Doom level tropes. I never get sick of it. I was expecting to see some kind of typical Dead Simple mechanic and either there wasn't or I missed it. Either way this one was a good little snack. Map 8: Neurotica I love the way this one flowed together. I loved just darting around this map and I love how myolden places an Arch-Vile. By this point I know now to stop and look for that secret when I see purple on my map. I really appreciate how every secret so far can be access once you see it. Map 9: Bleed Me an Ocean So far this has been my favorite map aesthetically. I love the blue and red contrasting against the dark grey. And ooh, BFG. I never used it in this level, but since I'm playing casually, I'm glad to have it. Pacing was fine on this one. That darker tech area was a hoot with all that hitscan. Map 10: Creeping Death Stop and go pacing to it at first. Once I got underground, I was very very glad I had grabbed that BFG last level. Was able to get those Revenants right away. Other than that end room, the rest of the level was ho-hum.
  2. Ooh, perfect. I haven't played Doom in a bit and I've been wanting to check this one out. I'm playing continuously on DSDA on UV. Playing pretty casually because that's how I do. The last few WADs I have played before this were The Rebirth, Demonfear, and Realm of Chaos, so this feels like a really appropriate follow up. Went ahead and played the first three levels and felt, whaddaya know, nostalgic! The starter was nice and simple. Thank goodness for the early game backpack. I feel naked without one. Otherwise, nothing too much of note here. Appreciated the early chainsaw for those Pinkies too. Knocked it out in like a minute. I somehow managed to get lost on the second level? It may be because it's Sunday night and I'm tired. I also skipped the Super Shotgun until after the two Hell Knights, which was a pain and made me feel dumb. Speaking of feeling dumb, I missed the Berserk until the end when I was getting the last secret before exiting. This level made me feel dumb but that's on me. And the third! Started with a bang, ended with a whimper. I'm glad I had saved some rockets for the red key area because it was really cathartic gibbing all those zombies before the exit.
  3. I just like the Soul Sphere because I like blue. I like to think they all mean the same thing but you just get to pick your favorite flavor.
  4. Enigmatic, yet cozy, fantasy art lady
  5. I’d like to learn to map this year I think. I want to make one map. It can be awful crap, but I want to be able to say I made something. I also want to finally play through the megaWADs I’ve been wanting to play since I was a kid. Hell Revealed and Alien Vendetta, specifically.
  6. I kind of accidentally and informally wandered into this month's megawad club. I wanted to play something from the mid 90s and happened to download this anniversary edition of Realm of Chaos because I'm dumb and wasn't paying attention to what this was and oh boy. I jumped right into UV thinking this would be no harder than something like Memento Mori, Icarus, or Requiem and am honestly having a lot of fun getting my ass handed to me by some of the more slaughtery parts. I'm about halfway through, so well behind the club pacing but I just wanted to chime in and say how much fun I'm having with this. It's a bit beyond my skill level, but it seems to be in a comfortable spot where it's making me keep trying instead of giving up. And, oh gosh, the music is good. Bravo, Cammy.
  7. A Doom mug. And a giftcard I used to buy an Arturia Minilab 3.
  8. Doomguy is the Big Friendly Guy :)
  9. Getting a film degree from a for profit college immediately after graduating high school. It did indirectly lead me to where I'm at now, which I'm happy with, but goodness, I'm gonna be paying back those loans for years.
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