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About SupremeBioVizier

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  1. F-DOOM / FAST DOOM file - ModDB F-DOOM a 90's racing simulator, use GZDOOM with DOOM2 inspire by F-ZERO and window 95 screen savers, DOOMguy finds himself in mute city and gets curious about the core... instructions given on start up
  2. If you make a dehacked for all the weapons to have infinite ammo and run it in a wad with version 4.8.2 of gzdoom all's fine, I just noticed if I'm running the wad which has the infinite ammo dechacked under version 4.11.3 the weapons do not fire... any reason to this happening? *I just tested it with another later version of gzdoom, and it seems this dehacked for infinite ammo does not work specifically with the newest version of gzdoom, aren't new things supposed to be better? grrrrrrrr any reason to this happening?
  3. H.p. Lovecraft sprite download, should be easy find typing in such into Google.
  4. OKAY i got it to show but its just an image where the decorate is placed
  5. it is still not showing. I tried changing a few things but nothing worked, so this is how the script was + now with the player spawner you made ////////////////////////// actor PlayerTrail : Actor 3505 { Height 16 Radius 16 +NOGRAVITY +NOBLOCKMAP States { Spawn: TRAI A 1 TRAI B 1 TRAI C 1 Stop } } actor PlayerTrailSpawner : Actor { States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 A_SpawnItemEx("PlayerTrail", -16, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, SXF_SETMASTER|SXF_TRANSFERPOINTERS) } } ACTOR FastDoomPlayer : DoomPlayer { Player.ForwardMove 3.2, 3.2 // Increase forward movement speed Player.SideMove 4.2, 4.2 // Increase sidestep speed States { Spawn: PLAY A -1 Loop See: PLAY ABCD 1 A_SpawnItemEx("PlayerTrail", -16, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, SXF_SETMASTER|SXF_TRANSFERPOINTERS) Loop } }
  6. https://www.mediafire.com/file/xdjg3bbzqkhou8x/F-ZEROBETA.wad/file here is a ruff draft of the idea I want to work on....I thought it would be cool for the cars or at least, player1 for nows hud car to leave trails behind so when you look back, there's just fading ghost images of the player
  7. actor PlayerTrail : Actor 3505 { Height 16 Radius 16 +NOGRAVITY +NOBLOCKMAP States { Spawn: TRAI A 1 TRAI B 1 TRAI C 1 Stop } } actor PlayerTrailSpawner : Actor { States { Spawn: TNT1 A -1 A_SpawnItemEx("PlayerTrail", -16, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, SXF_SETMASTER|SXF_TRANSFERPOINTERS) } } ^ exactly whats in the decorate now, it passed the parsing and shows up in the things decorate folder in slade /////////////////////////// would I need to define the sprite in this decorate as well? (what goes here) { TRAI A 0 { Offset 0, 0 Patch TRAILA, 0, 0 } TRAI B 0 { Offset 0, 0 Patch TRAILB, 0, 0 } TRAI C 0 { Offset 0, 0 Patch TRAILC, 0, 0 } } ///////////// sprite does not show when I turn around, should there just be one png titled traia0?
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