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About The BMFG

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    Duke Nukem Forever defender
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  1. Working on a planned 3 map mapset inspired by Cobra (You should absolutely watch that movie btw, its good)
  2. I hope you know that when you commented on this I got a big fat windows notification on my monitor with the title of this thread and your pfp.
  3. 15 Maps in, amazing mapset! Ive been having lots of fun with this.
  4. Keep going lil buddy, you'll get her eventually.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The BMFG

      The BMFG

      Evil Returns, 32 map megawad.


    3. DoomGuy999


      Thanks, but what level?


      Sorry for seeming pushy I just wanna check it out.

    4. The BMFG

      The BMFG

      I don't remember.

  5. Me and my friends like to start doom servers and play COOP mods with each other a lot, my favorite mods to play with them are Real Guns Advanced 2 Refined and Insanity Survival. What are your favorite mods to play multiplayer in?
  6. I read every post you make in Arnolds voice.

    1. bofu


      It's not a tumor!

  7. Its probably monsters that don't feel like crossing the teleport linedefs I have setup for the teleporter traps, I wish you could force enemies to go through teleporters in limit removing like how you can do with conveyer belts in boom but I don't think that's possible sadly
  8. Thanks for feedback! also you were REALLY close to finding that last secret, you should try humping more walls in the room where you get the blue key ;)
  9. What video games do you guys think has the best sound design? Personally I'd choose Left 4 Dead 2, Modern Warfare 2 (The original one) & Mortal Kombat 9.
  10. Added some of the suggested changes, map link is updated.
  11. I accidentally put this in the wrong part of the forum (Whoops). Hopefully a mod can move this thread to the correct place, sorry. EDIT : It was fixed.
  12. Ive released a brand new map! been while since I have done that. Its got new textures, a pretty color palette from @AshtralFiend and full CO-OP support for playing with your buddies including CO-OP exclusive enemies Compatibility : Limit removing. Tested source ports : Prboom+, Crispy DOOM, GZDOOM, K8VAVOOM. Screenshots : Download link : https://www.mediafire.com/file/nxknh92w7harz73/bloodfort.wad/file Hope you enjoy!
  13. Still have been working hard on that one WAD I posted some screenshots of here.
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