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About Baronvonchateau

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  1. Eventually decided to skip map 19. Whether it was on crowd-shaping, or sequencing the activations [spoilers](for the second encounter, should I've kept the revenant alive to mess with the viles?[/spoilers], I simply didn't have the skills. I'll probably come back to this level later, because obviously it was designed to make us suffer in clever ways. Map 20 is pretty amazing so far, but I've found a place when I get stuck (img - stuck after climbing then falling from the small elevator) Nothing much, actually - but I thought it'd be useful to point it out. Again, using supercharge is really cool. The Diabolists, Tormented Souls and Diet-Cyberdemon really adds a lot of tactically interesting situations.
  2. Yup, I only read about lowering the FX count afterwards. Somehow I pulled through even with 1 frame/second. (Didn't last more than a few seconds) Finished map 18, which was so deviously designed it awoke my Sunlust PTSD. (I'm by no stretch of the term a good player, and too damn stubborn to stop playing on UV.) I already died 15 times on map 19's first encounter. (And no, I will not whine. \o/ ) Seriously, the amount of work you guys put into this mapset is incredible.
  3. Okay, just signed up to say that this mapset is amazing. Good choice on Supercharge! and really nice touch of putting maps which empasize the scattergun. Just finished MAP 17 (Arcane Technologies?) It was HELL, but in a good way. Last fight got laggy for 5 secs, but I really enjoyed myself doing it. Thank you guys for your incredible work! \o/
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