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Everything posted by Wavy

  1. Super thankful that I was able to help with this! Congrats on the release Vic! I could be eligible for a Codeaward. We just need it to get nominations ;)
  2. Just launched this up in PsyDoom and god damn this is awsome. Really pushing the engine to its limits. Great stuff! Also, where are the Archvile sounds from? Did you make them? They sound and fit in quite well with the other sounds.
  3. https://hiddenpalace.org/ The stuff they do for game preservation is awesome.
  4. Heretic also has its own difficulty level: 1000 Deaths Await Thee. It's just the same as Unholy Massacre (double enemy damage, half ammo pickups) but for Heretic.
  5. Touhou Luna Nights on the Switch I'm nearing the end of it and I have to say that it's really good stuff.
  6. Here's a few: Taisei Project - FOSS Touhou fangame SuperTux - Mario-styled platformer starring the Linux mascot: Tux! Metaforce - A reimplementation of Retro Studios' internal engine for the Wii/Gamecube, used for games such as Metroid Prime and Donkey Kong Country Returns.
  7. So I was blind. Thought that those resolutions would be after 320x200, not before. Thanks anyways. With some of the new features in this port, I might actually use this over DSDA. Great work! Edit: Those resolutions are after 320x200. I really am blind huh
  8. This is a silly question but where in the options do I enable 486 426x200? The resolution option isn't showing it (do I have to set it manually within the config?) Am I blind and missed something?
  9. Yup. This video goes into detail: This is really great news, especially as the only models of the Switch that are hackable are the old launch models before the 2019 revision (I think?). I'm no expert, but I'd assume with advancements with OLED technology that burn-out shouldn't be as much of an issue. N64 and Genesis games are coming sometime this month, do I hope that the border gets addressed by Nintendo by adding an option to remove it. Agreed. Aces is one of the better tennis games on the Switch. I'm still going nuts over the fact that you can play as a Chain Chomp hehe. (Also how does Doom 3 and Quake specifically look on the OLED? Asking because of their vivid colours and strong lighting)
  10. I haven't had much time to develop episode 2 because of a certain other Doom 32x project I'm helping on, as well as other things. I'm still keen on doing episode 2 mind you, I just need to be less busy. Sorry about that.
  11. I think I just had a brain aneurysm reading that lol On topic: Charles Foster Offdensen from Metalocalypse
  12. Rose hip jam and you cannot change my opinion on that.
  13. Welcome back Casali! I know that you're probably getting flooded with a lot of questions, but have you gotten a chance to play Plutonia Revisited? And if so, what are your thoughts? Also, @Roebloz ported the first few maps from Plutonia to the Sega 32x! And also, what's your opinions on... this
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