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Everything posted by ignatiOS

  1. Sorry I haven’t been active lately, if I have to be honest I bit more then I could chew with this level and it’s really unmotivated me to the point where I’ve barely even touched the level file over the last month, hopefully this weekend I’ll try working on it again to finish up the level and finally upload something, even if it’s barebones. I’ll hopefully update you guys soon! :)
  2. Awesome level here, Although there doesn't seem to be any dm spawns. I'd recommend watching this video created by DoomKid for some awesome tips with dm layouts. :)
  3. I could probably post the unfinished version of my map, It originally was completable but I'm planning to add a tad more stuff. Edit: Some more stuff needs to be polished so heres some screenies instead :)
  4. Sadly, I won't have access to my map for around 3-5 days, however it's nearly finished :D
  5. Quick update! I’ve gone back to my old map and it is now currently completable (With some parts not being finished yet), Can’t wait to show you what I’ve done! :D
  6. Nearly finished the map! Just need to finish a few things and playtest! Edit: NOOO! Turns out my map causes a savegame buffer >:o
  7. I got this weird visual bug which you can see at the top of the screen, any clue how to fix this?
  8. I don't really have much yet, other than the map I scrapped. I can still post it if you want to see it. :) Edit: I currently don't have access to the latest version of the old map but will hopefully have it soon.
  9. This is looking awesome so far! Hopefully I can contribute after I finish the maps I'm currently working on. :D
  10. Is it alright if I post the basic layout without any fancy visuals? I want to get feedback on gameplay and the layout before going Knee Deep in the visuals. :)
  11. I'm starting to get a design going, I've got some work I need to finish so i'll just have to hope everything goes smoothly! :D Edit: What are the different sky textures?
  12. I'm currently just using ZDL to open my map in choc doom.
  13. Holy crap, that looks awesome! Definitely taking some inspiration if thats alright!
  14. I have to be honest, my cave design looks nice but really isn't sticking with me. I'm thinking about restarting the map completely and work on design rather than visuals. I should be able to pull together a basic design this weekend for hopefully a much better design :)
  15. Ahhh! My map keeps crashing when ever the map loads up, how do I check what the problem is? Edit: I literally just copied and pasted my map into a new map and its works now >:/
  16. Here's what I have so far! It looks pretty messy since most of it isn't completed :/
  17. WOOOO! Managed to fix all the visplane overflows!
  18. Looks awesome, definitely gonna download it! Edit: Doom 1 definitely needs some more deathmatch content! Just finished a round, awesome stuff! :DD
  19. I mostly want this for the menu backgrounds and other stuff for the menu. I’ve tried turning pngs into doom textures using slade, but they are way too big.
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