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Everything posted by GraphicBleeder

  1. The fact that no one has seemed to figure out who the guy in my profile pic is astonishes me. Also, hands.
  2. Uh. Normally I'm able to find.... Something out of these pfps but I can't find anything here.
  3. The war on drugs really takes a toll on your flesh huh?
  5. Lose? I see people enjoying Doom to be a complete win!
  6. Currently going through another megawad right now, but once I'm finished with that I'll definitely be playing this. This looks incredible and I hope it's as good as everyone in this thread is making it out to be.
  7. You're absolutely right. I'll call my local necromancer and tell him to ressurect Dr. Sleep.
  8. Have any of those guys made any more maps after the master levels?
  9. Hey all, GraphicBleeder here. So, recently I watched MtPain27's video on the Master Levels for Doom II and decided to replay them again for myself. As you may expect, they were less then stellar maps, but that's why I thought of a project that could be fun. The Master Levels for Doom II, part II. The whole idea is basically the same as it was in 1995, the communities top mappers can come together to create a mapset truly worthy of being, the "Master Levels". Now, I'm not a mapper myself, I never have and I don't think I ever will be. So you can dismiss my entire idea by that alone if you wish, but I thought this could be an interesting project for people to do, and I hope you all think the same.
  10. Graveyard Uber Alles! (shitty joke yeah I know.)
  11. Nixon. But from the grrrraaaaaavvvvvveeeee!
    This wad is pretty average compared to what people have made since '93. But none of those amazing wads would've happened without this. I truly, 100% believe that this is the pinnacle of video games and modding in general. Stuff like Quake, Duke3D, and Unreal may be more advanced But those wouldn't have happened without Doom.
  12. Doom Eternal's soundtrack is annoying and grating to listen to.
  13. "Wake up dude, it's the far future of 1998"
  14. GZdoom. Just because it can play the most content.
  15. I feel like I'm Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Because I keep seeing threads with this exact title every day.
  16. Maximum Doom is nothing more then an excuse for id to slap a selling point on the back of the box. But I will give it this, it's a neat time capsule for what Doom mapping was like in the mid-90s.
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