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About tealdude

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  1. Here's my submission. I don't know how to use dehacked, so custom music & a custom automap was the best that I could do. gettin_hot.zip
  2. I don't see the problem with forcing pistol start. I should try pistol start more often.
  3. Having to fight pain elementals / lost souls without a chaingun or super shotgun.
  4. Excellent map, especially for a beginners one made in Slade. I made a video on my blind casual playthrough of it.
  5. Very good map! I love the marble with heavy bordering with brown metal, and the texture alignment to turn SUPPORT3 into a brown metal border is very nice looking.
  6. Super shotgun & shotgunner, seeing crowds of zombies go down at the hands of the boomstick is really satisfying.
  7. You know how Heretic has new enemies, monsters, textures, new a bunch of stuff? It's still on the doom engine, but it's not just Doom. Freedoom is kinda like Heretic except it's on a midpoint between "different game" where Heretic lies and "100% Doom".
  8. Doosk has something similar. It's a faithful port of DUSK to Doom. The hunting rifle in the mod shoots out 2 bullets. If the first bullet deals enough damage to instantly kill the enemy, the second bullet pierces through. Test out that mod & see if it helps you.
  9. Easy to create a map, the editors are certainly awesome. Hard to master though... Everyone's first map is awful, and mine's proportions had a complete disregard for movement. I recommend you start out making small maps and don't be afraid to publish your first map; feedback is a doom mapper's dream. EDIT: If you do decide to get into making maps for Doom, there's 4 main options for map formats. Doom 2 format is vanilla, has restrictions on map size and it's how ID made their maps. Boom - Doom 2 format has a little bit more features & removes some vanilla limits. Hexen format has more features than Doom 2 format but is a weirder format and generally less used. UDMF has the most features. You can do some crazy stuff if you use UDMF to it's fullest.
  10. Revenants. They always get me, so as soon as I see one I blast it with the strongest weapon I have on hand.
  11. Not sure I like how the regen packs look like medkits too much, but I'll definitely be using the regen sphere.
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