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Everything posted by ignatiOS

  1. One problem with map24, There shouldn't be a spawn inside this room. Other then that well done on making it this far!
  2. DoomMan.zip Heres my map :D Custom texture is made by me! Made in around 35 minutes.
  3. IggySqiggles's Contributions and Updates: (9/04/2021)


    MOTS Version One is out!

    I'm happy to say my first speedmapping attempt was successful and I hope you enjoy map20!


    TWANGO is offically a fully vanllia deathmatch megawad currently in beta testing!

    With some help from some awesome deathmatch mappers, I have successfully contributed awesome 3 vanilla maps!

    Get fragging in Map01, Map17 & Map19!



    Sadly the deathmatch wad being I've been working on with some friends has been put on the backburner for what seems to be forever.

    Hopefully the maps will see a release one day. 



    (P.s. We don't talk about Tenth Gear.)




  4. In Revision C, OpenRift is currently using this one: I also prefer Gokuma's one but if we were to use it we'd have to change the blue text to red or other warmer colours in my opinion.
  5. Maybe a stbar with the Twango logo colours (Black, white, green and blue) would look cool? Edit: We already have blue text so maybe just black, white and green for the stbar.
  6. Just posted the deleted/cut hud (Mohawk guy with stbar and blue text) in #off-topic on the discord server if anyone liked it :)
  7. For I think map19 (Streets), there shouldnt be a spawn in the plasma room, it kinda defeats the purpose of pressing a switch and running to the room when you could just spawn in it.
  8. Heres what the hud looks like with @Gokuma's STBAR Edit: Thank you to whoever edited Iggy Sqiggles to IggySqiggles :) Also Mini-Member wooooo!
  9. One change that might be nice is changing the midi for map01. The dwango5 map01 midi is really iconic, we could easily swap it for another dwango map01 midi.
  10. @Doomkid You really played and edited the entire megawad! I really appreciate that dude! That takes alot of effort, Big thanks :D
  11. Hopefully just preordered the Special Edition. The shadowbox is cool and stuff but $65.69aud for a shadowbox is really too much for me at the moment.
  12. We've already completed a megawad? That's crazy! We or someone has to start a DM community project one day!
  13. Strange, I was using chocolate doom to test. The problem is probably the map was originally in boom format but it should be easy to convert.
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