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About aconfusedhuman

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  1. I don't like throwing around the term "hardest demo", but thought this would be a bit of fun. What's a run from another player that, whether is hard or not, purely from watching the demo, looks like one of their best demos to you?
  2. mayhem15 map30 pacifist in 20.94 mh1530p020.zip
  3. e1m1 pacifist and nomo in 14.91 and 14.80 respectively: a1d1p1491.zip a1d1o1480.zip
  4. e1m1 pacifist in 8.80s p1m1-880.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0H3MN9GK4k
  5. Descending staircases which turn or have a ceiling right above them :^)
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