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Death Bear

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Everything posted by Death Bear

  1. For anyone out there mapping, we were having some graphical/ texture issues with the target ports. Thanks to @Egregor and @TheHambourgeois these should have been solved. I have updated the OP link with the new resource pack. Let us know if you find anything further, please.
  2. @Engired my submission is a few posts above your update. I added it on the 20th. Cheers!
  3. I knew it looked weird, but I suppose its the curse of looking at it for too long lol Thanks.
  4. “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore…” PUSS 28: Quoth the Raven A Heretic Community Project Hear that tapping at your chamber door? That’s not a bird…It’s that silly old bear again, back with another event for you to map for! I also wouldn’t say ‘no’ to a smackerel of honey, but we can discuss that later before I return to the Hundred Acre Wood. In our 28th installment of the wildly successful and incredibly erratic Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping series, we’re once again breaking away from our Doom2 iWAD staple to mix things up a bit! This is Quoth the Raven, our first Heretic event! I personally fell in love with Heretic shortly before participating in Heresy in 2021 and have been finding a great number of Heretic mapsets to play. So, while I’m no Heretic expert, I do really REALLY enjoy playing and mapping for it, and hope some of you might, too! Our thought was kind of in the vein of “Heretic the Way Raven Did”, but with some changes. Yes, “our”! I’m CO-LEADING this lovely event with our friend and Heretic veteran, @Egregor! He has put a lot of work into preparing this event and its resource pack, and we’re excited to see what you might come up with! Come join the heresy fun! iWAD: Heretic Format: Vanilla Limit-Removing [Heretic: Heretic (Doom format)] Target Port: Crispy Heretic Build Time: 8 hours to map, no post-detailing (just quick and dirty!) Multiplayer: (4) Co-op starts implemented Difficulties: Full Difficulties implemented (You can count this outside of your time) Custom MIDIs required! (Check additional resources for a link to the Raven MIDI pack!) In addition to a few rules, many of these are conventions used in OG Heretic Design and are expected to be followed for this event. Balance: Please balance your map for wand start, but it might not hurt to pop some health in at the end for continuous players. Ammo can be harder to fine-tune because of random ammo drops, but I'd err on the side of plenty over starvation...balanced accordingly with your inventory items. Enemy Limit: 200 enemies, hard limit (medium sized level) Secrets: At least one secret is included Theme: You must choose at least one level THEME and SETTING from the list below the rules!** We will arrange these into episodes after the submission window is closed, if there are enough submissions. THEMES - Medieval Village or Town - Castle, Fortress, or Tower(s) - Natural Caves or Mines - Tombs, Graveyards, or Catacombs - An Evil Temple or Pyramid - Ancient Decaying Ruins SETTINGS - Forests with rivers and a coastline - Deep, dark forest - Swamps - Cold Mountains with lakes, rivers, and some ice - Volcanoes with lava **If none of these THEMES or SETTINGS inspire you feel free to create your own theme and setting. These are mainly here for inspiration and to set the tone of QTR. Layout: We are using the “central hub” approach to level design that Heretic would often use, as a way to pay homage to the original. Think of this as a small (in today's standards) “sandbox” area. All of the level’s locked doors are located in the starting “central hub”. Bonus Goal: One of your areas has two separate (same color) locked entrances from two different angles. Example: Northern Yellow Key entrance and Eastern Yellow Key entrance. Bonus Goal: Include a cozy/scenic "Heretic-cute" area. Key Order: Just like in the original we will be following this particular key order: Yellow > Green > Blue. Locked doors should be labeled with the Heretic key marker things. (These are statues.) Bonus Goal: All three keys will be used. Other Heretic Considerations: Chaos Devices are difficult, and sometimes sequence/level-breaking, items. Please do not make their use mandatory for level progression, as Doom players are (almost certainly) not likely to use them for this purpose. I recommend placing them near the end of a level instead of a teleporter to transport the player back to the beginning for the purpose of secret hunting. Unless your map is centered around The Wings of Wrath, I strongly encourage you to only place them within an optional secret area. These WoR can then be used to access other (high above) secrets areas within your level. Careful; WoR can also be sequence/level-breaking. Because the Firemace (weapon 7) only has a 25% chance to spawn, if it is used, please only place it within an optional secret. Resource: Quoth the Raven (Google Drive) (Updated to v1.5) NEW RESOURCE (Current Mappers, Use this for Updates): QTR_16_v6 Egregor has provided E1M2 as a "Plant Showcase", using all of our lovely textures to make Heretic greener. Feel free to copy-paste these to use them in your map. Here are some additional links to help you on your journey! On Heretic and Gameplay Heretic (on the DoomWiki) Sosu's Guide for Heretic Monster Usage (Thread) MIDIs Raven MIDI Pack (idgames) Gameplay Mods (NOTE: Don't use for initial playtesting) The Wayfarer's Tome Maps are due in the Discord Channel or on this thread by Doomcat’s Birthday, June 30th at 11:59 pm CST. We will be compiling the following week. There will be no extension past June. Make sure you have a name for your map before submitting. For submissions, please post in this format: Map Name: [ X ] Author: [ X ] Music: [ Song + Author ] Format: [ X ] Build Time: [ X ] Co-op Starts: [Y/N] Difficulty Settings: [Y/N] Comments: [Insert all your Edgar Allen Poe inspired fanfics here.] Screenshots: [x] We only need the .wad file of your map. Compiling your submission with the resources is unnecessary for this event. Your mapping time can be nonconsecutive. You may collaborate with another mapper. The time limit is the same for your team as it is for everyone else, split between you however you like. Your timer will only go down when you are mapping or playtesting. Speedmaps will be under the honor rule. Neither you nor I can prove if a map went over the time limit or not, but trained eyes can see what is and is not a speedmap. If you cheat, people will notice. Any time in Slade used to give a midi is outside of your mapping time. I would recommend spending some time looking over the texture pack before you begin mapping, so that you don’t waste time scrolling. Once your time is up, if you haven’t beaten your map, please spend time to verify that your level is beatable, and to make sure co-op starts are included. AFTER YOUR TIME LIMIT IS UP: As a general rule, I'm comfortable with you going back into your wad and picking at its bones to make sure everything is neat and tidy. Minor texture changes, bug fixing, and thing placement overhaul are fine by me. Excluding special cases, I do not want you building new rooms/sectors after you've already submitted a map to me. The time limit isn't to challenge you to make a map quickly, it's to light a fire under your ass to create something truly cool with a deadline. PUSS is still a speedmapping series, so maps won't be perfect cacoward level masterpieces, but I would still like for mappers to spend the time polishing maps they have sent to me. There is no cap to how many maps you can submit to these events. Trust me, I know. I'm the reason this rule exists. *wink* Any bug fixing/map changes are due to us once we've set a date, which will be after the completion of playtesting. @BluePineapple72's discord server, The Pineapple Under the Sea, is a neat little community of mappers that occasionally participate in mapping events. Home to the PUSS, mappers of all persuasions of men and mer are welcome to participate in these fantastical events in order to foster and grow their mapping abilities! We're always looking for fresh new apostates to free the world from the shackles of the Serpent Lords. I've had the pleasure of now leading a few of these projects, and I love being a part of this little creative collective. Come join us! PAST EVENTS @MemeMind's Musical Mapping @ViolentBeetle's Solar Struggle ViolentBeetle's Skulltiverse ViolentBeetle's Hellevator Hot Potato Line in the Sand The Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping Series PUSS SERIES III PUSS XXVII: Perpetual Torment PUSS XXVI: Clandestine Castle Crashing 2 PUSS XXV: LUNACY PUSS XXIV: Lover's Quarrel PUSS XXIII: Mappin' Round the Doommas Tree PUSS XXII: The Chilling Winds of Dis PUSS XXI: TRICK & TEAR THE LIVING DEAD PUSS XX: HELL YEAH! PUSS SERIES II PUSS SERIES I
  5. My plan is to last long enough to make 666 maps. After that, who knows?
  6. I think I did pretty damn good. I think the only maps in Plutonia that I know better than this one are MAP01 and MAP30. Scale's a little off...decorations and some items are different...to be expected. Some textures I missed completely haha. But I think my memory served me fairly well, here. Also, I learned how to do my first self-referencing sector for the bridge! Yay progress! MAP02: "Well...That's a Lot of Souls" by Death Bear Tested with Crispy and GZ. Here's the comparison (Original on Left, Mine on Right):
  7. Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping Presents: Treasure Chest Series! We're back for the second round, baby! This is an ongoing quarterly project inspired by the original idea that @Steve88 had for PUSS in 2020, which was to create a dropbox for speedmaps that could be submitted on @BluePineapple72's discord server, then compiled for the masses. As we have grown beyond this original vision, I thought it would be awesome to come full circle in our second year to do something like this. So, this is not replacing our mainline series of monthly events, but is a Discord-exclusive, lowkey, speedmapping for speedmapping’s sake event where we make maps quickly then share it with the community. These are speedmaps made in 3 hours or less, compiled in order of submission, with a Credits map at the end. No themes or gimmicks, this time...(well, kinda.) If you're interested in participating in future installments, come join us at the Pineapple Under the Sea Discord, where all the wet fruit-inspired magic happens. I present to you Volume 2, covering January through March of 2023. This contains 4 maps made specifically for this project, as well as the two maps made during the Mapping Off Live Charity Event held 3.18.2023 on Twitch. Format: Boom-compatible (cl-9), uses UMAPINFO Tested with: PRBOOM+ 2.6 Maps: 7 (6, plus a credits map) Custom Assets: There are a small number of custom textures. See .txt file for credits. Difficulties/Multiplayer: Various, Co-op Starts Download: idgames MAPLIST: Ordered chronologically by submission, with a credits map created by Death Bear. It is an honor getting to lead this ongoing series, play through, and compile everyone's work. Other than unseen bugs, we're good to go! See you in July for Vol. 3!
  8. Over the summer of 2022, I was home with my kids with all plans to do fun stuff...until a storm came in and knocked the power out for about 8 hours. During that time, I decided we were going to make the most of it and we drew doom maps by candlelight. Three of these map sketches ended up getting used in Lunacy. Once the kids went to bed, I poured myself some whiskey, grabbed a blue crayon laying around, and I sketched out an entire episode of Heretic map layouts. Some of them were inspired by/ loosely based on random dungeon layouts I saved on my phone; some were straight from my head. I took these to editor. This was my project for NANOWADMO 2022, and I managed to finish building these maps within the month. iWAD: Heretic Format: Heretic (Doom format) Target Port: Chocolate Heretic (which means most sourceports supporting Heretic should play it) Tested With: Chocolate Heretic, GZDoom Assets: Stock Heretic Maps: Replaces Episode 1 (E1M1 – E1M9) Version Beta 2: Download (Google Drive) A Special Thanks to some initial players/ testers: @Egregor @Endless @joe-ilya Tracks are mostly from the Raven MIDI Pack. Map/ Tracklist: I still need more playtesting to iron out some of the kinks, but these are basically speedmaps, so as far as layout-related experience, it’s not changing much...but I still appreciate feedback as I continue to map and learn. If you play, I would appreciate you letting me know of any issues...including balancing feedback. I'm sure I missed something. I also still have to figure out how to do things like titles, and if I'm going to include anymore graphics. Plan to have this on idgames before the end of Q3. Here's a little dev thing, with map names, tracklist, and some personal thoughts on each map. Enjoy!
  9. Of course! That’s the beauty of it, right? That’s merely my opinion.
  10. Hello, everyone! So, I admittedly wrote about 20 pages on Mapping at Warpspeed…on my own maps, its development, and my thoughts. I’ll share all of it in due time, and likely just link it here…but here are some thoughts I wrote up for each of the map I didn’t make for this set. This is the concise version. I tend to enjoy being long-winded comprehensive. Map 2: Ancient Covenant by Myolden Maps 3, 4, and 10: Trespasser, Oberth Malfunction, and LaGrange Disruption by NotTyrone Maps 7 and 8: Holodeck and Moon Funeral by Myolden Maps 9 and 11: Alien Tartarus and Another Glance at the Paradise by Muumi Map 12: Spirit Fracture by Lemonlytical Map 15: The Atropal Jaws by BlooberryPi3 Maps 31 and 32: Lazarus Labs by Cheesewheel and Blood Swamps by Muumi Map 16: Mors Palus Aliens by Late Night Person Map 17: Zero G Station by Danlex Maps 18 and 24: Close Encounters of the Weird Kind and Cryptozoophobia by WeirdSandwich Map 19: Hiding the Secrets by TheBMFG Map 20: Archvile Arrival by Muumi Map 21: Beyond by Doomcat Map 23: Neon Desert by Chookum Maps 22, 25, 26, and 27 – The Zodiac Saga by BluePineapple72 I also am sharing some thoughts/ dev stuffs here on Maps 29 and 30. Map 29: Mapping at Warpspeed MAP30: Stargate BP-9 (Credits) I hope you enjoyed this. I want to thank everyone again for playing through our work, and for all the write-ups and feedback. Know that much of it I will personally be referring to again. It is often difficult to get feedback on work as a Doom mapper, especially a new one, and sometimes it’s hard to know who’s playing it. Getting the constructive aspects of this feedback this month, even on work that for me is 2 years old, is wonderful, and has given me some things to consider. One thing it has NOT made me consider is quitting. Whether you like my work or not, I’m not stopping anytime soon. I have more writeups on my own maps...but for another time. Also, in a completely selfish tag...Planet Chasers will return. I love this wad. It was an honor to share it with you all.
  11. True that. I'll be covering that in my writeup. And also, @Book Lord that is very gracious of you. I did take great pride in this effort, and I LOVED getting to honor all of our contributors.
  12. This comment was humorous, and does a discredit to what we do. So for you, and anyone who read that statement, I can set the record straight on this. I’ve spoiled it as it is “inside information” and I planned to save most of that for the end, in case anyone is interested in just playing maps and doesn’t care about my response to this statement. For anyone with constructive feedback for a budding young level designer’s work, know I’ve appreciated it as I share it with Doomcat.
  13. Look forward to some feedback! Google Drive Download (Zip, 712 KB) Map Name: The Texas Skillsaw Massacre (30mc2_deathbear_m1) Author: Death Bear Music: Stargaze by Psyrus Difficulty Settings: Not Yet Implemented Ports Tested: DSDA-DOOM Description: A small canyon filled with aliens to fight. Hamboning will not save you in the end. The spiffy new plasma gun might, though. Notes: ? Map Name: Moonsweeper (30mc2_deathbear_m2) Author: Death Bear Music: Gigabridge by Stuart Rynn Difficulty Settings: Not Yet Implemented Ports Tested: DSDA-DOOM Description: Infiltrate the moon tower…the security can get pretty hot, though. Sweep it clean. Notes: ? Map Name: Neon Shuffle (30mc2_deathbear_m3) Author: Death Bear Music: Neon-Step by Psyrus Difficulty Settings: Not Yet Implemented Ports Tested: DSDA-DOOM Description: Shuffle through a small blue and purple alien techbase. Fancy footwork may benefit you here. Notes: ? Map Name: Noxious Veins (30mc2_deathbear_m4) Author: Death Bear Music: Catalyst by Psyrus Difficulty Settings: Not Yet Implemented Ports Tested: DSDA-DOOM Description: Inside a living alien ship, you search for a way out. Notes: ?
  14. Nice to see this out! I enjoyed mapping for this, recording others’ work for this, and now I just need to play the remainder of the second wad. A BIG Bear-sized shoutout to @NinthBurn! Thank you for taking on the additional testing and compilation for this set! You didn’t have to, and you did! It’s always a good day to see my work and the work of fellow mappers getting the archive release! Fellow Speedmap enjoyers, rejoice! You have two more wads to play, now!
  15. Side note: This one is my favorite of all the maps I made for this set, for better or worse. 🤘🛸
  16. Even when I'm not mapping in editor, I'm mapping. I'm always coming up with ideas...some I write down, some I draw. And I draw a LOT. But not all maps I make are drawn first. Some I see in my head and go straight to the editor. Some I just start throwing down lines in editor and see what happens. Some I completely start with the sketch...some I stick to...and some I break from the sketch. Some sketches are just geometry...some have added detail and notes for texturing and gameplay and progression...some contain little sketched "scenes" that I see in my head on how it'd look in-game. Many (but not all) of my speedmaps are made on-the-fly, so little forethought goes into them. Some are made by forcing myself through block, some are made when inspiration strikes. This is how my artistic workflow for my actual art works...it's erratic and flexible, tempered often with a little more rigidity and intentionality. TL;DR. Yes. All the things. There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's. There's no one right way, perhaps. Figure out what works best for you! And don't be afraid to try something different.
  17. Spreading my paws just a little on some familiar resources for 30 Aliens.
  18. I see. I was under the impression that was fixed before idgames version but I'll check that out.
  19. Hey, there! Could you describe the actual bug for me? Did the walk line just not take? Door not open? If you could help, and I can try to work on a fix…this bug isn’t something I remember encountering but I want to see what I can do with it. I’ve tried to replicate anything abnormal a few times in DSDA and can’t seem to find anything weird. ”I did not think it was possible, but this time Death Bear made a map I did not like.” Guess I can’t win ‘em all, eh? 😂😏🤘Thanks for hanging in there!
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