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About jghfugg29833

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  1. Starten2 is pretty decent if you use it sparingly.
  2. The revenant and the cacodemon.
  3. I think they look more like mazes that happen to be wide, the limitations of the original 1993 engine would only allow you so much and i think that is reflected on the level itself, because if you need arrows pointing where the player needs to go then there is something wrong going on.
  4. charge head first into a cyberdemon and getting a rocket stuffed in my mouth instead of just circlestrafing. firing a rocket point blank at a lost soul.
  5. i like dark grey because it reminds me of the color of my quake guy
  6. unga bunga, me use arrow keys, me like it.(not really)
  7. Cyberdemons mostly because they can just kill you in one hit.
  8. I have a screenshot in case you don't get what i mean, i'm really new to mapping and i'm trying to get the gist of it, any help is appreciated.
  9. I don't mind it much tbh, but the extreme over use of rip and tear kind of makes me distance myself from the newer games, and it's pretty annoying just seeing people repeat the same phrase over and over again.
  10. I have decided to stop lurking in this thread and actually contribute to it, this map was designed on what i call the "000 system" 0 skill 0 ability 0 inspiration anyways, here it is it is comprised of two maps the first one contains a fiery surprise and the second is just changunners, both are very short bad and underwhelming.rar
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