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About JezChrist

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  1. ... Wouldn't it be better if you challenge the name above ?
  2. I think that eternal is pretty, as long as you have a guide for the one or two level with cryotic shootable switchs hidden on a wall that opens by walking in a fucking window. The atmosphere is nailed, and yiu can feel the sens of place and adventure. It's really cool.
  3. Finished Plutonia UV Pistol start no saves. Except the level with th Chaungunner spawning next to you, I saved there. I'm no madmen. Finished Alien TC with keyboard only... I dunno if it is an achivement but e3m1 is so hard keyboard only on UV... I'm used to wasd + mouse.
  4. CD-RW can have some issue if kept in some area with frequent change of temperature. Generally they can last 3 or 4 decades without being damaged. I would recommend copying the files on a new CD though. (Or a DVD, way more solid)
  5. It looks sick. Does it use any of Eternity's quirk ? Or did you use this format because you are most comfortable with it ? I'm downloading ^^
  6. Yes, I don't understand either how people fell in love with the original memento mori... Their design is always weird and cryptic... Why hide it that way ? It's not even like a fun puzzle at all.
  7. Glad you liked Plutonia ! Its the basis of all modern Doom combat.
  8. With GZDoom I believe Caps Lock puts you in autorun, where base speed is runnin' and the player walks when pressing shift.
  9. I think this belongs in this part of DW forum : https://www.doomworld.com/forum/6-source-ports/ as I am unsure that most people stumbling through those threads are qualified to answer your question. (Don't take my word for it) It may be linked to the way you complied it. Did you get all the level in one wad file ? Looks like you changed the sky texture of the entire iwad. I would check the DOOM2.wad skyboxes with Slade to be sure. If the skyboxes are okay in the .wad iwad, then it may be linked to the way Crispy Doom reads the files, and this is beyond my skills.
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