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Death Bear

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Everything posted by Death Bear

  1. Map Name: A Hot Start was NOT on my Christmas List Author: Death Bear Music: 12 Days of Christmas from the resource Sky: Default Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: No Build Time: 1 Hour Comments: Uh...Too Bad, kid. That's all I could afford this Christmas. Gimmicks: Bone Door, BFG Screenshots:
  2. Map Name: Gaping Wound of Repressed Memories Author: Death Bear Music: Besieged City by James Paddock Sky: None (ALLBLACK) Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: Not yet implemented Build Time: 3 Hours plus a lot of detailing Comments: Inspired by Entry Wound (13) and Puddle of Sacrifice (Hell Yeah). Will need a little more detail in starting area, and maybe some balancing. Map Name: Gazing Upon the Flood of the Wicked Authors: Shadow Sparkle and Death Bear Music: Paint the Town Red by James Paddock Sky: None (ALLBLACK) Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: Not yet implemented Build Time: 30 minute Sketch, 2 Hours Mapping plus a lot of detailing Comments: My youngest's first public submission. Such a fun collab!
  3. Seeing Warpspeed and Solar Struggle among the list brings me joy. @BluePineapple72 & @ViolentBeetle are two project leaders that continue to motivate and inspire me as a mapper; such amazing work you've brought us together for. Seeing both of @myolden's solo outings here is amazing! Thanks to you all of you out there who've provided your feedback, help, talent, expertise, and encouragement this year! And thanks to all of you who've tubed and streamed our work! Thank you, authors, for your kind words. I can now say for the second full year in a row: this community is just awesome! Mapping is the best, but it's this community that makes it really, really worth doing. Congrats to all the winners, and to everyone putting their creativity and skill into Doom this year. Bring on 2023!!!
  4. Recorded this before there was a follow-up. This was fun! If you notice me lost for a second, I was dumb and forgot that I picked up the red key haha. Enjoy!
  5. Clandestine Castle Crashing (Just gonna throw this in here.) Also, not sure what you'd consider the difficulty on here, sorry if you play it and it's too much. There's not difficulty settings on all of these.
  6. No worries. Thanks for playing! I think with Melemesh's 4th map, that brings us to one final hurrah for the second wad! We got any takers?
  7. I’ve played through the first two maps, and I’ve enjoyed it so far. I may spend sporadic time over the next month playing through, but I’m interested enough to play further. It feels like a lot of work went into this, and it looks awesome.
  8. Fun map! Doesn't really look like a "first map" either. Some Quick Feedback: Doom on!
  9. TH1RTE3N by Pineapple Under the Sea Studios. All Hell, Cl-9 UMAPINFO, Full 5 Episodes.
  10. A little light reading. Thanks for sharing. Quick Feedback: No bugs that I could tell. Doom on!
  11. Fun little map! Here's one last hurrah for MAP29 for the second wad. Vile Knowledge by Death Bear No Difficulties, Co-Op Starts 1 Hour and 1 Minute Music is The Library of Nightmares by Tristan Clark Stock Textures Tested in GZDOOM4.8.2 and PRBOOM+2.6 A little romp through the musty old book shelves.
  12. Bringing this thread back! Thanks again to everyone who participated. I'm slow with Doom stuff until mid-December, BUT I've officially managed to beat every map in this set, except MAP54, but our pal @muumi stepped up and was able to beat it handily. With that said, I have 28 videos of playthroughs of ~60 maps to scrounge through for youtube, but I'll have those up as soon as I can, with feedback. Again, I'm relegating feedback to impressions, "does it follow the rules?", and "Is it broken?"; no little nitpicks. I'll post the videos here once they're complete. Thanks again for making the Pineapple Under the Sea projects so fun! Really. Y'all are awesome!
  13. Finished first pass of "By Candlelight", a full 9-map episode for Heretic. Stock textures, targeting Chocolate Heretic. More to do, but the first part of my quest is complete: After 3 attempts, I finally was able to finish what I set out to do for NANOWADMO this year. HELL TO THE YEAH! I learned a lot and was challenged by not relying on texture packs and limit removing-ness. I'll be working on it some more, getting it tested, and slating for a January release with some custom graphics.
  14. In case anyone following this is interested and not in the discord, this is my third attempt at NANO, and am close to finishing my project this time. I sketched out some maps, some from the top of my head, some from dungeon maps on my phone, using a blue crayon and printer paper one night by candlelight after my power died for 8 hours. I decided from the get-go to turn them into Heretic maps, and that's what I'm doing now. I sketched an entire episode and am now 6 out of 9 on first pass. Vanilla textures, running in Chocolate Heretic. Hoping to finish them before the end of the month to spend time refining and testing. It's my first real attempt beyond what I did for Heresy (which was UDMF), and I'm learning. The limitations have been fun, and not too challenging.
  15. In case you don't recognize my profile picture, Death Bear is a one-off character from Regular Show. But I like Bears and that's my favorite show. Also, Death Bear is "just a myth", which I suppose is fitting for a screenname with no real name attached (yet?). When I started (as well as social media usernames), it's stylized as Death Bear of Death. The redundancy, I thought, was funny. But it's also another reference to Regular Show...some of the moves of "Death Kwon Do" end in "of Death" (i.e. "The Death Punch of Death"). Death Bear (of Death). I like it. I think I'll keep it and remain an urban legend.
  16. I think you may have missed "Bang Bang Adult" by @Yumheart ? It was one that was posted before we went into that first lull.
  17. Raising this one from the dead to announce that we're on idgames! Thank you, everyone!
  18. Bumping this to announce that we're on idgames! Congratulations, everyone!
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