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Everything posted by GraphicBleeder

  1. What? Dude, there's megawads from the late 90s that are better in quality then some OBLIGE wads I've played. What are you talking about?
  2. Looking for a specific WAD called "EVIL.wad", found it on https://vanony.net/ about a month back, but accidentally deleted it. Anyone got a download for it?
  3. Good luck on the surgery Lee. Here's to a good operation and a great success
  4. OBLIGE is an interesting little thing, but I couldn't really imagine using it and playing it's levels consistently. Like, it's fun to pop in and play a level every now and then, but why would I constantly play mediocre boring maps, when I can play something much better?
  5. Isn't Civvie like, mainly an older-shooter player? I don't know, just since most of his vids are for games like Quake, Doom, and Duke Nukem I figure'd he'd be pretty experienced at Doom.
  6. Because Plutonia is the hardest out of the 4 IWADs. But the stock IWADS aren't that hard, it's just that people like Gman, Civvie, and other online figures talk about it as if it's hell incarnate. Tbh most modern WADs I download off Doomworld are harder then Plutonia.
  7. Now listen up boy! Or pornography starring your mother will be the LEAST of your problems!
  8. Okay. Usually I don't break out the wallet for this stuff. But I may give one exception to this.
  9. Ayyy MagicMushroom! Welcome back! Very good thread to walk back on yeah.
  10. This seems to be a problem with your threads so I'll tell you now: Edit your original post, don't make new ones.
  11. I drunk a can of NOS and my stomach felt like it was melting. No, I do not like energy drinks.
  12. Okay. So... It's not bad for a first wad. I've definitely played worse then this. But, I think keeping the SSG away for so long makes killing the Mancubi and Cacos kinda grindy. Also, please, for the love of God, mark the doors which need certain keys with the color side things. Other then that, not bad.
  13. ROM Hacking has been a thing since the 90s. These classic games from the NES to N64 era have been modded before, and that gives them longevity.
  14. Put the wad into a zipfile, then click choose files in the reply thing. Then post the zip with your wad in it.
  15. Being honest, I don't see this game lasting long without mod support. Yeah, the main campaign and the DLCs are fun. But, what then? Doom Eternal's style of gameplay is unique and interesting. Custom levels made around this would bring in so many more players.
  16. I'd gladly watch it. Just don't be a MtPain27 clone, bring your own... "thing" to it.
  17. I'm down to playtest it and upload my gameplay to my channel. Just send me the wad and I can do it.
  18. Welcome new Doomer friend!
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