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Everything posted by Snaxalotl

  1. Doom isn't an fps because it has story screens at the end of each episode. But honestly though, is something really exempt from categorization because a tiny fraction of the gameplay doesn't adhere to it? Walking simulators can have combat.
  2. Weird how a vast majority of the other posts about asking questions here doesn't have this problem, I wonder why it happens to just you....
  3. If all you wanted to do here was learn about doom why are you so averse to learning something on your own? Since you don't care about the social aspect...
  4. It's one thing to start a thread for every small thing you want to figure out instead of searching for yourself. But to give attitude to someone who is helping you because you can't be bothered to read the resource is actually insufferable.
  5. I'm surprised it took the doom community almost 30 years to learn about walking simulators.
  6. The Arachnotron has been fixed finally. Map32 uses the intercept overflow bug in vanilla doom. That exit switch only works if the overflow bug doesn't happen to make sure the level is still at least beatable in every sourceport. And with map16 I wasn't able to replicate the switch not animating.
  7. I have returned with another lengthy list of fixes, most of which are centered around coop thanks to a very helpful list @Keyboard_Doomer had brought to my attention! With these changes in place the wad is now in RC3. The bulk of fixes in this release include texture alignments and fixes for coop softlocks. Thanks again for all the feedback :>
  8. Hi! Hell in Hell: 10 Plutonia: 10 Base Ganymede: 10 Eviltech: 8 Alien Vendetta: 6 Sunder: 4 Sigil: 2 Solar Struggle: 1 Hell Revealed: 1 No Rest for the Living: 1 Anomaly Report: 1 Reign of the Spider Gods: 1
  9. Nothing would break, the only maps that really use vanilla quirks are the secret levels. 31 is intended with ghost monsters on but works just fine without it enabled, and 32 uses the intercept overflow bug which can be reenabled in dsda/woof so I'm pretty sure there will also be a setting in prboom+. If not enabled the level can still be exited without any issue.
  10. It doesn't need to be avoided, if it's a non vanilla port the exit switch in the first room will work.
  11. I'm not going to make an alternate map32 for vanilla ports. If it was a standard level I would understand, but I like having a secret level that doesn't adhere to normal mapping standards. it's not essential that someone plays it, it's a secret for those playing in a vanilla port.
  12. Switches don't work after the intercept overflow occurs, so the exit switch only functions if being played in a port that doesn't have the all ghosts bug. This is so the secret level is still technically beatable even if there is no way to activate the bug.
  13. I've updated the wad with a fair amount of small fixes and Abscission has entered RC2! @RudolphThanks for the feedback! I didn't feel a need to title Abscission as a remake instead, its more than a doom 2 inspired wad to me. And map13 doesn't use a ":" because the name is at the character limit for dehacked, good catch though! I didn't think anyone would notice that lol. @Caleb13 Thanks for finding these! A few of the things you listed were intentional but I still appreciate the help :> -Map19 has some slight homs because of a software bug I used to get the glowing/scrolling trim at the top of the courtyard to not affect the lower part of the map. -Map27's blue key not moving is intentional. -Map28's secret does require an archvile jump. -Map32 uses the intercept overflow bug which makes it impossible to kill demons.
  14. I'm glad you caught this! I first made map16 a month or two ago and very recently used dehacked changes for commander keen. Unfortunately I overlooked that the map31 commander keen wouldn't function properly as a result, the wad has now been updated with a fix :>
  15. I really appreciate the glowing reviews and general feedback, thanks for playing everyone :> Additionally I've updated the wad with quite a few minor fixes, almost all are cosmetic with a few notable exceptions. Still feel free to keep me posted on any other issues or just tell me how you felt about the wad, I check this thread regularly. Major Fixes -Map10 no longer can be softlocked by pressing the red key switch multiple times -Map29 doesn't end prematurely on gzdoom anymore -Map30's blue key door actually requires the blue key instead of the red key now -The high quality music pack no longer has any silent gaps when looping songs
  16. The final maps for abscission have been released! Thanks to everyone for the support and feedback along the way, Still feel free to give feedback as I'll be on the lookout for bugs before an idgames release. Here is an additional download link for those who don't want to scroll: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4xq1ifc35a792co/Abscission.zip/file And an HD soundtrack is now available too, I recommend using this if playing in a sourceport that supports mp3 files: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iuwasg6cy09y1dj/Abscission_MP3.zip/file
  17. We are the same person after all, a holy bobr communion.
  18. Here is the complete list of music credits for Stickney Title Screen/Endings: Wilster Wonkels Intermission: Doomkid E1M1: Ultimate Midi Pack (Mygharok) E1M2: Ultimate Midi Pack (MFG38) E1M3: Doom the Way id Did OST (E1M7, E2M5, E3M5) E1M4: Doom the Way id Did OST (E2M9) E1M5: Snaxalotl E1M6: Doom the Way id Did OST (E1M3) E1M7: Doom the Way id Did OST (E2M8) E1M8: Doom the Way id Did OST (E1M5) E1M9: Ultimate Midi Pack (Lippeth) E2M1: Wilster Wonkels E2M2: Doomkid E2M3: Doomkid E2M4: Snaxalotl E2M5: Metroid Fusion E2M6: Snaxalotl E2M7: Snaxalotl E2M8: Wilster Wonkels E2M9: Wilster Wonkels E3M1: Doomkid E3M2: Snaxalotl E3M3: Mark Klem "Simple Solutions" E3M4: "Outer Darkness" John Weekley E3M5: Doom the Way id Did OST (E1M3) E3M6: Wilster Wonkels E3M7: Doomkid E3M8: Doomkid E3M9: Snaxalotl E4M1: "Outer Darkness" John Weekley E4M2: Snaxalotl E4M3: Mark Klem "Simple Solutions" E4M4: Snaxalotl E4M5: Snaxalotl E4M6: Snaxalotl E4M7: Snaxalotl E4M8: Metroid Fusion E4M9: Ultimate Midi Pack (Lippeth)
  19. It's completely subjective, but my advice for anyone here is to reach a conclusion on your own, and not look to someone else for what that meaning may be.
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