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Everything posted by Wavy

  1. Hey, I remember this thread! But out of all threads to be brought up, why this one? Lol
  2. Corrupted techbases > Regular techbases
  3. I've been holding off playing this and I really shouldn't of. WAD of the century.
  4. "Science isn't about WHY. It's about WHY NOT. Why is so much of our science dangerous? Why not marry safe science if you love it so much. In fact, why not invent a special safety door that won't hit you on the butt on the way out, because you are fired." - Cave Johnson, 1958
  5. Of course, but maybe not for a while. Besides, why would id drop their most iconic franchise?
  6. I undertand that the goal of the project is to merge The Master Edition with PSX Doom and Final Doom at the end but I'm curious if there's a way that I could add maps in Beta 4 now since PSXMPINF is a thing. If there isn't, then I'm more than fine just to wait on the completed version.
  7. Congrats on the Beta 4 release! Happy to confirm that it runs on my PS2 Is there any way that I could get the original PSX Doom/Final Doom maps working in this as well? Like using PSXMPINF.TXT?
  8. Exciting! Got my PS2 up and running again so I can give this a go on real hardware.
  9. Splatoon 3 Been grinding at it since launch. Currently have about 150 hours in it so far IIRC. It's way too addicting, hehe
  10. When I first got into mapping, I began work on a (admittedly pretty ambitious) MegaWAD with custom DeHackEd monsters and weapons. I put a lot of time into it and did quite a bit of DeHacking work, but it honestly didn't go anywhere. I've actually uploaded a few screenies on here but I was getting quite frustrated with it which gave me no motivation to continue it. I started that 2 and a half years ago. I'm probably just gonna start from scratch hehe.
  11. ZUN easily. Every song that he's made for Touhou is super catchy and I'd say that he hasn't made one bad song. The way he writes music that fits for each character and with such emotion is something I heavily admire. While the general instrumentation for each of the Touhou games stay roughly the same, every game has its own unique style and feel. And the way he uses electric guitars is just perfection. My personal favourite tracks:
  12. I just needed a username for Quakeworld. It doesn't hold any special meaning other than "it sounds cool".
  13. That's kinda my point. When I said shooter, I was talking more specifically about FPS and TPS games like Splatoon.
  14. I will! Sorry about this issue everyone. I do promise that it'll be fixed in the next build, among other map bugs.
  15. Dunno how true this specific statement is. Bullet hell shmups like DonDonPachi and Touhou are mega popular there.* Rhythm games too. *I know Touhou is popular because of the cute girls, and DonDonPachi too, but the actual bullet hell scene is still massive there! Huh. Wonder who that could include. Can't be me obviously. --- Oh, and on the topic of shooters, Splatoon 3 (which I know isn't an FPS, but I think is still relevant) sold nearly 4 million copies in Japan, making it the best selling game there of 2022 in a matter of a month. Clearly there is a market for shooter games.
  16. Holy shite. Hey @Kippykip! I actually used your COLORMAP as a base for the red/green/blue/yellow tones in my POC. Dunno if I'll contunue work on it though as the last time I touched it was over a year ago.
  17. Changed my password to "DoomworldIsCool99" I'm now unhackable!
  18. I don't know. Have you tried touching it yourself?
  19. Been playing Prodeus recently and damn, this game's pretty.
  20. Rockstar has made an official statement: Guess I have no need to fear.
  21. This isn't a leak, this is an entire flooding. And honestly, with how much has actually leaked, I can see Rockstar either postponing development indefinitely or outright cancelling GTA 6. Especially considering how the source code for GTA 5 and 6 has (allegedly) been sold or at least been made available for bidding, as so I've heard.
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