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Death Bear

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Everything posted by Death Bear

  1. I admittedly won’t be starting my map probably for another two weeks. Just in case anyone out there is keeping track.
  2. 6 Days left baby! We’re close to breaking 100 maps! We’re starting PUSS XXXI promptly in October, so be sure to get those maps in before we have to wake up Billy Jo Armstrong! Make ‘em quick! Make ‘em dirty! I believe in you!
  3. 3 Hours? Sounds like a bonus map. We can either fit it in this quarter's version of treasure chest, or I can make it optional near the end or something like I did in "Lunacy". Up to you.
  4. Current Build (Week 3): (GOOGLE DRIVE) UMAPINFO Required Placeholder for MAP01 MAPS 02-79, 81-92, 99 Danlex's Map is Currently MAP99, but is accessed through finishing MAP79 Everything in Numerical Progression 01-79, All Secret Maps are 81-92 and should be entered through their corresponding map. No Custom Text Screens, CWILVs, or Credits Map
  5. Thanks, everyone! I updated the OP link to RC1.1 to add in a MAPINFO that adds the map names, authors, and episode names...for those who play in associated ports. No custom text yet, but that'll be maybe later down the line. Enjoy!
  6. That tap-tap-tapping at your chamber door means it's time for a release thread! PUSS 28: Quoth the Raven A Heretic Community Project by Pineapple Under the Sea Studios, led by Death Bear and Egregor 3 Episodes of Heretical Goodness! Vanilla Limit-Removing Heretic, targeting most recent version of Crispy Heretic (Uses HEHACKED for TITLES) Also compatible with: - dsda-doom 0.26 (UMAPINFO AND HEHACKED NOT SUPPORTED) - GZDOOM 4.10 and up Co-op Starts and Difficulties Implemented Custom Music, featuring a number of tracks from the Raven Midi Pack! Secret Exits are forced for seamless playthrough. MAPSET DOWNLOAD: idgames RESPACK DOWNLOAD: QTR_Tex 1.0 (Google Drive) SCREENSHOTS: Wonder, fear, doubt, and dream with us on this fantastic new adventure! Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping Series introduces its first Heretic event, Quoth the Raven. In a challenge to create maps semi-inspired by the rules of the originals in 8 hours or less, 17 of us collectively constructed 27 maps in the time limit! We had a lot of fun with this, and we hope you enjoy playing! Venture into the dark and survive the Night's Plutonian Shore! Defeat the Serpent Rider and be granted the forbidden knowledge of yore! As a special bonus, we have linked the resource pack, as well! Use it for good! (Or evil. I'm not your dad.) MAPLIST (These are balanced for wand start.): Known Issues: There are currently some HOM/ visual glitches on E1M6. Because HEHACKED appears to have a limit on characters for title patches, some titles are not full length in Crispy Heretic. As always, a HUGE thanks to our event staff for their enthusiasm and expertise in helping with our events. A GREAT BIG SHOUTOUT to my co-lead @Egregor, without whom I would not have been able to do this as smoothly, effectively, and of such caliber. His work on the texture pack, overall consultation, and playtesting feedback has been invaluable to this project. He also made it a lot of fun! Our texture pack also featured the work and help of @kwc and @TheHambourgeois, for which I am very thankful! An additional big thanks to @SilverMiner in helping provide support from Crispy Heretic, including ANIMATED support and a big help with our texture pack compatibility. Thank you to @Peccatum Mihzamiz for playtesting the original run of submissions! Thank you to each our map contributors, who have really made this an enjoyable experience for me, not just as a project lead, but as a player and average Heretic enjoyer. Congratulations to BluePineapple72, Peccatum Mihzamiz, and LGmaire for making their first Heretic maps! Congratulations to Zari, for making their first map ever for this project! Thanks for everyone being patient as we sort everything out, and for allowing me to go ham to finish up the third episode, because boy how I HATE having partial episodes. We hope you enjoy playing this as much as we did creating it! Now grab that wand and get psyched heretical! Please send a raven drop a message if you find bugs and stuff, if you e are in need of an update.
  7. Fixed em in the compilation. Never went back and fixed em in the respack. I’ll update the latest comp In 2-3 days.
  8. Current Build (Week 2): (GOOGLE DRIVE) UMAPINFO Required Placeholder for MAP01 MAPS 02-63, 70-80 Danlex's Map is Currently MAP70, but is accessed through finishing MAP63 Everything in Numerical Progression 01-63, All Secret Maps are 71-80 and should be entered through their corresponding map. No Custom Text Screens, CWILVs, or Credits Map
  9. 2020 - I joined the community, and in an overly ambitious project, I got one map partially done. 2021 - Blue and I got REALLY ambitious, and I got 2 or 3 maps finished, before shifting gears. 2022 - By Candlelight was created... 9 maps for Heretic! (I need to finish this up soon!) 2023 - Here we come! @BluePineapple72 and I are planning on actually doing something together for this, this year! (Something less ambitious this time.) Let's GO! It's NANOTIME again!
  10. Map Name: Bear's Lament Author: Death Bear Resources: None Music: Jack's Lament from The Nightmare Before Christmas Format: Boom Comments: The first map I began for 12 MORE Days of Doommas was meant to be a ruin Christmas village that you would fight through. I lost passion for speedmapping this idea at the time and tried something else. I added an "exit". Since the Doommas resource is all patches over the original, it just uses stock textures. This will be one of the few PUSS maps I started I will likely never finish. So here it will go...into a PUSS wad that will accept it as-is. Haha. Screenshots:
  11. To the former: That's my kind of crazy. To the latter: Excellent!
  12. Current Build: (GOOGLE DRIVE) UMAPINFO Required Placeholder for MAP01 MAPS 02-34 Danlex's Map is Currently MAP50, but is accessed through MAP34 No Secret Maps Yet, Everything in Numerical Progression No Custom Text Screens, CWILVs, or Credits Map EDIT: Just uploaded a hotfix for the yellow falls not animating. CURRENT MAPLIST: Still 3 Weeks Left! Come get Quick 'N Dirty with us!
  13. Map Name: Slaywatch: Dead Lifeboats in the Sun Author: Death Bear Music: Terror Firma by Lippeth Format: Boom Build Time: 1 Hour Co-op Starts: Y Difficulty Settings: N Gimmicks: XXX, Beach, Boats
  14. Map Name: Slaywatch: What Prayers Have Wrought Author: Death Bear Music: Archaic Doctrine by TrialD Format: Boom Build Time: 1 Hour (a few minutes over to fix) Co-op Starts: Y Difficulty Settings: N Gimmicks: Beach, Darkness, Bone Closet
  15. I've updated the respack with a few small fixes and additions, mostly to even out a few of the choices I made for the Dis/LQ additions and fix the sand and Duke bed flats. (Thanks @DynamiteKaitorn and @Egregor!) Should be good to go. Map on, everyone! Speaking of which: Map Name: Slaywatch: Slimy Scuffle Author: Death Bear Music: Acidcity by James Paddock Format: Boom Build Time: 1 Hour Co-op Starts: Y Difficulty Settings: N Gimmicks: Beach, Cave, Barrels, Logo
  16. Map Name: Slaywatch: Overcast Conflict Author: Death Bear Music: Gatorade Nightmare by James Paddock Format: Boom Build Time: 1 Hour Co-op Starts: Y Difficulty Settings: N Gimmicks: Beach, Cave, Cheese, Logo
  17. “I like my maps like I like my [plural noun]...quick & dirty!” Beta Download (Google Drive) 128 Anniversary Speedmaps (1 Hour or Less)! Come Get Some! cl-9, UMAPINFO Support Required.
  18. Hey there, Heretics! Deadline for updates for RC1 are due end of day, September 4th. That's the latest I will have my 6 maps updated. We're getting some more testers, so please have everything ready to go. If you haven't added difficulty settings, yet, or still need to design your Writing Desk, you have a little over a week.
  19. Thanks! I did find something in addition to DreadWanderer's find that I needed to update, so this is helpful. I appreciate it, and sorry it wasn't caught prior. I'll look into all of this for sending a 1.1 update. To anyone reading, no clue when it'll be out, but do send additional bug reports, if any, so I can work on it.
  20. The great thing is there is plenty that can be done. I’m interested to see what people do. I think one of the big keys here is use it as a medium that goes beyond the typical formula of combat. Plus you seem to get it. Why wouldn’t people just see 33 maps of “switches” and dismiss it or see it as pointless?
  21. Selling it short like that, huh? How very philistine of you. That said, I present to you my SECOND greatest creation, Switch.wad. It is already featured in the resource, I guess. So, have a go.
  22. AHHHH, YEAAAAH! Feels good to be having another release. Behold, my greatest creation! A working map I made in 100 seconds, that's not just a startan room with an exit switch! The shortest map I ever created. It only took me like...42 attempts. God, I love speedmapping. Anyway congrats to @Large Cat and everyone else here! Have fun!
  23. Glad you’re enjoying it! Thanks for letting me know. I’ll dig into it soon.
  24. The Shimmering Falls by @Snowy44 Fun map! Hope this is helpful. NOTE: It didn’t have exit lines…I patched those for the compilation.
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