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Everything posted by Wavy

  1. If the map doesn't consist of only FIREBLU or GRAYTALL then I'd be very disappointed.
  2. I haven't played Warlock 1 nor the Warlock 2 demo but it seems promising. The use of verticality is a huge plus in my book.
  3. Ok ok. Just know that this character is related to the number 9
  4. As a Touhou fan, let me explain: The number 9 (or more specifically, ⑨) is correlated to "Cirno" from Touhou, and today is 9/9. Why ⑨? In the manual for (ironically) Touhou 9: Phantasmagoria of Flower View, she is labelled as "9. baka" (i.e idiot) in an explanation of the game screen's layout. ^^Bad explanation. Ignore
  5. By creating this fullbody PCB Cirno portrait: I shared this as a status update, but a thread has been made for this so I thought I'd share it here. Her PCB portrait was cut off by the sides, so I used this ZUN illustration but AI upscaled and attached the cut sides to her original PCB portrait. I also did some slight editing to clean it up. Use it for what you need, no credit needed.
  6. @TheMagicMushroomMan That doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. I'd contribute to it.
  7. Happy Cirno day!


    If anyone wants it, here's a fullbody edit of Cirno's PCB portrait that I made. (as I couldn't find anything similar online)




    Her PCB portrait was cut off by the sides, so I used this ZUN illustration but AI upscaled and attached the cut sides to her original PCB portrait. I also did some slight editing to clean it up.


    Use it for what you need, no credit needed.

  8. On Windows, you need to go to C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\Nightdive Studios\Quake\ and copy the \q64 directory into your Spiked install. Load q64 as a mod (like with "game q64" into the console) and it should work.
  9. Just tried the rerelease in Spiked and it works pretty well. I'm really happy that the MD5 models work in Spiked and I might put them in its own PAK so I can use it in my regular Quake install.
  10. Haven't heard too much from the Plutonia MIDI pack but Plunge Saw for MAP32 rocks.
  11. Use Mark V as that has a software renderer.
  12. Some kind of Motarola 68000 assembly code
  13. What's the name of the controller? I've always wanted to get one of them.
  14. Fish avatars were always cool, so yes.
  15. Would like to add these (if they haven't been yet) Mods: Boiled Doom ^^Still W.I.P, but thought it'd be a nice addition Ultimate Doom Maps: Doom: They Way We Remember It Doom 2 Maps: Angry Quilt
  16. Hope Spiked gets support for this. If not then I'll just try to port the code to Spiked myself. Edit: Spiked supports it now. Downloads are here.
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