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Everything posted by Wavy

  1. Wavy


    Debating on if I should make this my new banner. Edit: And also:
  2. To me the software renderer is part of Doom's core visual identity. Like, hardware renderers are certainly nice especially when it emulates the diminishing lights correctly, but the 256-color limit/renderer quirks from the software renderer is just more Doomy, y'know?
  3. I'd suggest using the port of PrBoom Plus instead. You may want to overclock the CPU to 500mhz with PSVshell if you want to get the best performance with the software renderer though
  4. Seems really cool from the screenshots alone and I would totally play it. Now only if I had a headset :')
  5. https://slade.mancubus.net but I could be wrong though.
  6. Been wanting to return to mapping so sign me down.
  7. Getting back into mapping Quit procrastinating Improve at drawing/art Learn more Python (and programming in general)
  8. More notes: Both the SSG and chaingun lack muzzle flash sprites. Bullet puffs are white and grey rather than yellow. Imp's and Caco's fireballs use the Imp's fireball sprite from PC Doom. The BFG ball upon impact doesn't have an animation, and lingers on one of the ball sprites. Speaking of the BFG, the green placeholder sprite shown above is used on the BFG fizzle sprites when a monster is hit by one of its rays. The HUD is white as opposed to red, and only shows values for health, ammo, and armour from left to right. This means that keys aren't shown on the HUD at all. The chainsaws animation isn't finished, so the blades don't move when idle or firing (holding a chainsaw forward without actually using it isn't gonna get you far, Doomguy). New idle hand sprite! It's open and not closed: That early Unmaker shown in the above magazine has a sprite called LSRGA0, which is the same name as the Unmaker's sprite in the final version: Here's a rip of that green placeholder sprite, conveniently named TESTA0: Also, with how much unused and early sprites/content there is I'm not sure if I'll be able to cover them all, so I'll leave it at here for now. I'll add screenshots for these notes eventually though.
  9. Was grinding at Touhou 18 at the start of the year but I still haven't actually beaten it on normal yet.
  10. Found the ROM (won't link it, hehe) and I've made a couple interesting notes: MAP01: A Cacodemon is present after the blue key door. MAP01: A seemingly placeholder sprite is next to the switch which opens the door to the Pinky monster closet. It has no collision. MAP02: The chaingun room lacks the barrels in the center. Might update with more notes later.
  11. Cacodemon plush Speaking of, I want one too...
  12. While I haven't been as active here as I once was, it's great to see all the WAD's I've missed out on. Only thing I've been playing recently is KDiKDiZD, which has been a blast. Solar Struggle getting a mention is cool to see too, as it's the last thing I've mapped for since April (I really should get back into mapping, heh). With that said, congrats to all winners and nominees! (Also, the ChatGPT intro was hilarious)
  13. Every time I hear about Fortnite that video and the $19 Fortnite card video always pops up in my head but I'm honestly not complaining.
  14. I highly recommend checking out Slipseer. It's a new forum for Quake and it's very much like Doomworld. Could I have a download to this if there is one?
  15. Happy two-years-of-me-existing-on-this-site everyone!

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