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Peccatum Mihzamiz

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Everything posted by Peccatum Mihzamiz

  1. Made plasma gun replacement sprites for GAYhem 2024.
  2. The unholy crossover between Sunlust and Piña Colada is finally here! None shall escape the gravity of Simulacrum!
  3. I'm looking to have a way to give a player, monster or object a horizontal shove without damaging them. Would be great being able to make a custom device (weapon slot) that moves the player directly forward when suspended in mid air via peccaportal. And to be able to adjust that from directly forward to another direction would be a nice bonus. Also for the mapper to be able to code that thrust so it is adjustable to a project's taste would be great. Napsalm and I looked into mbf21 being able to do this and got far, but it all involved things like explosives going off in front of the player etc.. I would like to be able to be flying with peccaportals and then get a push in mid air to another direction. I might link it to ammo for this feature being scarse etc.: forcing the player to not miss their direction or having to do it over.
  4. The pyramids, Michelangelo's David, Shakespeare's Hamlet, van Gogh's Sunflowers, and now: Revenant Hallway.
  5. Vortexx_slapzz96 is starting a playtest of the set now on their Twitch channel over here. I assume he'll touch upon your maps soon @BluePineapple72 @JJBoren @horselessheadsman @Egregor @Pistoolkip @Death Bear @PinkFlamingo @MoiraHeart @Yagacaw @Blexor
  6. Seconding the spreadsheet by 4shock, it's an amazing resource! PUSS has several Christmas projects by now:
  7. Hey there, sorry to hear you're feeling down shep. I wanna say a few things 'in defense' of you without taking away from the honest and I think good feedback you've gotten from people like @Major Arlene and @Meowgi. I also want to share some of my own thoughts. I have been watching your channel for... over a year now? In that time I've probably seen you play dozens of wads that were just released in RC1. Looking just through your VODs from the past month I see PUSS33, Doomworld Dating Simulator and Crate Expectations. I've seen you play a lot of new stuff: streams that probably have helped mappers in one way or another to make their stuff better, and I wanna thank you for that. Last year I wrote a critical message to you in a DM, and you wrote a comprehensive and kind message back to me and adjusted your behaviour on stream. Thank you again for that, buddy. Not everybody can take feedback like that and I respect it a lot. I've watched your channel a lot and I have never given you feedback on how I thought you could make your stream grow. This despite me hearing you talk about your stream and hearing your desire for growing as a channel often. The feelings you've expressed in this thread: I've heard those expressed quite a few times. Each time I thought the same thing: talking about channel growth in a negative way on your stream is not content I like. Yes, you have those feelings but expressing them like that is not the best look for your brand, I think. Showing things like confidence, joy, humility, having fun with the maps and chat: those are the kinds of things I am drawn to in streamers. You do all of those, but hearing the negative talk about how you are not getting the attention you would want is often in there as well and it doesn't feel nice to me. If you want: hit me up on discord and I'll have a voice conversation there with you or however you want. With you and me talking about this whole thing and me giving you direct (honest/ harsh?) feedback on how I think you could grow your channel. For whatever my experience as quite the casual streamer is worth. I hope you can find a better fit into the broader Doom community, without any negativity or entitlement and just the joy of the maps and the people. Take care dude.
  8. Map Name: Pineapple Polka or: how Spike Spiegel and Faye Valentine entered a Space Cowboy Grocery and purchased seventy-two Blue Pineapples. Author: Cowboytum Missamiz Format: MBF 21 Music: Fish Polka by Lee Jackson Build Time: 1:47 Hours Custom Enemies Used: Monsters 1, 3, 6 and 7. Horse Counter: One (two if you count the hidden one in the optional area) Textures Used: Loved the new BLMPKN and RSTYTRMBN textures so mainly used variants of that one. Town Name and State (nothing below the Mason-Dixon please): Horst-Sevenum, Limburg. Co-op Starts: Yes, with lots of cool fancy co-op only stuff! Difficulty Settings: Yes Comments: Joke's on you Blue, I made a real map! Really nice we get to finally experience the Cowboy Bebop universe: been wanting to make maps for that since before I actually started mapping! Screenshots: Download link
  9. Happy Easter! Update on the map: multiple attempts to finish this map didn't succeed. Somehow there seems to be more lag in the central area now, after I have tried to make it less intense. This has been demotivating. Coupled together with real life and other Doom projects intruding, I am actually not sure I will ever be able to release this map. I'm thinking about ways to publish the central area so that others might enjoy it. Haven't come up with a good way yet. Daisy says hi: https://imgur.com/gallery/6Stgy4O
  10. I am not sure how to respond. I have been to hundreds of museums in my life and have played hundreds of wads. This is the first time I thought: 'this room belongs in a museum'. Wow, just wow. The gameplay is not my thing but I already know that the graphics and presentation are perhaps the best thing I'll see in Doom this year. I especially enjoyed MAP01. Would love to see more tiny scale usage of this, and also even larger scale usage, funnily enough. Give me this kinda stuff in a Scythe 2 MAP16 environment, or in MAP03 of Toilet of the Gods.
  11. Lovely one hour set, thank you for sharing it! I had fun, and I only IDDQD'ed twice! MAP04 truly is of nice design. Looking forward to what you would do with such a room and 10 hours, instead of 20 minutes!
  12. Hellforge is starting Insanity Deathmatch right now. Server name: [BFG Spam Squad] Insanity Deathmatch in Lover's Quarrel. Join them on Zandronum if you want to. Also streamed live here. Tomorrow (Sunday) we have another general time in our PUSS servers, both on co-op and Deathmatch. See you then perhaps at 10 AM ET (16:00 Central European time, 15:00 UK time).
  13. Wishing everyone a great time tonight with the maps! Awesome you're playing the set again!
  14. Twofers is back baby, bigger and even more of a technological marvel than the last one was! Congrats everybody, amazing work!
  15. Hey there! I'm writing this post to share a technique I discovered in 2022. May it bring mapping joy to those that are interested! I was fiddling around with Mikoportals and realised the player can achieve stable 'flying', including the ability to change directions while in fly-mode, under certain conditions. This kind of flying can be done in vanilla, limit-removing, boom, mbf21 etc.. It might even be done in GZDoom, when using custom frictionless flats, but I haven't experimented with that. (shoutout to the good folks of NERF, that used frictionless flats to great effect in their map set for vanilla conveyors) Here's a video of an early experiment of mine incorporating 'flight'. (music by @Napsalm) Video with an elaborate example at the bottom of this post. So what is this? We know that when a player falls onto a floor with a height of -32768 units, the player's vertical position is instantly changed to that of the ceiling, while maintaining momentum (more info on Mikoportals over here and here). Because of Doomguy's lack of air control the player loses all ability to manoeuvre once they fall unto a sector with a -32768 floor. As you can see in this video: the 'falling' that occurs when you enter a Mikoportal appears to stop after a while, seemingly attaching the player to the ceiling ('flying') while maintaining momentum. This by itself can be an interesting effect, if limited. It's been used by many people to create 'vanilla conveyors'. The 'flying' effect persists when the ceiling height goes up, regardless of the floor height below. So a player can fly upwards if the mapper wants them to. Flying down is not possible: any ceiling lower than their current one will halt the player. Once the player is 'airborne' and has flown up a bit, the floor below the player can be higher or lower at will and the effect will still persist. This means you can make arenas with varying floor heights: not just a straight monotonous hallway. Note: during testing the flying effect sometimes stops when doing this too quickly after achieving flight. I recommend waiting a few seconds until stable flight has been achieved, before changing heights. Some visuals: Now the fun part: once the player has gone up a bit in terms of height, the floor can be raised upwards until the height of a sector is 56 units (Doomguy's height). Upon entering a sector with this height, the friction of the floor will slow down and halt the player. The player is able to turn, accelerate and all that jazz, as if walking. Think of it as you dangling from the ceiling by your helmet, and your feet being able to touch the ground and push you around. The flying effect persists and will kick in again as soon as the floor lowers again, even a tiny bit. This means the player only needs to set up the flying process once, and after that they can enjoy a whole map mixed between flight and normal running. Some more visuals: I made two serious maps in 2022 and 2023 that use this effect. One for Twofers in mbf21 (released today, that's why I'm posting this thread today. Have a look here: MAP17) and one for my own limit-removing Ultimate Doom project (to be released SoonTM, video below). I also experimented with various other ideas, such as a vanilla compatible pinball machine and other scenes. I am sure there will be some mappers that can do lots of cool creative things with this technique. Looking forward to what others cook up with this! Some interesting observations: -Blood 'falls' upwards upon a monster's death on a floor with -32768 height. -Projectiles 'fall' upwards when hitting a floor with -32768 height. A rocket exploding on the floor will have the exposion fall upwards as well. -Monster death sprites that fall (like a Cacodemon) will sometimes start bouncing like a voodoo doll and at times they even achieve 'stable flight'. -A walking monster (like an Imp) that starts on a floor with -32768 height and then walks upwards, will sometimes start flying themselves upon touching the ceiling. Including all of the initial bouncing. Have a look here for that. -Monsters can hit the player during flight, changing the player's direction. I think there is a wealth of effects to be explored there, with things like chaingunners or custom dehacked monsters hitting the player (with or without an Invincibility Sphere) and moving the player through a space. Perhaps custom mbf21 projectiles that just move and don't hurt the player? Invisible even? Having one custom dehacked gun that fires non-hurting projectiles behind the player, propelling them forward? You could have a whole map set like that, with ammo for your propulsion being in short supply. Jumpwad but Flywad. The fire extinguisher scene from the movie Gravity, who knows? (right now damage is tied to movement so this is limited, but still) Video of Napsalm experimenting with this (early rough version). -I haven't experimented with Wind Sectors in Boom yet, perhaps those work to move the player around? Some thoughts, ponderings: -Perhaps this has all been done before. Please let me know if any 'serious' maps have been made with this effect, that would be interesting. (If I really am the first, do I get to name it? I was thinking 'Mikoportals, Linguortals: Peccaportals'. Mikolah suggests 'Peccombat' and muumi proposes 'pecca-flight') -The only way to stop this effect once flying has set in, is teleporters, as far as I know. -Right now my setup is a quite long, straight hallway. This could probably be made quite a bit smaller. -Infinite vertical height still applies to monsters, so flying over the head of Imps is not possible. I assume some entrepid MBF21 people will probably be able to dehack Things to make this possible. Looking forward to maps with the player flying over the heads of monsters while fighting them :) -In these two maps I made, there are quite a few places where the player can softlock. They can get stuck against a wall when they launch and haven't aimed well, or get pushed by a monster. A way to 'fix' this is including a 56 unit high ring around any flying area. This can both be done in interior areas, or in areas with sky flats. Not the same but kinda like chosing to have inescapable deathpits or not, I guess. -Would be nice to see a map that has the player return to the same area a couple of times, where the ceiling changes height each time, giving way to a new experience in the same location. Finally here is a video of a map from my upcoming limit-removing cl3 Ultimate Doom map set. The secret map in that set is centered around this type of flight. [SPOILERS!] Big shoutout to @Mikolah, @Linguica and all the others that have discovered/explored these tricks. Doom mapping means standing on the shoulders of people, that stand on the shoulders of even more people. I'm grateful for all the creativity that is shared by the people of this community.
  16. I tried changing resolution in DSDA 26 and I kept having the same results. Screenshots: In DSDA 27.5 however I did not encounter this issue: I get the same results as you. Interesting but not a big deal I guess.
  17. Played through the set on HNTR continuous and had a good time! Some chill wondering and wandering about, basking in the music, the idiosyncratic architecture and the friendly gameplay. Really appreciated the ammo and health on that difficulty, seems very well balanced! Thank you for making and sharing the maps! No deaths in Episode 1. A handful of deaths in each map in Episode 2 (a bit more in MAP07 perhaps ;) ). I wonder why the berserk in MAP04 is a secret? MAP06 I thought the final library fight seemed perhaps a tad easy compared to the Baron/Rev/Tyrant fight a bit before, which might have been a bit much? The CWILs seems aligned a bit too high for my sourceport (DSDADoom v26)? They were obscured now by the word 'entering'.
  18. Thanks for all the hard work! Weird idea perhaps but hear me out: a way to make a custom weapon that propels the player forward (or in another direction which can be specified in the 'code') without the player taking damage. Using the Mikoportal flying combat I have used in several maps, the player would be able to change directions in midair in situations where they would normally not have air control. Attaching it to a weapon makes it a fun gimmick that can be explored with things like ammo scarcity, necessitating the player going through a platforming puzzle with precision/careful thought. I'm envisioning you could make an entire wad centered around jumps and Mikoportal flying that use a weapon like this. Jumpwad but different. The fire extinguisher scene from the movie Gravity, who knows? (I'm making a post in the Edit section of Doomworld tomorrow about this Mikoportal flying I keep talkin about. Here's a video that showcases an early test of mine of it)
  19. Yesterday had a respectable turn-out I heard, with between 5 and 10 people in co-op/deathmatch at the high points. Glad people had fun! Fun coincidence was that @Kaapeli47 and the crew played through the set on deathmatch yesterday as well, so there were quite some people playing all around. A video of that playthrough yesterday can be viewed over here. See you all this Wednesday, Saturday (when The Hellforge blazes through it) or Sunday!
  20. Yo Jimmy! Where the f^ck is my episode 3 already?!!! And I'm not just talking about Eviternity! Are Adventures of Square jokes funny again?
  21. First two servers are up! More servers might be added this weekend if demand is high. Happy hunting you lovey-doveys!
  22. Lover's Quarrel will be featured the coming week, at our first annual PUSS: Valentine's Day Co-op and Deathmatch! Hop into a multiplayer server and shoot some demons/ other Doomers!
  23. Feeling lonely this February? Perhaps you are single and ready to mingle? In a lovely affirming relationship with another Doomer? No matter what your status may be: the first annual PUSS: Valentine's Day co-op and deathmatch celebration extravaganza is here for you! Play side by side with your partner or strangers and blast your way through thousands of monsters in Co-op mode. Or go at it in Deathmatch and shoot your pal in the back! PUSS: Lover's Quarrel is the wad we play this year. Servers for both modes go up this weekend and stay up for over a week, letting you enjoy this event not just on the 14th but also on the weekends before and after! Because lots of us are busy and live in different time zones, servers might not always be populated. We have planned a few speed date sessions so you can hopefully meet up with others more succesfully! These are: Sunday the 11th at 2 PM ET (20:00 Central European time, 19:00 UK time). Wednesday the 14th at 4 PM ET (22:00 Central European time, 21:00 UK time). Sunday the 18th at 10 AM ET (16:00 Central European time, 15:00 UK time). You can of course plan your own date as well: the servers are open to all and can be joined at any time! Just look for PUSS: Valentine's Day. Get yourself the latest version of Zandronum and Doomseeker (link here to a guide, try setting it up before the day itself) and see you lovers in a few days! Happy Valentine to all!
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