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About ignatiOS

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  1. Although I'm way to amateur to take over, I've compiled a folder containing hopefully every currently available maps into an organized folder, with each map now having a slot. I've also included the Midi files created by @Korp & @Cammy and a document with the current map list with every author & midi used. @DJVCardMaster's map "Infernal Skirmish" originally for the bonus WAD has also been included, however @DoctorNuriel's map sadly hasn't been included yet as the MediaFile download wasn't working. Hopefully this can help organize things for whoever would be willing to help continue this project. :) Download: DW30_folder1.zip (Note: Many of these maps aren't finished and/or don't contain a Midi)
  2. Small update for my map, only changed some textures & item placement. :) Download: BGOLD_RC2.zip
  3. Finished both my deathmatch levels for DWANGO30 and ShovelDM!


    MAP20 - Black Gold (DWANGO30, limit-removing)



    MAP07 - Dead Complex (ShovelDM, Vanilla-compatible)


  4. Map Name: Black Gold Slot: Currently MAP20 (Any slot with the night sky) Haven't chosen a Midi yet, if anybody has any recommendations that'd be great! Please report if you have any issues, and I'm happy to hear any feedback! :D Download: BGOLD RV1.zip Screenshots:
  5. I might be a little late on the upload, but I have been making heaps of progress! Edit: Should be ready to upload tomorrow! Just need to get a Midi and Title sorted out!
  6. Didn't realize this project was limit-removing at first! I've taken my time and took advantage of this for a newer layout. I was thinking about looking for somebody to help with the visuals; however, gameplay wise it flows pretty well. I'll hopefully get a RV1 file out soonish - I'd also like to request any mapslot 12-20. :)
  7. I've been playing around with a couple layout, this is currently the most promising, obviously WIP! :)
  8. 2TDM has been accepted onto the /idgames Archive! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/deathmatch/0-9/2tdm
  9. 2tdm-forum1.png.ba306305f0102fa93cc71b958bb68b75.png


    IT HAS RELEASED!!!! Download it at the Thread!

  10. Download at /idgames • 2TDM is a fully vanilla-compatible, deathmatch episode (8 Maps). • Each arena only contains two textures, two flats, and a blank skybox. • All 8 maps, as well as title and & intermission screens, include Midi tracks found in albums "Midi Dreams" & "Midi Nightmares" by Dial-up for Murder. • Doomworld (2TDM.zip) • Doomshack (2tdm.zip) • /idgames (2tdm.zip) • ignatiOS: Textures, Maps, Misc • Dial-up for Murder: ALL Midi tracks, from albums MIDI Dreams & MIDI Nightmares • Eevee: Doom Text Generator
  11. Just finished my own vanilla deathmatch thing, finally think I'm getting motivation again, I'd be more then glad to contribute a map to this!
  12. image.png.80be966592aa8cc3b880b325fcec64ff.png


    Basically a pinch away from releasing this, just playtesting and finalizing some stuff!

    (also changed my username!!)

  13. 2TDM-titlepic.png.5a1ebdec312cd779c1da29e53a8344eb.png


    Something that MIGHT actually release, it'll take awhile but majority of it is complete!

    As shown in the pic, I'm thinking of changing my alias, which I'm aware is slightly problematic for my previous contributions, but c'mon, "Sqiggles" isn't even spelt right.

    1. Arrowhead


      Very cool concept. Will be excited to try this at some point!

  14. Edit: Make sure you install the .pk3 as well
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