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About PBeGood

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  1. Category: 1 Death: Map02 Kills: 21/102 Where's the health? And progression? pbe_dt3.lmp.zip
  2. Category 1 Survived in 2:14:20 Difficulty UV pbe_post.lmp.zip Progression was so bad in this wad (the second map is the biggest offender). But Im happy with the survival.
  3. Category 1 Difficulty UV Death: Map 02 pbe_kmega.lmp.zip I was gonna get the barons to infight with the cyber, but got stuck :(
  4. Suspended in Dusk Category 1 Died: Map 02 pbe_sid.lmp.zip Bauhaus Category 1 Died: Map 03 pbe_bauhaus.lmp.zip
  5. Its not about having enough stuff for a new spec. We should strive for a spec that will last for a lot of years. mbf21 was 3 years ago and we are already looking at a new spec. It goes to show that while it mbf21 allows some awesome stuff it is just a transition phase for the future of doom mapping If after mbf24, we get mbf27 mbf30 etc, we'll just cause a nightmare to port/editor developers, mappers and players All this is to say, dont just create a new superset of mbf if you are going to have to make a new one each 3 years Go for a more ambitious complevel that covers much more ground and will stand the test of time
  6. Category: 1 Death: Map 02 / 35 Kills Melted by chaingunner that I still cant see pbe_deusvult2.lmp.zip
  7. Category: 1 Difficulty: UV Death: Map 02 / 77 Kills (played with longtics) pbe_slith.lmp.zip
  8. ahaha I see that Maribo reacted to the screenshots above. I used a palette from his awesome iwngya.wad on that 2nd screenshot :P
  9. Category: 1 Death: Map05 pbe_icar2015.lmp.zip
  10. This is so freaking cool! Currently making a map with this. And yeah wind sectors work :D
  11. After 3 years (sorry), my interest of map making came back, and I returned to this project. Updated OP, will post stuff regularly
  12. Category 1 Death MAP07 First time participating in this, pretty fun. pbe_hommage25_2022.lmp.zip
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