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Everything posted by Wavy

  1. Nice video @Doomkid! I like the editing from @Biodegradable! I now wonder if anyone with a G.I Joe figure can roughly recreate the hanging corpses sprites.
  2. For older shooters, it'd be Quake. For more modern retro shooters, it's a tie between Ion Fury and Prodeus.
  3. Here's my work so far on MAP29: Deleted due to me already finishing it (and saving on space =P)
  4. Yeah. Really a new MIDI would of been nice for either instead of Shawn's got the Shotgun
  5. Swap MAP29 and MAP28's tracks around. Getting Too Tense (MIDI used for MAP28) fits far more for a penultimate map like MAP29.
  6. I opened pak0.pak in the id1 folder and if you go into /bots/characters.txt you'll find a list of all names a bot can have. I counted and there is 172 unique names.
  7. Ah. I quickly made it in GIMP. I'll fix this now Edit: And it's fixed. See my previous post.
  8. @Tarvis If you're gonna share the DoE weapons then I suppose I shall share my proximity mine launcher for SoA then =P Here: QuakeEX_hipnotic_md5.zip Here's how the model looks:
  9. Touhou isn't exactly "copyleft" but ZUN (creator of Touhou) is very lenient when it comes to fan content such as allowing fan games on Steam. ^^Ignore that. I didn't get the joke On topic: Anime guy with goggles? It's cropped but it looks like goggles.
  10. Something I'm making for a school assignment
  11. Devours the entire site Still is hungry
  12. They should be called fighting games. That's what this Doom 2 commercial told me:
  13. It's due to wierdness with the "Raise Floor and Change Texture" linedef action in GBA Doom. It seems to not like animated floors, so it doesn't change.
  14. Well, eventually. Right now I've been spending time with school and working on other projects (one of them being a Doom CP). I'll start work on it when I can, but expect it to be sooner rather than later ;)
  15. You can do this in GZDoom. Open the console and type: [restart -file mod.wad] Without the brackets There may be an easier way in GZDoom but this works for me.
  16. May also explain why he can't look up or down: He has chronic back and neck problems from carrying all that gear. His Hall Of Mirrors pocket. Anything can fit in there!
  17. Ranger was never animated to look left and right.
  18. I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
  19. Yeah. Nintendo is really picky when it comes to fan games. Seems to be when one becomes relatively poplar is when Nintendo will hit the hammer. But even then Nintendo sometimes just doesn't care.
  20. In other news: Nintendo shut down another fan project based off Metroid called "Prime 2D". Article: https://gbatemp.net/threads/nintendos-legal-team-has-stepped-in-to-end-development-on-fanmade-metroid-project-prime-2d.593344/ Really, I don't think announcing a fan game--knowing full well that the big N will hit it with a DMCA--while it being in the demo phase is really a good idea. Though, I want to clarify that I'm not saying that what Nintendo did here wasn't scummy, because it is.
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