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About Archfiend

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    WARNING: Board-certified dumbass, not to be taken seriously

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  1. I thought the third movie was great. I loved The Hobbit as a whole, since it was a bit more focused on the friendships between the main characters, though LOTR is definitely much more action-packed and the fight choreography is great.
  2. I know. The Hobbit trilogy came out after LOTR, though, right?
  3. LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring. I already finished the Hobbit trilogy. Despite the CGI being a noticeable step-down from the Hobbit, since the Hobbit came second and all, this was a really exciting movie and I can't wait to start The Two Towers tomorrow.
  4. Oh boy, today's the day I finally get banned from this site: I agree. Scarface did moral greyness and organized crime better.
  5. The New Mutants. I was just sitting on my couch one day and I turned on the TV and this movie was on, and it was still somewhat early on so I decided to watch the rest. It was so hilariously bad. I was absolutely shocked when I found out it was somehow supposed to be a horror movie. All the actors were absolutely terrible except Charlie Heaton. The plot was dogshit and the writing was fucking godawful. It was so goddamn bad, it circled right back around to being actually really fun to watch purely because it had me laughing my ass off half the time. I died inside at the end when they said "My father used to tell me that inside every person, there are two bears." I saw that coming a half hour away from the ending. Here's a critic review I read that sums it up really well: "Bland and pointless beyond belief, The New Mutants is two-thirds backstory monologues and one-third CGI-on-CGI fisticuffs. It wants to be so many things and ends up being absolutely nothing."
  6. That I did not know. I'll change it to "OTHER Boom-based ports". No, I just prefer to play with fast monsters on. You've got a point about balancing, though. I should probably test on normal UV.
  7. Hey guys. As the title says, I wanna playtest your maps. Shorter requests will be prioritized. If you've got a single map you want an opinion on, you've come to just the right place. Here's my info: Active/Partial Playtester: Partial (PM me whenever, I just can't treat this like a job but I'll do my best) Preferred difficulty: UV-fast (not saveless) Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): I'm not picky, but anything more than an episode or two will take quite a while and I'll have to prioritize any shorter requests that come in Genres don't like: Slaughter, puzzle-focused, joke/Terry, open to anything else Preferred source ports: Crispy, Eternity, and DSDA-Doom Refused source ports: Other Boom or ZDoom ports Demos or written comments: Written comments and YouTube videos (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxYlIdDMEv-pe7pWOgO2jMg) Contact (Personal forum thread/Private message): Private message, or comment on a YT video I guess Notes: If the start of your WAD absolutely sucks, I'm not playing the rest of it and I'm not reviewing it. Also, please specify whether you want me to treat this as an early closed beta to test whether you're on the right track, a bug test to make sure it's playable, a critical review, or something else. Let me know where you want me to post my feedback (forum thread, PM, etc.), or if you want a YT video, which will take a few days. Looking forward to your requests!
  8. His attack lands when his hands clasp together. He has a very low pain chance, but each SSG shot has a chance of ~47% to trigger his pain state and interrupt his animations (if all pellets hit). Goes down in... 2-3 rockets, I think? Instantly begins hunting down whatever hits him, even while he's in his attack animation, so if he's infighting with some demons, wait until you see a demon jump (his attack launches targets) and then start firing rockets while he's locked in place.
  9. Skyrim. The first time I played it, I thought it was boring and everything was too grey. Then I picked it back up and sunk 300 hours into it. I made builds with backstories and stuff. It was great. Then I ran out of shit to do and it got boring because modern Bethesda games have limited replay value. They have a lot of replay value, but once it runs out, you can never have as much fun again. Also Mayo where is your profile GIF from
  10. So many of the Metallica MIDI renditions I've listened to have been amazing until they come in with a stupid flute or whistle or something in place of the lyrics. When I get home, I'm gonna see if I can open these songs up in a MIDI editor and just erase those damn whistles from existence. Who even thought this could ever be a good idea?
  11. I've been looking online for free MIDI renditions of Metallica and Slayer songs and whatnot, for the OST for a mapset I'm making. And man, there are some bad ones. I'll start: https://bitmidi.com/metallica-sad-but-true-k-mid https://midistock.ru/files/m/megadeth/megadeth_holy_wars_2/1338-1-0-40487 https://midistock.ru/files/c/c_other/cage_the_elephant_ain_t_no_rest_for_the_wicked/787-1-0-22018 Magnificently terrible.
  12. That everyone here was waaaaay smarter than me. And that anime profile pics are socially acceptable here, which is nice because I can now find more waifus.
  13. The obvious first choice would have to be DOOM. 99% of us Doomworld members could probably kick some major ass. We'd end up trapped in Hell after DOOM 64, the demons experience a mass extinction event, and then we all deathmatch until the real Doomguy gets to rule forever. It would obviously be Zero Master. But other than that, some post-apocalypse following a nuclear war. Like Fallout, but with... gud gaem.
  14. There are three main attractions for me: 1. Katie the Jouranlist, a satirical account that defends hitting women or something. Her account has been terminated multiple times, so I have no idea what her handle is at the moment. 2. PETA is fucking hilarious to watch. 3. Hentai.
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