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About Sectorslayer

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    Friendly neighborhood slayer

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  1. Thanks for reporting! I put a new link and tried it again in private browsing. Should work now! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VC1Hlivvoa69rOnDcCJutmBBLE3ycDRr/view?usp=sharing
  2. Updated the main post with updated WAD. Including maps 1-6, 9 and bugfixes. Also download here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VC1Hlivvoa69rOnDcCJutmBBLE3ycDRr/view?usp=sharing Next up: E1M7 Computer Station.
  3. Thanks for testing yet again! Yes, it's a short and snappy map - fitting the soundtrack. Couple of fixes and difficulty levels and it is ready to go into the complete WAD. Next up will be Computer Station and Phobos Anomaly. And then it is done! Given my net-Doom-time this will take month. But yeah...
  4. Update: New project map now in main file. -- Ultimate Doom, E1M6 I built it using Crispy Doom, but I have to recommend PrBoom ports, because the high number of monsters and items might trigger blockmap overflow. Video recordings welcome! Cheers, Sectorslayer
  5. Thank you for the kind words! E1M5 has always been my favorite map of Ultimate Doom. Especially because of the atmospheric MIDI. The map is basically built around the suspense theme. As with all my previous episode 1 maps, this one also got a tiny bit too large. ;-) Just so that players can enjoy the horror a bit longer, of course. I attempted a bit more open layout, giving options. The yellow key area can be approached in two ways. Not an easy thing to balance. Thank you! It's always lovely to see someone blowing themself up in a hectic assault. :-) I got a few things and already fixed some...
  6. Back from holidays, first things first: Added difficulty levels for E1M5. I updated the download link in the first post. If you don't like "Doom Scrolling" back, here is the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fl7VVhwEi6OprJlDTMpB7PIzDZZHmQrL/view?usp=sharing Enjoy Phobos Lab!
  7. I’m going to be assimilated by Aztec super computer.
  8. Good news! E1M5 progression is complete and has first been tested by @Clippy. Thanks! You will find the video of him breaking the map on his channel: https://youtu.be/bGBZJPFKie4?si=oxguUlA9ClVi2PKZ Some of those bugs have already been addressed... Since I'm away for quite a time, I will finish difficulty settings and minor things first thing next year. If you want to give it a Ultra Violence spin yourself, it is now included in the main WAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fl7VVhwEi6OprJlDTMpB7PIzDZZHmQrL/view?usp=sharing Limit removing and tested on Crispy, it follows the suspense theme and includes a tiny bit of resource management. So turn down the light, put on the headphones and survive... Happy holidays and happy dooming everyone!
  9. Vectigalia solvo, ergo sum.
  10. Bumping the thread, because this project is still running in the back of my head. Just too many things happening in life and everywhere. I just seem to not be able to make some Doom time. I tried to build the E1M5 replacement. And while if have some ideas, I just can't find a way to express them properly. I even deleted a whole section because it did not have the desired Knee Deep theme. Something I've never done before. I don't have much time, so I have to map in between things for an hour or just fifteen minutes a day. Not enough to get my Doom vibes up at the moment. So I'm stuck with some experiments... But I'm not giving up. Drawing lines and sectors - until it is done!
  11. Awesome project! What’s the up-to-date way to playtest deathmatch? You all hang out on servers or is there a bot implementation somewhere?
  12. Thanks! Don’t forget to check the finished product: I’m always glad about videos and demos of people playing through. So don’t forget to hit the record button! 😅
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