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Everything posted by Wavy

  1. I first played Doom through DsDoom SVN v1.4 so I was really stuck with vanilla WADs. But I barely remember what my firsts WADs were, so here is a possible list: Doom 4 Vanilla Jaguar Doom TC Chex Quest (along with the DeHackEd)
  2. Doom speedrunners getting 3 seconds on Hangar
  3. Has anyone taken the CREDITS screen yet? I'm happy to do it.
  4. Sonic knows what he's going to do, and we can't stop him.
  5. What will you do with 2 million dollars? A: Several trips around the world B: Sealed copy of the most sold NES game that you can't even play Choose wisely
  6. That was about Team Executor, which was a shady hacking group anyways. But regular people shouldn't be worried because the most you're doing is breaking the TOS which isn't really illegal in most countries. Unless you're using hacks/cheats in online games or using legit CIA's, you can't really get caught.
  7. Well it's different for other people. I was just going off my experience.
  8. Wish I could be as cool as fancy Imp
  9. id Tech 7 (the one used in Doom Eternal) is probably the most optimised and stable engines out there. It certainly ain't perfect, but I've (from my experience) had zero crashes through my whole playthrough of the main campaign and TAG1. Plus, why bother making a new engine?
  10. Would like to announce that Doom 32x: Delta - Hell on Earth Part 1 is basically complete! Expect the release very soon!
  11. Fair. I've never used that doubled-sided tape trick so I wouldn't know
  12. Need to finish up on recreating MAP29 from memory, as well as continuing development on Doom 32x Delta: Hell on Earth. Besides that, not much of interest
  13. Idea with the masking tape: Roll up a few small strips of tape so it's sticky on all sides and then put them on the back of the poster and boom! Double-sided tape!
  14. And it's about time. Powerslave PSX was one of the most unique retro shooters and the only way to play it on PC was through the taken-down Powerslave EX. Nice seeing the treatment the game needed. I also really like the name as well: Powerslave: Exhumed Simple, but works perfectly.
  15. That is true as one of the later versions of Doom gained MIDI support, but I'm asking more on why they went with MUS in the first place. But I just checked and the MUS files do increase a sizable amount when converted to MIDI so maybe it was just size.
  16. Why Doom 2 MUS files in the IWAD are stored as their abbreviated song names and not just D_MAP01-32 And speaking of which, why are they in the MUS format anyways? I know it's slightly smaller but it's just a watered down MIDI format if I remember.
  17. There's unfortunately no way to merge them together, as I had to use some special effects/replace some sprites in each episode which wouldn't allow the ability to merge them into a singular ROM.
  18. Probably a lawyer from some crime game
  19. Just make sure not to lose the yellow one when near a Pharaoh ;)
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