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Silhouette 03

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About Silhouette 03

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  1. I don't think anyone can honestly say what you should do to make a game "good", except make the game you want to make. It all comes down to personal preference, and at the end of the day, you should be making something that you are proud of and what you see as being a good and fun game. Don't cater to specific groups of people. Your game will find an audience. And most importantly, have fun while making your game. The game should reflect you, after all :)
  2. I'd like to give up my slot. Not in the right headspace to map for something like this. Good luck to everyone else who is participating.
  3. New version. A big thank you to @Biodegradable for playtesting. Download -fixed caco monster closet not opening -Set cybers to ambush - Made texturing more consistent
  4. Hi, is this CP open to new-ish mappers( three years of experience)? If so, I'll take Map17, please :)
  5. Update for "Stay frosty". Thanks to Misty for the feedback and suggestions. Download -Fixed softlock - Made SSG more noticeable - Gave moving rock a different texture
  6. Map Name: Stay frosty Author: Silhouette 03 Music: Tower of fire-Jimmy Link to level: Download Difficulty settings: Yes Comments: It's relatively short, but I hope you enjoy. I am still a novice mapper so I'm open to feedback :) Screenshots:
  7. Hello :) Please read this and edit your post accordingly.
  8. Ah, right. Misread that, ha ha. But still, people do tend to enjoy short maps, especially standalone maps that are limited to a specific number of lines.
  9. Hello and welcome to Doomworld @Lowy-♥ :) Firstly: If you're going to criticize what is evidently a newcomer's map, then please be constructive. We want to encourage people to get into mapping, not dissuade them. More mappers means more talent. You and I both know it takes time and practice to make Doom map. This I agree with. Adding Height variation is key to making the map stand out. On the contrary, a lot of people these days enjoy very short maps. Look at micro slaughter community project and the various Scythe inspired projects :) This I somewhat agree with. As a newer mapper OP should spend as much time as possible refining what's there, get feedback and learn from your mistakes. Make a lot of maps, and then you'll start to improve. Now, on to the map. Apart from the flatness, there's also not much structure to the map, and the progression is really basic. In your next map, I'd highly recommend trying to structure your encounters. When I place a monster, what role does it play, and does it place pressure on the player to do something or act quickly? I'm also a beginner mapper, so I also struggle with structuring combat encounters, but through practice you begin to use the vanilla enemies in interesting ways. Progression can be basic, but in this case it's a bit lacking. Maybe start by having doors that need keys to open, or lowering bars to get into another area. Basic, but effective progression can be fun. You don't have to pull a Hexen XD Here's a video that helped me learn what not to do when I released my abysmal first map: Community projects are a great way to flex your mapping muscles and get some really helpful feedback, which can help you improve even more. The Doomworld Maximum project is a really good place to start. It's open to everyone who follows the rules. Happy mapping!
  10. How open is this project to newer mappers? I have nearly three years of mapping experience. I can also DM you one of my maps if you'd like to take a look at my work.
  11. First off, screenshots. This isn't the first time you've released a map. I'm pretty sure I remember playing one of your maps. , Also: This doesn't strike me as confident. If you know your map is unbalanced, why are you releasing it? Okay, you really need to stop doing this. People are less likely to play your map now, because most people do not like terry wads. Your map not being a terry wad goes without saying. Again, Why the disclaimer? I'm not trying to be harsh, but I believe this needs to be said as I've seen your other map's OP. Presentation is everything.
  12. Some screenshots as requested. I don't know if this map will be accepted, but I had fun making it. It's not much of a looker though. Just wish I could do a 1984-themed map more justice.
  13. Map Name: Arrival Author: Silhouette 93 Music: Outnumbered-Jimmy Sky: SKYAA_01 from resource pack Difficulty settings: Yes Build time: 6 hours Comments: I had a lot of fun making this, and the resource pack is awesome. Thanks to everyone involved :) Screenshots:
  14. Same, though it's more that I struggle to balance doing the things I enjoy. Personal recommendation For both the OP and Josh: Bungo stray dogs. I went into this expecting nothing and discovered one of my favourite series ever. It has so much charm and personality, and I like almost every character. Highly underrated. Dub is great too Vinland saga( with the Netflix dub). I started off having mixed feelings about this one, but then grew to love this show dearly. It's a revenge story done well. Cowboy bebop. Not by any means a perfect show, but it is fun. I love most of the main cast. Also, Steve Blum.
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