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About Muusi

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  1. Might as well complain about this in this thread too. If you do controller support in your source port, do not half-ass it like GZDoom does, support rumble too. Be like Eternity Engine and do it all the way.
  2. Controller rumble, something GZDoom still doesn't support and probably never will, while the big badass Eternity Engine and DOOM Retro do it like nobody's business.
  3. Hi, Muusi. I just wanted to ask which is the latest & final build/release of your Vanilla Brightmaps wad? Is the one with 32-in-25-15 tex support the final one meaning does it also include support for Doom 1 & 2 textures alongside Monsters? Or should I use the SoftFx_v2_cleaned? Just a bit confused. Thanks. :)

  4. Too bad this doesn't work on the Unity version on PS4. My system can be jailbroken and I've looked through the files but nothing :(
  5. You're free to do whatever you want with this WAD :) This mod simply makes some of the colors fullbright, which of course means I had to modify some textures to remove fullbright pixels where they obviously shouldn't be. Most forward facing monster sprites are also edited. I haven't done anything with the pallette. Vanilla and 32in24 use slightly different colors and still the effect works when I simply pasted the edited colormap to this project from my previous Vanilla version.
  6. Yes the target should be vanilla in my opinion. Maybe a separate executable or something integrated into the source port that sniffs around the game tracking values or whatnot.
  7. I don't see how Hardcore encourages looking down on regular players, that's why there are 2 separate sets of achievements. I love the way Hardcore makes you play the game like you had to play it 30 years ago, without save states. Me enjoying the frustration doesn't mean I also look down on other players. When it comes to supported regions in RA, some games work different in different regions (more work for the developer) and by default most PAL games run in 50hz, making so that they literally run slower than an NTSC copy, making them not very enjoyable to play and potentially making it unfairly easier to get competitive high scores in RA. Thus I can see how for many developers it isn't worth it to support PAL releases, not many people play those, same with japanese releases, they're not very popular. With Doom of course it would obviously be an option to toggle on or off. Achievements + saving i guess would be a problem in a way so I guess there should also be a normal and a separate Hardcore set of achievements, the other not tampering with saving at all and the other maybe only allowing saving only at certain points or maybe not at all. Doing it like this should avoid the "is saving bad?" discussion, you could play both ways.
  8. Recently I've been collecting loads of RetroAchievements on my Raspberry Pi + CRT combo. Achievements in retro games push me to play retro games without save states and cheats, as they were intended and in some cases make me play familiar games in ways I haven't before, which is brilliant. Many emulators have support for the site Retroachievements where you can track your progress on a game much like with PSN Trophies for example. What I'd love to see is this kind of system for PC Doom (PS1 Doom has a retroachievements set which is lovely). Something you toggle on and it disables cheats and what have you. I know GZDoom has a mod that does something like achievements I guess but only on your local machine, what I'd love to see is something online, with community created sets of achievements, so you could brag about how badass you are. Anyone else interested in anything like this? Of course I have no idea if something like this could even be achieved but I'd certainly love to see it. PS. If you're on RA, please drop a set request for Team GEC's Doom Master Edition which is listed of the site😎
  9. I uploaded a new version after manually checking every single file. Thanks again :)
  10. Thanks for letting me know! Right now I can't recall leaving in anything unmodified but I'll look into this, any hints on what I missed?
  11. I love your enthusiasm for this weird version of PSX Doom. Can't wait to see more updates from you :)
  12. I'm close to beating the second level now and I'm seriously considering changing the difficulty from UV to HMP,the fights are kicking my ass like it's going out of style. I'm also completely in love with the atmospheric soundtrack! Any other mapsets with this style of music? Liking what I'm seeing so far, the lighting is very pretty in those dark caverns. Also paired this wad with my PSXFXDEH.wad for the full fat PlayStation Doom experience, goes very nicely with the ambience ;)
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