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  1. Oday

    16 Rotations

    The way I see it, people are making rotations of other things such as the item rotations, new sprites rotations, and sprites improvements. This Doom's graphics enhancement is a, "Literal" thing which makes it more valuable than you might think. My own personal standards doesn't hide the fact that Its a shame for a 30 years old game with this huge community never having the attention for Its poor little sprites rotations. I do not care about presenting myself when I speak facts dear, @Mayomancer. As long as I'm very clear on what I type here on the forum, I'll be just fine with what you call, "condescending". By the way, I'm doing more of opening eyes for the 16 rotations vanilla sprites than prompting a project that doesn't exist. If someone wanted to start something, I'll try to support them. Other than that, what a shame :)
  2. Oday

    16 Rotations

    Yes, Its possible. As you can see, I've had so many communication attempts about this 16 rotations vanilla sprites in this topic and you're the closest I can ever get to. Therefore, could you tell me why did you think about the possibility of making new sprites with 16 rotations rather than just upgrading the original vanilla sprites? Which happened to take less time and they look as good as they are with their originality.
  3. Oday

    16 Rotations

    @printz, I wish that you can see the struggle that I'm having here in this topic where I keep bringing this 16 rotations craze but every single time it gets lost somewhere. I know exactly how you feel about JDoom and its impossible for someone to make accurate 3D models off of heavily modified 2D sprites with limited color palettes. Yes, you're right. Only with the real toy/clay miniatures they can base their 3D models, but this is not the case. 30 years without 16 rotations upgrade to the vanilla sprites is the case here. All we need is a pixel artist, I do fiddle with this stuff but I don't really call myself one.
  4. Oday

    16 Rotations

    Proof of concept? The internet has dozens and you've already seen SmoothDoom, you know what I'm talking about. Especially on an actual cartoonic pixel art's sprite with a limited color palette rather than a semi-realistic coloring like the, "Doom 3's" 16 rotations sprites based on a their actual 3D models. There's this Lost Soul with almost 12 rotations that I haven't finished yet, but this is not the case. I'm still emphasizing on the fact that the game is almost 30 years old without those 16 rotations sprites.
  5. Oday

    16 Rotations

    A tease wouldn't really hurt when I'm saying embarrassing or a shame for a 30 years old game not having Its sprites upgraded to 16 rotations from 8 rotations. Regarding the second rephrase, the first two replies were clearly about the way I typed this topic so I made it. Please do point out where the, "translation error" or even the "soft trolling" part on it that made this topic not understandable or knowledgeable. I'm taking my time on this until people start talking 16 rotations sprites instead of this.
  6. Oday

    16 Rotations

    Thank you major but I'm completely sane and doing fine. 30 years without a vanilla upgrade is where I'm losing it.
  7. Oday

    16 Rotations

    Maybe. It is cool and even cooler to look at. I've had seen people make and edit so many things in doom's graphics, Its crazy how it didn't come across anyone all of these years. Although, I did see posts about item rotations and they were also 8 rotations. Thank you, Almost done with a Lost Soul's sprite but I'm not going for this alone.
  8. Oday

    16 Rotations

    Mr. Dark Pulse I do understand that the 16 rotations are not implemented in the vanilla doom. ZDoom is pretty much known to a lot of people trying to play or check on the vanilla doom, but the topic is clear on what I'm pointing out here. Seriously, all of these years and there's no 16 rotations for the original doom sprites? I would definitely give it a try to redraw them. For when you were telling otherwise ask nicely? Did I offend you or was this topic kind of rude to you? Regards, Oday
  9. Oday

    16 Rotations

    Don't worry about me making sprites and "prgramming" decorates. I have my fair share somewhere. Doom 2 only has a few more sprites than Doom 1. Why would it "probably" take years to do that? Do you even see the gigantic communities playing and editing doom? *ehm* almost 30 years and still no 16 rotations for the original doom sprites.
  10. Oday

    16 Rotations

    You know I'm not giving any advice here. More like, look at this almost 30 years old game without 16 rotations update to its original sprites that has all of these nice people including yourself and the community. What's with the typing issue in this thread? Do you have problems reading simple lines that sound like questions? Or is it the layout?
  11. Oday

    16 Rotations

    lol nothing is wrong here xd
  12. Oday

    16 Rotations

    Hey my bro doomplayers, How's the winter going for you? Hope everyone's cozy. Could you please show me where can I find 16 Rotations for all the sprites. By all, I mean all of the original, "Doom" & "Doom2" sprites. If not, why on mars a game this popular never had the chance to get all of its sprites updated to 16 rotations. I would like to see if my nice, "DoomWorld" community can make this happen for the tribute to the, "DOOM" we know, for the people who .WAD too much, and for the sake of avoiding the embarrassment that the game is about to hit 30 years without a few rotations to its sprites. I do know the pain and agony of pixel art rotations but there has to be something to the past 20 years, right? What a shame :) Regards, Odai
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