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Everything posted by Snaxalotl

  1. I just made my second map if your interested! Requires gzdoom. No crouching or jumping, freelook is optional. Requires dynamic lights Note: I noticed you mentioned you prefer oldschool, so incase you really dislike dynamic lights I don't mind if you skip over this wad. Difficulty is kinda high, partially due to health being scarce It'll probably take you between 20-30 minutes including deaths. And just incase (the yellow key switch is in between the red and blue ones) Hope you enjoy!
  2. @Salmon Thanks! That's a pretty big compliment, I learned quite a bit from my first map and put as much into practice as I could! @Clippy Your video was very helpful! You went against the intended progression with how you alerted monsters then temporarily moved on, this wasn't a bad thing though. I tried making a level where the player can fight on their own terms for most fights, so seeing it in action was very satisfying. Also that yellow switch is more noticeable now. (I thought the crusher was impassable lol, its fixed now though.) @BiodegradableThank you! I really wanted to add more height variation but in the end I decided it got in the way of how encounters played out too much, I think letting any part of the level become an arena was very important (not something I generally plan to do, just specifically for this map). Hopefully health wasn't too scarce, the goal was to have attrition play a key role in the difficulty but its pretty tough finding the middle ground for health on a map where you can go in so many directions. Also I made that yellow key switch more noticeable!
  3. Why are you so demanding? offering valid criticism and tips to improve is really helpful but telling people exactly how they should make a map is both unnecessary and rude. The same map with little to no changes could be made in boom format, so where does that leave your criticism? Making this in boom wouldn't make it any better/worse.
  4. There isn't a mandatory format to use as a beginner, people can use whatever source port they want.
  5. A non-linear map that takes place on a demonic starship. Updated with neat visuals This map is now complete, added titlepic/interpic, no more monotexturing, and more wall details have been added (makes a pretty big difference IMO) Interloper.zip Via Google Drive Map slot: 01 UDMF format with ACS scripting Tested in and requires: GZDOOM Made with: Ultimate Doom Builder and Slade Needs Opengl, Freelook is fully optional Jumping/Crouching: Disabled Length: probably 10-20 minutes Secrets: 2 Enemy Count -HNTR: 129 -HMP: 150 -UV: -167 NOTE: MAKE SURE DYNAMIC LIGHTS ARE ON (While technically optional I fully intended this experience to have them, turning them off will probably make the lighting look very flat / dull) Music: "MAP02" by FANATIC Textures: OTEX by "Ola Björling (ukiro)", Blood 1 for two carpet textures, an axolotl texture Updated Screenies: Quick fixes posted on 12/16/20
  6. Basically I'm trying to set up an archvile that runs to another room before regaining control and functioning normally, The actor mover and interpolation points are set but when activated it attacks while running away which heavily goes against its normal attack patterns. I can't find any related properties or functions that let me keep it from attacking while still being able to receive damage. So is there a method to keep it from attacking until its its finished running? (UDMF Format) (ZDOOM ACS Scripting)
  7. Not every map has to be "stunning" especially when it's a 1 hour map made by one person. It has plenty of detail considering its length and function, not every maps intent is to wow the player with visual detail. Additionally it's pretty rude to compare first maps to this. This is easily elevated above those in both looks and an understanding of level design And finally it's a fucking cat museum, I get you're upset because your kitty didn't make the cut but it's kind of hilarious to expect gorgeous visuals on a map with a joke setting. Sorry clippy 0/10, Santa wasn't real enough
  8. Oh my god this map is so mean I love it! Edit: After beating it I really want to express how much I enjoyed this map It looks extremely unique, which is extra impressive considering it mainly uses vanilla textures The layout was pretty intuitive and flowed very well, I only got slightly lost once and not for long And finally the monster placement, I was blown away at a lot of fights that got thrown at the player. Overall a lot of memorable encounters in this map (I won't spoil most of them because you should seriously play it) 10/10 Also was that Quinny with his tongue sticking out? Super cute!
  9. I enjoyed it, though I personally found that it was on the easy side (Only 2 deaths at the end and that's with me being a bit drunk atm) The layout, Progression, Weapon/Monster variety were well executed. Technical issues aside I think you could improve on the visuals and enemy placement though. (They weren't bad per se, just stuff that practice will definitely improved) -Keep in mind large spaces make it much easier to kill anything (except those revenants you had so far away!) -Archviles should have nearby cover, but placing them pretty much alone with ample cover and few corpses makes them extremely easy Hope to see more from you! edit (sorry for the funky aiming at first, I didn't realize freelook was on)
  10. Incase anyone wants to play oblige http://oblige.sourceforge.net/ And an addon that makes it much better https://github.com/caligari87/ObAddon Now people can make their own procedurally generated megawads so you won't have to post them daily.
  11. Why use decorations when you can make them yourself?
  12. Is this just an oblige wad with custom monsters and music? If so I really don't see this appealing to anyone. If someone wants oblige maps they could just use the program themselves.
  13. With the map I map recently there's a visible secret that's unreachable, and a door locks behind the player shortly after. But if the player loops back around to explore they'll see that the ceiling collapsed and made the ledge reachable (It also fits with the levels setting of an underground base that's falling apart) It required some light scripting though (after the door locks behind the player it raises the floor and ceiling while changing textures) The zdoom forums has a big list of functions for scripting and a lot of them have examples of how to use them.
  14. Glad you enjoyed it! And it's not just you having trouble with the yellow key, I plan on updating it so the only side that lowers is the one you can grab stuff from.
  15. Thank you! I'll find a way to make the berserk available early And now that you mention it I'll either offer up a chaingun that's not a secret or find a way to block the player from exiting until the final encounter is finished. (probably both)
  16. Shattered Bunker This is intended to be the first in a set of levels, currently it only occupies map slot map01. and utilizes OTEX textures exclusively (Hence the large file size) Tested in GZDOOM (Uses ZDOOM ACS scripting) Free look is allowed but not needed no jumping or crouching Opengl IWAD: DOOM 2 All Difficulties implemented (Built for UV) It has been play tested and as a hint (Secrets don't require wall humping, good luck finding them) Google Drive Link Screenshots List of Changes (Spoilers) CREDITS Brayden Hart (AD_79): Music (Ensnared) Ola Björling (ukiro): Textures (OTEX) Hope you enjoy, and please tell me what you think!
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