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About T.Will

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  1. I knew my map would be a little mean, but I didn’t intend it to be grim. I hope you had at least some fun and don’t hate the map.
  2. I’m really glad you enjoyed this set. This wad feels so long ago with all I’ve improved on in my maps. Either way it’s amazing this wad is still creating fun moments for many.
  3. I believe the parameter will only affect complevels 9 and above.
  4. #1 Translucent walls are a Boom feature (CL9 and onwards). They are an action special set in the map. However setting the translucency percentage to 100 disables the effect. #2 Not on linux so I can't help you there :(
  5. Thanks for the Pagodia shoutout. It was fun to try and figure out how to make the katakana look good.
  6. In no particular order Doom Eternal Sonic 3 Bioshock Super Mario Odyssey Sly 2: Band of Thieves Silent Hill 2 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Metroid Prime RE2 Remake
  7. Here's the latest Truecolor build of Crispy Doom. Based on commit 9bc5a8b6b26365b8373c367cb8dca69a40384b11 crispy-doom-5.11.1-win64_TRUECOLOR.zip crispy-doom-5.11.1-win32_TRUECOLOR.zip
  8. Do you possibly have anything in the autoload folder? If so, try running the -noautoload parameter for Crispy.
  9. Thank you for reminding me. 32bit/64bit Truecolor builds from commit 400de1870954c762172901 294fd9b218db480de5 crispy-doom-5.11.1_Truecolor-win64.zip crispy-doom-5.11.1_Truecolor-win32.zip
  10. Hope you’re having fun at least. 🙃
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