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Everything posted by Wavy

  1. With that money he could surely add a gallery feature to help us artists right? ...right?
  2. Not many, but here you go: Doom 64's special map functions (like the crusher in MAP02) were hardcoded per-map and couldn't be changed. Turns out custom "macro" lumps are used for each map. Berserks only lasted until the screen faded from red. RNG values were truly random (i.e not using a big predetermined RNG table).
  3. Been looking for a new Boom WAD to play, so I'll give this a try when I can. Screenshots look brilliant.
  4. This is more of curiosity than anything. Implementing these modern lighting and rendering engines into primitive 3D games like Doom don't work well at all personally. Honestly, I would've preferred Doom 3 RTX. That's a Doom game that would benefit from raytracing a lot more.
  5. Here, catch: You'll need this texture pack to run it as well.
  6. I've awoken from my grave to say that I'm still alive. Here's the start to MAP01: Should be able to get this done by the end of the month. It's a short and simple map so I can't imagine it taking too long.
  7. There was also the mark of the Slayer and the Quake logo right under it, but they both got eaten up. Edit: As of the end of r/place, the Doom logo became eternal :p
  8. In 2020 (2019?) I was looking for some cool Nintendo DS homebrew for my flash cart, one of them being DsDoom. It only had the shareware WAD preloaded and wasn't the smoothest in terms of framerate, but I was still satisfied. Shortly after that I bought both Doom and Doom 2 on Steam and the Switch, and the rest is history. Got into map making around that time as well, even if I didn't release anything then.
  9. Woulda done something for April Fools, but alas, I haven't had the chance to. Oh well.

    1. URROVA


      so, today is "skepticism: the day", huh...

  10. Thanks for playing! I'll play around with the node builder to see what's up with all the weird technical bugs (I'm using ZokumBSP).
  11. Good idea. Will do that when I receive more feedback to apply to the map. I'll also play around with the general health distribution as well (as I do agree that it's a bit disjointed).
  12. Oh my. We're almost at April and I still haven't submitted my map yet? Yikes, let's change that! So here's the very, very long awaited E2M2: Storage Complex Here's le le download (v1.2) Here's also le old downloads for v1.0 and v1.1 This map has been in development hell for a while, but all-in-all it still came out real fun and nice. Still might need to mess with balancing but I think the map's fine overall as it is (unless there's some kind of major bug that I'm unaware of :p). Criticism and feedback are wanted and appreciated! Technical junk: Game: The Ultimate Doom (DOOM.WAD) Map Name: Storage Complex Map Slot: E2M2 MIDI: The Demons from Adrian's Pen (Redux) MIDI Author: Jay Reichard (silentzorah) Tested With: DSDA-Doom 0.24.2 (-complevel 3) Difficulty Levels: All Coop: Yes (only starts) Deathmatch: No Other screenies: Automap view: Changelog:
  13. Been busy working with school and working on another due map for another project. Dunno when I'll submit a map for this project but it'll be Eventuallyâ„¢
  14. Happy to say that I should be able to release my map tomorrow. All that's left for me is to finish up on monster and item placement. Thank you all for your patience =) Edit: So it's past "tomorrow" and I've yet to submit it (school's been getting in the way), but the map is now pretty much done. I'll upload it and do the final testing tomorrow, tomorrow.
  15. Go ahead. Steal 'em. I got nothing to lose.
  16. I think it's great that they are playing and talking about Doom, but I can't help being at least a little bit annoyed when Youtubers get tiny aspects of Doom wrong, or playing with a certain setting that I don't particularly enjoy. Then again, I can't be too mad. It becomes far easier to nitpick when you're more knowledgeable in a certain topic such as Doom. So I consider it just a byproduct of being more well inverse in a certain subject.
  17. I was just going through the test maps and found one for coloured lights: Were coloured lights planned to be added to the in-game levels or was it just used for testing?
  18. Some new screenies for my Solar Struggle map:
  19. It says I need access. You can change this by right clicking the file in Drive, selecting "Get Link", then changing "Restricted" to "Anyone with the link".
  20. Just want to chime in and say that I'll try to submit my map by the end of the week. Most I'll have to do now is visual touch ups and monster placement.
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