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About Nefelibeta

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  1. Damn thanks for reminding me that this thread still exists. Anyway the project is still being worked on, albeit a bit slowed down since I have other projects too. There will be 2 more maps in the final version and one of which is finished. I don't recommend using the download links in the thread at all since I've made some significant changes to the previous 4 maps and I doubt they will be good without them. But go on if you insist.
  2. Almost every map of NoSp3 has a exit tunnel shaped like this and a cyber snuck inside it :P
  3. these pesudo-realism architecture are my favourites.
  4. (I wrote half of these and keep forgetting to actually finish it lol) Nice set, really demonstrates the amount of possibilities when it comes to combat puzzles combining with custom monsters. The best example here is the plasma chaingunners, which seem a simple enough changes, plays a surprisingly big part in a lot of combat building here. Original chaingunners serve almost the same role here, but instead being non-hitscan makes it so that while they are still a "kill as fast as possible" type of monsters, you don't get automatically fucked up if you choose not to shoot them immediately, just need to run in circles to avoid. They also don't overlap with arachnotrons in terms of roles, which takes up bigger space (important in tighter situations), and has slower firerate (allows you to bypass the plasma bolts, making them more of a distraction than something you'll have to kill.) Really reminds me of the revenant-health chaingunners that appear in a crumpet tribute. Another interesting one is the SMM, I'm not sure whether if it took idea from that Xyzzy-bfg-monster post (so basically visualizing bfg tracers makes them satisfying to dodge) And their first appearance in map01 is especially cool, the idea of imps being meat-shields and what not. Although I would honestly perfer if they don't have Refire check because it's mildly annoying when you get into a situation where you are far away enough to dodge the inital wave of plasma but otherwise screwed because of lack of cover. Another thing I'd like to bring up is the aesthetics. These maps are messy in almost every aspect. The layouts consist of unorthodox shapes, which seemingly channel the works of yakfak, the texture selections are borderline random (lol doors), and fights often come in an unexpected way. And the choices of monster sprites are almost inseparable from this aesthetic. It's quite an interesting concept because a lot of wads with memorable visual theming do this as well. The dark-colored, simplistic sprites of Valiant's pyro knights and super mancubuses, the elaborate and futuristic mancubuses and arachnotrons in Ancient Aliens, and the modern, high-detail astral cacodemons and super demons from Eviternity, they all play an incredibly important part in world building... and visualized story-telling in some sort of ways as well. Well that's definitely a disadvantage for people who have no choice but to pull from Realm667 (BB2023 is an exception.) If there's any complaint, the main gimmick of this wad (y'know, plasma&BFG?) is honestly barely present in here. You either only get a couple of shots or get so many that it's barely relevant. It's really a shame because it's like designed for a Ribbiks-y magnum opus or some sort of big non-linear adventrue maps. That would be asking too much for 2 people with only a short period of time though. Map02 is my favourite btw. tl;dr cool wad
  5. UnholySwords_1.wad First ever (playable) map! This will make a good 90s map... I think. There's also a huge ass unreachable area that take up 40% space of the map, as some sort of background. (Seen in the first screenshot) NightOps.wad Map01 - Afterrain low budget grove copycat. Second map ever made. NightOps.wad Map02 - Caverns of Nirvana Made this after playing abandon.wad :) pimpact.wad Map01 Reported The last of my "not releasing anything because idk how to do it" era. Was planned to be a minisode but I forgot how it was supposed to be like. The only thing tying these maps together is a half-baked texture pack. The map title is a reference to 50monsters Map01. pimpact.wad Map07 Deadly Complex Another 50monster tribute. One of the better-looking ones. :p pimpact.wad Map11 Archviles, Say Your Prayers First attempt at voodoo lighting. Texturing inspired by flotsam.wad Map01 pimpact.wad Map?? Room Missing Shapes Don't remember much about this.
  6. Year of the plutonia it seems. :D Anyway here's a blind playthrough up to Map11. Expect dumb deaths and everything. Quite enjoyable, and much tougher than I expected. The lack of armor is definitely the primary source of challenge. My favourites are m04, m05, m09 and m11.
  7. Quite a shame that no Doom1 maps ultilize the gimmick of using barrels/crushers to decrease monsters' health before releasing them heh
  8. Please tell me you are making another one. :P
  9. "yall have no life lmao"


    Earth pointed at other planets and laughed.


  10. Cool maps, mini cybers with slightly more health is a great idea, the new black guys are cool as well. Although it's a bit of shame that they were barely used throughout the mapset, they can be great for incidental combats. The combat is pretty solid and crumpetsy, the green key fight of map02 is definitely my favourite. A really nice blend of pacifism/platforming/infighting and taking the opportunity to rocket roaming distracted viles. The use of vanilla textures/custom decorations is very good and fits into the overall cityscape settings. However I do admit that the constant texture misalignments are pretty off-putting for me, not sure if it's the results of unorthodox layout shapes or is intentional.
  11. Shallow World E1 is pretty relaxing and has sick visuals.
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