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Everything posted by GraphicBleeder

  1. Guys, this is the same guy who made Hallway.wad, I'd say don't trust him with this project
  2. Say you're right! Then again, things like Doomguy2000 challenge are on idgames so..... @DOOMTIME, post this on ModDB. Not here.
  3. Good job. You made an entire post for something that could've just been uploaded to /idgames. Or was the point to troll us with this post as well?
  4. 1. Doom II 2. Doom Eternal 3. Duke Nukem 3D 4. COD BO2 5. Left 4 Dead 2
  5. Hey all, so, I was thinking about how in GZdoom you have the option of jumping and crouching, now I usually play with it off unless the readme file with a custom wad says it needs to be on to be beatable but, what do you all think about it?
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