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Everything posted by Oday

  1. I wonder if there are any other ways to get out of the main Doom SnapMap's objects and logic. I've had seen a few people's SnapMaps with many different things that don't seem to be straight from what's already given in SnapMap. Like an object with a customized rotation while it doesn't have an option to change its rotation. Models that I've never seen before. Unused campaign sounds. And so many more. An example of what I'm talking about, MAP ID: CY3FS56V
  2. Map Overview: Overtime E1M1 Map ID: YFLWP9VH Previously : None, unless you wanted to call the stuff of nightmares, "Maps". Next : Searching Dimensions E1M2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update v4.0 - 9/13/2021 + Added another, "EMG Mark V" for those who missed it before the first lockdown. + Added, "Jack Crowfield's" transmission, sub objective, and POI. + Added decals to indicate where, "Hatch 405" is located. + Added a barrel explosion to the, "THING-MACHINE" that power's the door before the portal. + Added several sounds to the staring elevator's semi-scene. + Added a decal under the, "Blue Keycard". - Removed the second zone's, "Gameplay 1 Props". - Removed the large HP bar for the, "Regeneration Challenge". % Changed a POI's show input delay in the first encounter. % Changed the, "Quad Damage Challenge's" text message from, "Complete the game with all the hostiles dead" to, "Kill all enemies before you finish the game". % Changed the, "Blue Keycard" and Its directional blue light position because of a directional lighting rendering bug where the light shines through surfaces. % Changed most of the Imps HP to 120% and damage to 125%. % Changed a possessed scientist position where it used to be stuck in a wall and burning in flames. % Reduced the delay input for the music ending in the first lockdown. % Changed possessed scientist's volume trigger to show it behind the walls. % Changed the, "Regeneration Challenge" text from, "Complete the game without dying" to, "Finish the game without dying." % Changed most possessed scientists HP to 120% and damage to 120%. % Changed the size of the hit box of the, "THING-MACHINE". % Changed where the smoke is supposed to be in the last lockdown encounter. # Fixed player's spawn points where in some cases it used to take players back or ahead in the map's progression. # Fixed, "Haste Challenge" bug where the player fail before the timer ends. # Fixed a sub-objective called, "Reach Mike's Location" POI that disappears before taking his, "Digital Print". There are many more edits but I couldn't follow up with everything. It'll be better next time and I'm looking forward to making E1M2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update v5.0 - 9/17/2021 + Added, "Next Map Settings" object to, "Searching Dimensions E1M2". + Added a world text, "MIXOM" to a, "Mixom Switch Interactive". + Added a world text, "Manual lock to a, "Mixom Switch Interactive". + Added an interactive screen that shows this topic's post on, "DOOMWORLD.COM" + Added a sub-objective. + Added a large fire FX. + Added an extra cutscene introducing the possessed worker. + Added a Monitor Offline 3 Thin GUI. + Added a Monitor Offline 1 GUI. - Removed a blood decal off of a screen. - Removed a message from module 2 that states, "CHECKPOINT!" - Removed POI's from any explosive barrels in the map. % Changed the 1st encountered Imp A.I. path to an A.I. combat point. % Changed how the 1st encounter scene's camera shows the player if on view. % Changed a door's lock message from, "Access Denied" to, "Emergency Locked". % Reduced the amount of ammo given when picking up cells from 15 to 12. % Changed a door's color to, "{155, 155, 155}". % Replaced a large health with an armor shield in a secret area. % Changed the starting elevator semi-scene environment from, "Dark" to, "Green". % Changed an, "EVA Cap" to a, "Lockers Cap" in one of the modules. % Adjusted the position, rotation, and combat radius of the 1st Imp encounter. % Replaced the lobbies misspelled, "Challenges" word to a properly spelled, "Challenges" word. % Changed a spot light style from, "Default" to, "Dirty Bulb Flicker". % Replaced a plasma barrel with an explosive barrel. % Replaced a radiation barrel with an explosive barrel. # Fixed a bug where a lost possessed scientist is not supposed to be in a certain area. # Fixed a stuck POI when the 1st encounter starts. # Fixed a spelling mistake with the, "Haste Challenge" message. # Fixed a spelling mistake with the, "Quad Damage Challenge" message. # Fixed a spelling mistake with the, "Regeneration Challenge" message. I'm not sure when exactly the servers are going to confirm the map's update, but I did that almost 10minutes ago. Again, excuse any forgotten edits that I've might have missed in this forum's post edit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update v5.5 - 9/20/2021 + Added an extra carving sound in the first lockdown module. + Added a dynamic music transition in the last lockdown. + Added, "Floor Mats" to all the, "Mixom Switch Interactables". + Added back an, "Offline Monitor 1" GUI to a, "Mixom Switch Interactable" as intended in the initial versions of the map. + Added idle animations to, "Echoes" after the second lockdown's finish. + Added mummy corpses to the prefabricated containers in the lab. + Added blocking boxes to the ledges in the final lockdown for climbing. + Added sounds to doors that require keys. + Added sounds to all, "Mixom Switch Interactables". + Added Six, "Large Smoke" FX with an orange color in an entrance to mimic the dust storm environment and help with a smoother transition between modules. - Removed a shield's bob and rotate animation. - Removed any mummified corpses from the pedestals in the last lockdown. - Removed Six, "Large Smoke" FX from a door entrance. % Changed two doors to not require a keycard and their colors to, "{155, 155, 155}". % Increased the volume modifier of a 3D Speaker, "Facility: Power Up" to 5. % Changed the icon of the POI that leads to the portal ending. % Set all the music playing in the last lockdown to industrial 2. % Changed the environment of the, "THING-MACHINE'S" module from, "Duststorm" to, "Dark". % Changed the environmental system's module environment from, "Dark" to, "Night". % Repositioned, "Touch Screen 02" to fit clean in a computer disk's screen prop. % Replaced what triggers the possessed scientist's show from picking up the, "Blue Keycard" to using the, "Elite Guard" interactable. % Changed the facilities voice speaker's sound message from, "Systems Online" to, "Environment Stabilized". % Increased the input delay of the demonic communication transmission. % Changed the team of the player to yellow with the U.A.C logo icon as originally intended in the initial versions of the map. % Changed the position of the second, "EMG Mark V" to be placed on the first lockdown area. % Repositioned the security technician's corpse with his mess back to his place where he's meant to be in the initial versions of the map honoring my doom veteran's father view of the map. % Decreased the spawn encounter's input delay in the fourth lockdown. % Raised a life above the surface because Its animation keeps bobbing it in and out of the supposedly ground/floor. % Changed the first encounter's first camera's environment. % Changed how many doors unlock when the environmental systems are, "Stabilized(now)". % Changed who's digital print opens the door and power reset the, "Mixom Switch Interactable" to straighten the player's progression through the map. # Fixed an issue where this topic's post on, "DOOMWORLD.COM" message didn't fully show. # Fixed a spelling error where a, "Red Keycard's" message states, "Labs" as plural to a singular, "Lab". A couple of updates are missing because I forgot what they were exactly and I'm not sure about the server's timing to update my map. Not to mention that I'm still working on the persistent integers and the challenges rewards in the map's ending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update v5.6 - 9/20/2021 - Removed a, "Floor Pad" from the environmental systems area. - Removed two, "Medium Sparks" from two doors. % Changed two mistakenly changed module's environments back to, "Dark" as intended. % Increased the input delay of setting the, "Echoes' animations. % Repositioned an, "Offline Monitor" in one of the doors. % Changed the trigger of an, "Offline Monitor" to be shown from start and removed when environment is stabilized. % Changed the trigger of an, "Offline Monitor" to be shown in the first enemy encounter and deleted when environment is stabilized. % Changed all the input delays of doors that can be opened by a, "Mixom Switch Interactable" to 0.5. % Repositioned all the demon lockdown GUIs to be snapped to grid closer to their doors. % Changed a, "Touch Screen 02" interactive middle text (active) to, "LOADING.." from, ". . .". Excuse this quick update but it had to be done. Something was not right when I tested the map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update v5.7 - 9/21/2021 + Added a spot light to the, "Grenades". + Added a forgotten, "VEGA Speaker" line that says, "Incoming message". - Removed a dozen of props in the environmental systems area. % Changed the player's default speed to 80%. % Changed the player's equipment cooldown to 35%. % Changed the player's ledge grab speed to 50%. % Replaced the lives, secrets, haste challenge, quad challenge, and regeneration challenge integers with persistent integers. # Fixed a lot of issues with the challenges. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update v6.0 - 9/22/2021 + Added a fade in and out for the, "DOOMWORLD.COM" message. + Added, "Demon Lockdown" GUIs to all the computer interactable screens and disabling them in the system hub area when the spawn start. The same goes when the spawn is finished, all, "Demon Lockdown" GUIs are deleted and the computer interactables are enabled back again. Except for the, "Mixom Switch Interactables". For that, the disabled mixom switch interactable in the first encounter will have its demon lockdown GUI deleted and replaced with a door's lockdown and a, "Demon Lockdown" GUI. + Added a forgotten, "Mixom Switch Interactable's" sound. + Added a sound to a door opened by a, "Mixom Switch Interactable". + Added at least 3 minutes more for the haste challenge. + Added at least 17 more demons in the map. % Changed the second lockdown's, "Custom Group Encounter's" health modifier to 120% and the damage modifier to 125%. % Copied a single good looking, "Mixom Switch Interactable" with its two well positioned world text as a single prefabrication to replace and paste it on all the other, "Mixom Switch Interactables" that didn't look as pleasing. % Adjusted the cameras positions and rotations in the possessed worker's scene. Noticing that the cameras environments don't match the module's. they were all set to hazy. % Changed the regeneration challenge icon to a health cross % Raised another life above the surface so its animation doesn't bob it in and out. There are many more smaller changes that I didn't mention because I forgot about them. Nevertheless, the map is now almost well-saturated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update v6.1 - 9/25/2021 + Added two interactables in the elevator's module. + Added four GUIs in the elevator's module. + Added at least ten different decals. + Added at a dozen of pickups. + Added at least 4 different roomtones. + Added two extra sounds to the elevator's semi-scene. + Added sounds to objectives set or completed. + Added a GUI in the lab. + Added a message to show when using the elevator's interactables. + Added three gore pile props. + Added a directional light in the lab. + Added a fade in and out when receiving transmissions. + Added at least 24 more demons. + Added a death sound. - Removed at least 8 identical audio objects and connected their logic to only one. - Removed two mistakenly forgotten world text. - Removed a ledge. - Removed a blocking box. - Removed a dozen of demons. % Changed all transmission VEGA announcements to play at the same time the transmissions start to show. % Disabled the Thing-Machine hit box until the door malfunctions by a box trigger. % Adjusted the timing of VEGA announcer when stating lives on death. % Changed the last death's double demonic speakers to only one. % Adjusted two models in the elevator's module. % Adjusted a dozen of decals. % Repositioned a shield. % Repositioned the second, "Player's Start" object. % Repositioned a possessed scientist. Many other small things are not mentioned. Nevertheless, I'm never going to publish a map like this unless I was updating it for a whole month before publishing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update v6.2 - 10/3/2021 + Added a persistent integer for equipment. + Added a persistent integer for equipment's cooldown. + Added a persistent integer for weapons. + Added a, "VEGA Speaker" for picking up equipment. + Added a, "VEGA Speaker" when a challenge starts. - Removed at least two useless logic objects % Repositioned a,"Mixom Switch Interactable" because some of its model was inside the wall. % Changed the, "Security checkpoint" module's environment to, "Dust Storm". % Changed the , "Pits of Gehenna" module's environment to, "Dust Storm". % Repositioned three, "Large Smoke" FX. % Changed the default equipment cooldown 300/400%. % Changed the text shown when picking up equipment. % Changed the next map description override text. # Fixed a weird issue where a module keeps turning its environment to night even after I changed it in a previous update (v5.6). This is a small quick update and the publish took too long to upload it. Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to the listed references below: Doom DX231 Snapwiki DoomWorld
  3. Just some looks of what the unofficial, "Doom OPUS" would look like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDNYDk3NDmk (Old Youtube Account.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !!! IMPORTANT: This .WAD is not for sale nor marketing, It is only made for playing. If the .WAD is breaking the copyright laws and I was noted for them, the whole content will be deleted. IMPORTANT !!! Unofficial, "Doom OPUS" #WIPZ - YouTube 9/23/2021 (EDIT): After December 11, 2020 I went through weird times with life just like everyone does from time to time and from a place to another. Without the scenario like details, I was also doing bachelors. For all of that, I lost this small project's .WAD, resources, and references. Today, I was digging through my flash drives to try and find anything about it but I didn't with no luck. Other than a folder with the name, "Doom OPUS". Fortunately, there was this small folder with the name projects that I've always had lying around in my PC and I did find the .WAD in there. The only hassle that I'm going to get, is trying to retrieve the scripts, textures, resources, and references that were not included in the .WAD. Still and all, this is another start. I've uploaded another small look around the map to show the approached design of the .WAD. Not to forget, the reason why Its called, "Doom" is that because everything in it is based and inspired by, "Doom". My intentions are not to add anything that is not, "Doom" from outside the original game's content whatever sequel or prequal It was. Just to make everything flat and clean, all of what is shown in the Youtube's links videos is made with literal mood and enjoyment setting aside the heavy burden of time. !!! IMPORTANT: This .WAD is not for sale nor marketing, It is only made for playing. If the .WAD is breaking the copyright laws and I was noted for them, the whole content will be deleted. IMPORTANT !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. I don't mean to be rude, but LSD .WAD test positive.
  5. Making too many small dummy sectors close to each other just to get confused between them and their target lines. Its more of a freak out rather than fear though. *fast heart-beat* *eyes scanning fast* resorted to TID in the end.
  6. In general, you need to have an idea about what you're making whither it was an artistic view of a whole .WAD design with the smallest details of every sector or a plain .WAD where, "This Takes Place In Hell.. Boom!". The generic computational and A.I. products takes this small human satisfaction to turn it into, "I don't feel like I made a .WAD or even anything". To be honest, I would play an artists made .WAD, and I would play a simple plain .WAD made by someone. Still, I would never play a generic computational A.I. .WAD for the sake of 01000100 01001111 01001111 01001101 if you know what I mean of course.
  7. You can always stick to the pixilated style and edit the game to vanilla with the new builders and editors.
  8. Hurt me plenty and ultra-violence. I only do nightmare for achievements or challenges.
  9. As a new user myself, I think if you see H-Doom anywhere then its fine in that case.
  10. I'm from Saudi Arabia, from the Arabian Peninsula. A conservative country where sand exist in every region and city. Our Camels are not hostile, but they tend to fight back by biting with their big mouths and throwing people in the air if they were harmed in anyway. "Petroleum Oil" is like a keyword to the country in cyberspace. Good and bad people exist everywhere, you just need to know where to look. Tourism is not big and loud as some of the other countries. I can keep typing a whole 10 papers according to my living experience, but I think this should cover the reply of this nice thread. [DOOMWORLD INTERNATIONAL].
  11. I got used to the 160actions and sector tags, I can't even put my eye sight on the 3d floor mode. Sad.
  12. Would Doom 3 campaign fit to be played in the classic doom, doom2, or GZDoom? Comments appreciated.
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