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About megasphere308

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  1. E1M2 NM100S in 0:49 https://youtu.be/drALIT4wHKs d1l2s049.zip
  2. E1M1 NM100S in 0:23 https://youtu.be/lVKEdCCrDls d1l1s023.zip
  3. First demo with my son :) E1M1 NM100S Co-op in 0:12 Players : megasphere308 and Draw&play c1s1-012.zip https://youtu.be/8lZqzemghHM
  4. E2M9 Tyson Co-op in 1:14 (with BFGandorf) c2t9m114.zip https://youtu.be/9cpf1PeiVSc
  5. E4M1 Tyson Co-op in 3:49 with BFGandorf c4t1-349.zip https://youtu.be/oF8NPBmpptE
  6. E4M1 UV Max Co-op in 1:09 with BFGandorf c4m1-109.zip https://youtu.be/00TdyHFbNw0
  7. E3M4 UV Max Co-op in 2:29 with BFGandorf c3m4g-229.zip https://youtu.be/2LCxBybI_Uw
  8. E1M4 Stroller in 0:39 e1m4str039.zip https://youtu.be/nCzmvhOyAVI
  9. E4M4 Tyson in 1:18 (co-op) https://youtu.be/L4EVGeiD0dE c4t4-118.zip
  10. E4M4 UV Max in 0:56 (co-op) https://youtu.be/GU954jz6Pws c4m4-056.zip
  11. E2M1 Tyson in 2:55 (co-op) https://youtu.be/6NVA8ZCiA9Y c2t1-255.zip
  12. E2M1 UV Max in 1:03 (co-op) https://youtu.be/QDxJR9573EM c2m1-103.zip
  13. A few Co-op demos with BFGandorf : E1M8 UV Max in 0:49 c1m8-049.zip https://youtu.be/i57bnliA0wY
  14. E3M1 Tyson Co-op in 1:19 (with BFGandorf) c3t1-119.zip https://youtu.be/AKc7jR_A-8Q
  15. MAP23 Pacifist in 2:31 tlm23p231.zip https://youtu.be/CWcDCG87vEY
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