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About Sunnyfruit

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  1. The Intranet in the store I used to work as a side job used Internet Explorer 6 to work properly. I got into trouble for messing with the shortcuts by linking them to the Chrome .exe. I swear they didn't realize it until the moment the Intranet started to behave weirdly for some reason.
  2. The worst change ever is still the Google logo change. Minimalism is always appreciated when it retains a flavour of sobriety and elegance, but corporate minimalism seems to have much more to do with a work of control through infantilization.
  3. Pain Elemental are an interesting concept. Don't blame innovative concepts, blame bad level designers.
  4. Terrible news. He was one of the greats and had his own style. He will leave a huge void.
  5. He LIBERATES the mortally challenged. It's time to make Hell a democracy once again. Look at this 1955 photograph of two imps in bikini, before 3rd Lazarus Wave took over Hell's colleges.
  6. It doesn't, as in the end, a game journalist is just someone with an opinion. The videogame community loves game journalists that parrot them, before hating them the next day for not parroting them. Thou shalt not distrust the Hive Mind.
  7. True, I only seriously got into programming with a backend job at the end around two years ago, and I have yet to find the hell non-PHP developers warned me about haha. Java is doing great for me, but as I only make up small programs for fun, I always had that doubt in the back of my head. But there's also GML.
  8. So, for information, I use PHP at work, but during my free time, I love to quibble in Java, as it is the first programming language I learned. But in the back of my head, I feel like I'm going to experiment with C++ instead. My main concern about Java is mainly the good old "Java is slow" problem, the sigh people usually let out when they learn this or that utility program is made using this language, and I would like to feel like learning/owning more options in the way I code (also learning not to rely on a garbage collector). C++ being presented as the big toolbox you're free to use the way you want, it presents itself in a very attractive way for me. I feel like Java is getting more and more left behind as I look on Google and fall back on 2013 answers or barebones discussions. People used to present C# as Java's replacement since some years, but even that seems to be a long time ago. Python and JavaScript seem for some years now to be the big shiny new utility/interactivity languages with lively communities. So, I don't want to make this the "is Java dead?" thread, so what's the forum's opinions about where the languages go? PHP Java C Python, JS, etc. Five years ago, I would recommend Java to a beginner (come on, "public static void main string args" is nothing), but now, I'd rather propose Python, although I'm not a big fan of the indentation/lack of semicolons and very high-level simplicity of it.
  9. Yes, it's the case and it's very jarring. You can even paralyze the whole circulation if you park your car in the middle of the road. They likely won't patch it because even the simplest AI is a complex thing and correcting one bug will certainly provoke a thousand others, especially if the game is being patched in other fields in the same time. I am hoping in a expansion oven rather than expecting something from the microwave patches, if you get what I mean. You should wait then, I think the devs still have dear ideas they still want to implement and given how consistent the W3 expansions were, I am sure there will be something worthwhile in a full-package game. Of course, with the intermittent lockdowns, this will certainly take a lot a time.
  10. I think both are linked. As it is a secondary feature, it was probably kept aside until the end of development and suddenly CDPR realized that even the simplest feature was a time-consuming, grueling mechanic to add in a complex system. I do not know if it is youth or hubris of making the Witcher but the constant downgrade in promises along the years made CP77 the definition of insider overshooting. Still an ambitious and respectable game.
  11. I'll mind my tone, it's true that if I want CP77 discussion to be focused on the game itself, I'd rather talk about the game. There will be a bit of GTA as GTA is the reference for the whole living city theme, but it's not the focus. GTA's fun core is mainly centered into the whole law-breaking and reputation-climbing cycle, with driving as a focus and combat as an afterthought. Cyberpunk is the opposite. The focus is on the tech tree and gunfight, and the whole Max-Tac cutscene at the very beginning of the game was to clue the player that the star-chasing game wasn't intended for CP. Also, the city is full of landmarks which are meant to be explored at foot in order to appreciate the ambiance. The story-driven missions with a margin in the way you conclude them is way more reminiscent of Vampire the Mascarade Bloodlines.
  12. It depends on people. I bought it day one and although I had some bugs, the early patches fixed everything for me. Quick load times, very few bugs, and nothing game breaking. Now there are things which will likely won't get patched like the mediocre AI and the barebones content for some of the highlights of the game. The game gameplay-wise has nothing to do with GTA, it's a Deus Ex 1/VtMB mashup that is obvious but went unnoticed because people don't know the most basic things about what they talk about. In the end, it really is about what you want to get in a videogame. CP77 has an interesting, breath-taking universe which is superficially implemented. It also, for some reason, annoys some people because (just like according to my own life experience) the poor in this game want to escape misery no matter what instead of joining the closest socialist party. Do you want a game focused on story with a unique ambiance and characters? Then go get it on PC. Do you want a sandbox game where story is conveyed through gameplay first? Then I don't think you will like it. Are both equally important to you? I would recommend you, if you're not curious, to at least wait for the first expansion pack to see if they will change some of the structural matters of the game. If we get an expansion that corrects the AI bugs and revamps the lackluster features, the very same people who bash the game right now will praise the story, and either deny they were haters or, more realistically, will reuse the ready-to-use, fast-food meme "redemption arc" and will explain that their stalking of dev twitters and tries to make the company bankrupt are the founding blocks of what made the game perfect. This will be Season 3. As for me? I was absolutely indifferent to the marketing campaign which felt like synthwave Saint's Rows. I got the game, I had some insights about how a story centered into a yuppie/zaibatsu/retrofuturistic city could work, and I had the Heist mission. The artbook and its fluff are awesome. The game influenced my own personal work and helped me to make it mature a bit. I don't get as much insight from the youtube bug memes.
  13. Being blessed with the Romero brain, it would rather die than lowering itself to move without using rocket jumps.
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