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Everything posted by Wavy

  1. And TITLEPIC is now complete! I decided to make this in GMod as I don't have any knowledge in any 3D modelling tools. Still looks great nonetheless. 320x200 variant: And for those who are interested, here's the original screenshot I took in GMod: Edit. Do you want me to add "from memory" at the bottom of the Evilution text @Engired?
  2. And INTERPIC is done! This took me a max of maybe 20 minutes? And the 320x200 variant to use in-game:
  3. I did say that I wasn't going to join, buuuuut I've changed my mind. I'd like MAP01 Edit: I'll also do INTERPIC and TITLEPIC as well.
  4. Over 2 decades of Doomworld's existence has led to this thread. Brilliant. But I must ask, does the Cacodemon's 5000 DFP apply to only one of the holes or is it the total power of fart from both holes?
  5. Awesome! Not sure if I'll be able to participate but it'll be interesting to see how TNT turns out.
  6. Of course, else I'll die :V However, mud and blood are the only two that I really "trust" as different mappers have their own rules as to if they hurt or not.
  7. Unfortunately for you, I do certainly have my own super collider in the luxury of my own home. So when I eventually find all of those tiny quarks that you say you've spread across the universe, I'll become the first ever art thief-thief and I'll become unstoppable from that point forward!
  8. I have funged your non-fungible.
  9. Are you on a laptop with an NVIDIA GPU by any chance? I use an Acer Nitro 5 laptop with a GTX 1650 Ti and had this exact bug with SLADE when I initially bought it. Here's how I fixed it: Right click on your desktop Select "NVIDIA Contol Panel" Go to "Manage 3D settings" In Global Settings, change your preferred graphics processor to "High-performance NVIDIA processer" If that doesn't work, you might need to go to Program settings and make one for SLADE itself using the same "High-performance NVIDIA processer".
  10. I mean, the source code is there so someone could literally make Open Lara if they really wanted to.
  11. I'd imagine so, and I doubt it'd be much better on the GBA.
  12. Ah. Haven't played Tomb Raider myself so I wouldn't know about the delay and I thought he was referring to the actual button mappings. My bad.
  13. Just around a day ago, a port of Tomb Raider for the GBA powered through OpenLara (an open source Tomb Raider engine implementation) was released in an alpha state. The developer goes by XProger and was able to get a semi consistent ~15 FPS by using a lot of optimisations and hand written assembly code. For now, only the first 3 levels are playable, but XProger aims to support more levels and improve on this port. The source repository for OpenLara and its GBA port is available here and its thread on GBAtemp is also here.
  14. Awesome! There's actually another McDonalds training cart called eCDP found a little over a year ago by Nick Robinson, which has fortunately been dumped as well. He made a really interesting video on his quest to obtain it:
  15. ...so you're gonna destroy them with your rocket launcher?
  16. I'll try my best. I haven't made much progress as of recent due to real life stuff, but I don't think it's impossible for me to get it done during that time.
  17. Honestly I might DM or contact id Software about this. It's completely unacceptable. Though about the monkey thing: There's plenty of alterations and derivatives of Bored Apes. No idea why as they're completely lifeless and expressionless.
  18. I had a similar experience when I first played played it, but I slowly understood its progression/layout which turned it into my favourite map from The Ultimate Doom.
  19. Knee Deep in the Dead: E1M7 - Computer Station The Shores of Hell: E2M7 - Spawning Vats Inferno: E3M3 - Pandemonium Thy Flesh Consumed: E4M2 - Perfect Hatred (but E4M3 - Sever the Wicked is pretty close though)
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