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Everything posted by Snaxalotl

  1. they should put you in charge of the cacowards, since you know better than everyone currently writing them.
  2. You need to supply the relevant arguments and not leave the function blank, you can choose the class to remove from the players inventory and the quantity TakeInventory("Shotgun", 1) would remove a shotgun from the player's inventory
  3. https://zdoom.org/wiki/TakeInventory
  4. I like shooting one plasma ball at a time to conserve ammo and watch the caco die slower
  5. Learn to do it yourself or hire someone to do it. Video editing is an actual job and most people don't want to do it for free unless they are your close friend or are involved with the wad you are making.
  6. "Between Levels" would have been based on a death grips track
  7. I did this in Abscission! Monsters can't telefrag each other though so I had to put crushers on top of the spawn points to get around them all piling up.
  8. Each frame gets used for the number of tics specified, so J gets 1 tic total and JK each get one making it 2 tics long to animate.
  9. I played through these and really enjoyed them, minimally detailed but still classy which gave me some 90s vibes but in a good way. I only found one issue on my playthrough: On Level one if you enter the secret in the blood pit and wait for the door to close you are locked inside without a way out, location is here
  10. I gave this a playthrough and enjoyed it, reminds me of 90's maps with the layout and texturing (A style I do have a soft spot for). My main feedback on improving is avoiding texture misalignments and making sure every locked door has some sign so the player can tell which doors are locked from a distance. Thanks for sharing this map, I hope you keep it up and make more :>
  11. That's not what gaslighting means lol. You respond to me and I respond to you, that's called a conversation. I am not following you around and harassing you, if you disengaged from this I wouldn't keep mentioning you. ALSO THERE IS A BLOCK FEATURE, YOU ARE CHOOSING TO TALK TO ME AND I AM CHOOSING TO TALK TO YOU.
  12. Its not bullying lmfao, if you didn't start slinging shit then I'd have no reason to defend myself. Cry harder :3
  13. Good, keep back peddling and don't lie about me in your posts next time. I barely know who you are I really don't get why you had to start beef with me out of nowhere.
  14. Yeah he probably should have not talked about me the way in the way he did, and messaged me if there was actually a concern. But its more fun to call someone out in a public space rather than fix anything apparently.
  15. I get you are really caught up on thinking I'm in a state of constant rage over you but its not that simple. I do think that your behavior is laughable, and you by extension are a joke. But hey, if it helps you sleep better at night then keep it up.
  16. If he left me out of his post and didn't shit talk me then I wouldn't have done anything, but I am going to defend myself when some dumb fuck decides to shame me over lies.
  17. If you are rereleasing your own work because you were dissatisfied with how I ran the project, sooooooo yeah its getting pulled. Especially with that previous stunt lol. When thelokk initially abandoned the project many people pulled out and published their submissions on their own, its totally fine with me.
  18. I'll be uploading it to idgames within a few days but I will be removing your submission from the project since you want your own release.
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