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Everything posted by GraphicBleeder

  1. I don't really know to be honest. I don't really believe in an afterlife and tbh I don't know if I need/want one. I mean you don't remember what it was like in your mom's womb, do you? I think it'd prolly be like that, you have no consciousness or feeling, you are quite literally nothing.
  2. Well, first off this is a bit hard to read cause no punctuation or indenting, but I digress. Your friend seems like they're taking a game where you run around a chunky block world shooting 2D demon sprites a bit too seriously. If they continue up with this, then you have all right's to tell them to fuck off.
  3. Someone has probably made porn out of that.
  4. Anime personally isn't really my thing, but it's not really "weird". It's moreso aimed for a different audience, y'know since most anime is made in Japan I imagine Japanese people are the first demographic on the animator's minds. Like northivanastan said, Japanese people probably find western animation weird as well.
  5. Dude too fucking true. Honestly, watching someone play drums is one of the most entertaining and impressive things I've ever seen. For example, this video: Program a drum MIDI as well as you can, but you can't beat this in my eyes.
  6. It looks... Too simplistic, and the letters look off. But then again the last time I used Discord it was a really laggy piece of shit so I don't really care.
  7. Dude DK and The Misfits are great! Hardcore and Punk Rock will always be one of the supreme genre's in my eyes.
  8. I thought "GraphicBleeder" sounded cool and I didn't want to go for the generic "DoomFan282398230481239482341" username.
  9. It has become a ritual for me to listen to Live in Leipzig at least once every night before I go to bed.
  10. Nah, the 80s was the decade stuff like Metallica, Slayer, and all the other Metal shit rose to fame. AC/DC and KISS found the most success during the 70s.
  11. Yeah, KISS and AC/DC are Hard Rock.
  12. So I was inspired by BMFG's "Opinions on the band KISS?" thread, and that made me wonder, what does Doomworld think of AC/DC? Personally, I like them, they're not my favorite band but I like them, and their members don't seem like rich egotistic assholes. My only real complaint is that alot of their music kinda feels same-y, as in they all follow the structure of start with basic Rock riff, then Brian Johnson does his Donald Duck vocals, then Angus does a guitar solo, then the song fades out. But what're your all's opinions?
  13. What a four-eyed nerd. What does he do for a living? Make video game music? Pfft.
  14. How was the show exactly? Not a big fan of their music, but I've heard they put on amazing live shows, so that might be worth seeing.
  15. I'm not going to answer this question because that would encourage people to keep making these threads. There's this thing called a search button, you should use it sometime.
  16. They're.... Okay, I guess, but there's just so many better Rock bands out there. One thing I never got was that they put on this huge epic outfits, and put on these crazy live shows, but they make some of the most tame Rock music I've ever heard. Oh, and Gene Simmons is the very definition of "asshole celebrity".
  17. Wear your mask if you aren't vaccinated, dummy.
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