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Everything posted by GraphicBleeder

  1. True yeah. Imagine Dave Lombardo drum fills if he had 4 arms.
  2. Hope you come back one day, seed. I haven't interacted with you much but I miss the stuff you post.

  3. Well, we could play guitar and bass at the same time so that'd be neat.
  4. True, true. In a way pistol starts are a bit less stressful to play with due to not having to worry about conserving resources for the next level. Not saying it's easier then continuous though.
  5. Maybe 15 years ago there was somewhat of a danger with terrywads, but no longer. The worst thing that could happen is a loud noise and you get goatse'd or something. Honestly most terrywads are so unfunny they're not even worth downloading.
  6. Damn, it actually looks good! Look forward to it Mistah Kneecap.
  7. This has inspired me to make a hot-sauce style ranking for difficulty levels ITYTD: Ranch HNTR: Mild HMP: Buffalo UV: Habanero Nightmare: Black Mamba
  8. I don't really think any of them have any specific meaning. I've made my own rating for them though: Invis sphere: Meh, alright post. Not super great but I found it funny/okay enough to react. I don't use this one too much. Blue sphere: Good posts. Pretty much the most common one I use. Use it on posts that I thought were cool/good. Megasphere: Exceptional posts. Stuff that really made me go "wow". Second most common. Invincible sphere: Godly posts. Stuff that is unironically exceptional and mind-blowing. Second least used. Note I don't follow this rule all the time and sometimes I just give them to random posts, but it's just my little ranking for them.
  9. A WAD where you play as one of the elite guards from Doom 2016. Perhaps during the initial invasion.
  10. What if he's already made one, and just posts undercover with a different name?
  11. Honestly I wouldn't be that mad if he was finished for good. He's more then earned my respect for his channel.
  12. Imagine that you have a wife, and you're married to her with a marriage certificate to prove it. However every Tuesday 5 different guys stop by to fuck her, however she's still your wife because you have the marriage certificate and they don't. That's NFTs.
  13. Resurrecting this thread to say that holy shit, I underestimated MtPain.
  14. Because we're psychopathic evil serial killing mass murderers or something idk go ask Tipper Gore about it.
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