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Everything posted by Snaxalotl

  1. I told you the texturing was intentional but you still fail to understand that, you posted 2 actual mistakes out of an entire 32 map megawad as if I don't care about my work. It's laughable for you to tell me how bad my mapping is.
  2. wtf are you talking about? you sound insane right now. My mental health didn't tank because of you being insufferable lol, its just so petty of you to call me out because you don't understand how map formats work.
  3. I didn't tell you to leave me alone, I'm saying the consequence of you targeting me is having me respond to you. You are the one who has asked me to leave you alone because you didn't think being rude to me would backfire or result in any negative outcome.
  4. I'm not going to be polite because you were rude in a backhanded way, you aren't looking good just because your being rude in a softer way. Also I ignored you telling me to leave you alone, don't talk about me in your thread and I never would have been here, its really not complicated. I get you want to just talk shit and have me be quiet about it but that's not going to happen.
  5. You have so much self control by stirring up drama in a post about a map you made a year ago sure, my point still stands regardless of the insults attached to it.
  6. I never would have commented in this thread, but you pinged me with old accusations and drama. All you had to do was leave me alone, maybe you should shut the fuck up and leave me out of it if you wanted comments only about the map.
  7. There isn't an "and". I said what I wanted to and you have nothing of value to add to it
  8. That's the consequence of you calling me out in a thread and pinging me, I'll respond to whatever I want to. You trying to play the calm and collected one isn't working, am I supposed to just be nice about how you talked about me? I can be calm and have an issue with your actions
  9. I'm justified in being frustrated with how this post is being framed against me A fact is a fact or not regardless of your point of view Don't shove words in my mouth, I never claimed that you directly said those statements, my issue is with the sentiment of your post that is false about development hell or that your maps breaking is somehow someone else's fault. Gorehounds is done, and I've already told you this months ago when you messaged me during a live stream I was on. Apparently you aren't because you rereleased it on your own, called me out over lies and claimed gorehounds is in development hell even though its done. I'm going to have negative emotions when you frame me in a negative light for lies that "happened" like a year ago by now. You can say that now but your original post shows your true sentiment and its really fucking scummy to be honest. by "people like you" I mean any drama whore on this site that wants to stir the pot, you could have just rereleased the map without phrasing it like I did anything wrong. I go out of my way to pick up a community project a year ago and you felt the need to ping me and throw me under the bus for nothing. I get you didn't directly blame me for this but you phrased it in a way that is extremely harsh when I didn't do anything wrong, learn to format your own maps properly and understand that "development hell" doesn't mean a finished product.
  10. I didn't change the format of any maps, every wad I was sent was in the mbf format already. (Also it's an mbf community project anyway. All I did was place the files I was sent into slade and modify the level number, I really don't get how I got accused of altering people's maps on multiple occasions. Picking up gorehounds after it was abandoned was a mistake. And how is it in development hell? The project is done, it's just not on idgames. Does a wad have to be on idgames to be a finished product? Atleast this was a good lesson on why I should never start or take over an abandoned community project, because of people like you.
  11. I think a lightly upgraded pistol via dehacked is a welcome change, a light boost to the fire rate and perfect accuracy helps remove the tedium of pistoling imps and pinkies. Otherwise its the bare minimum until you get something better. @Doomkid has a good video on dehacked upgrades for the pistol too:
  12. Abscission is now on idgames!!! Thank you all for the praise and feedback along the way, it helped me tremendously. This is the final update to Abscission, even if some other bugs pop up its staying untouched to preserve demo compatibility. IDGAMES DOWNLOAD Now onto my next project... whatever that might be...
  13. MAP06: Colossus (Pistol Start, UV, Saveless) I'm in agreement with most of you, very good foundation for a level but its way too short and lacks any urgency or difficulty. At least its short so its forgettable rather than being a slog.
  14. It appears the fate of this thread has been... changed
  15. Hello! A little while ago I stumbled across an interesting editor called "wadc" which is a programming language that generates doom maps by writing code rather than hand drawing lines. While it is very clunky at first there is a lot of potential here, just within a few days of figuring out how it works I made a very basic map generator. Here is a download link to three different maps and the sourcecode https://www.mediafire.com/file/dsiv41a5wwgg5c6/GRID.zip/file -GRID.wad: limit removing wad with a more interesting shape, playable out of the box in any limit removing port -80x80.wad: an 80x80 grid with about 5k monsters, it breaks every node builder I tried. Works in gzdoom or if you open it in ultimate doom builder then test with a limit removing port (no saving allowed with this method) -BIGBOX.wad: the biggest box I could make that didn't completely crash the application, nodes couldn't be built properly so it requires gzdoom or the method listed above This post isn't just about the maps though, I wanted to show to what is possible in wadc even at a basic level. While these maps aren't particularly interesting on their own I wanted to share because of the method used to create them, and because wadc deserves more attention.
  16. Ultimate doom is functionally the same as doom 2 with the ssg and doom 2 assets removed, the thing ids can't be called either. But in dehacked for ultimate doom you still have access to all of the frames and actions that doom 2 has. Which means you can actually restore doom 2 enemies back into ultimate doom :>
  17. @LoatharMDPhD Haha yeah, that was a last minute implementation to help make the finale extra spooky and interesting, incase anyone wants to know what the finale of abscission has dehacked wise Also lost souls don't count as enemies because of the addition of the pain elemental, pretty sure the bug with them getting stuck inside walls was part of the reason. (Ultimate doom has this even though doom 1 doesn't) Excuse the second comment pls, I accidentally posted twice
  18. Hello, I have created a procedurally generated wad using wadc and would love to watch you have "fun" while playing it https://www.mediafire.com/file/dsiv41a5wwgg5c6/GRID.zip/file And for anyone else asking, no I didn't make this using slige/slump/oblige/obhack/obaddon/obsidian. I wrote the code for the generator over the course of a few hours while learning how wadc works, and this is one of the results with a seed that produces an actually beatable level.
  19. Wow, a sci fi convention where we all look to the past instead of forward into the future. I'm sure there are a lot of science fiction stories that adhere to traditional cultural standards..... right?
  20. DOWNLAOD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/zq7ig967atkg958/SNACKSKIES.zip/file Hello, its me Snax! Are you hungry for some skies? because I made some for you! Currently I have a set of eight 1024x128 skies, and each one has a pre-sliced variant cut into 4 rotations incase you want to use it in more traditional ports (even vanilla!). I'll continue to update this post if/when I make more skies, I hope you enjoy! If you're unsure on how to set up long skies in vanilla, @Doomkid made a very helpful video covering it here. These were all generated in terragen 0.9 then edited in paint.net and gimp, Let me know if you have any questions/feedback :>
  21. Got to map07 and I'm really enjoying the gameplay so far! I did find an issue on map07 where if tag667 raises twice it can block the player from progressing, making the the sector a lift would prevent the possibility of that being a softlock.
  23. Doom doesn't have nearly as many wads like myhouse though, I'm surprised that a different genre being represented in a doom sourceport got so popular considering how far removed it is from what people typically like about doom. If the surprise at the extreme sudden interest in this wad is considered being condescending/pretentious then that just makes me shocked at the hostility surrounding anything that could vaguely be interpreted as insulting myhouse or the people that enjoy it. Additionally not all jokes are hostile, I'm not here to tell people what they can and can't like. Just express surprise that if this is the type of doom wad that is so popular, then why did it take so long to get here. Mainly because walking simulators aren't that new of a concept either.
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