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Everything posted by Snaxalotl

  1. I have a paper hat and I'm not happy about it
  2. A small collection of doomcute in the wad I'm making
  3. Make a map entirely out of food textures please
  4. In addition to the advice Biodegradable gave. Keep in mind the assets that could pile up from this, if its a continuous set of maps then multiple custom weapons or a mishmash of features can very quickly turn into something unmanageable. Better to have something with a tighter focus, though its not my project and I'm just giving advice.
  5. Had a really good time with this map, beat it saveless too! Good job Clippy :>
  6. If your getting burnt out don't push yourself to keep doing something you don't enjoy, its a good way to stop enjoying a hobby. Find something else to do that you enjoy for a bit, because doom isn't going anywhere. Plenty of us here take breaks.
  7. You've already given him quite a bit of time, its been an entire week since he replied last here. It might be more time effective to do some bug testing in the meantime since we might not even get an update from him. Its not my community project though, just throwing in my 2 cents :>
  8. Gog doesn't have drm and patches old games that have compatibility issues on newer machines. They also give a bigger cut to developers than steam.
  9. Here is my edited version, features some light extra detailing and I fixed the two doors in my square. @Noiser is also right about a broken door from square 5 to square 6. The switch to open it doesn't work in crispy doom, I am pretty sure there is a linedef too close to the switch for it to work in that port. Anyway, here is the file AngryQuilt2v21.zip
  10. I would like to make a quick edit to my square when its free again!
  11. Category: 1, UV Death: Map05, 0/110M 0/2S Cause Of Death: Squish
  12. Oops!! Those doors are supposed to be regular doors that can be opened, with only the bars blocking access.
  13. Done! Unless something needs to be fixed lol. AngryQuilt2v06.zip Oh and I have a tiny bit of space with the two barred doors in my square, I left it undetailed for now so the next person can decide what area that should be. I didn't want to box them into one choice.
  14. Map04 has been released! Explore a misty forest surrounding a massive bridge, hope you enjoy! :>
  15. Playing doom didn't make me lose interest, but mapping pretty much replaced all of my time spent playing videogames.
  16. Yes this is more accurate, palettes save a ton of time instead of making alternate textures and sprites for everything, saves memory too since there wouldn't be a bunch of duplicate textures.
  17. My intention is to use one for different episodes to help set distinct visuals for each one, beyond what textures and lighting can accomplish. I couldn't really find much information on this but would love to know if its doable within GZDOOM UDMF or not.
  18. Bipolar 1 helps, I'll get inspiration out of nowhere then spend a ridiculous amount of time mapping until its over.
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