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    Somniac reacted to ⇛Marnetmar⇛ for a status update, Don't mind me, just following for the Sisters Of Mercy avatar   
    Don't mind me, just following for the Sisters Of Mercy avatar
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    Somniac reacted to Endless for a status update, Doomworld Hello everyone, I was, honestly, not planning on making a new post/statemen   
    Hello everyone, I was, honestly, not planning on making a new post/statement regarding the situation expressed on my previous status post, but while there’s been quite some silence on the surface, there’s also a lot of movement on the background that has hurt me and also boycotted the Wadazine, so, here are my new points:
    - I am not a Doomer Boards advocate
    - Some of the stuff I been called, accused and told, and had to deal with
    - The Doomworld Staff issue
    - The behind the scenes
    1. I am not a Doomer Boards advocate
    People that are trying to hurt me or give me a bad rep, have used this as their main selling point. I am NOT a Doomer Boards fanatic, emissary, diplomat or advocate. I DO NOT like the place and I DESPISE some of the idiotic shit that’s said around there.
    Some people have accused me of being a supporter of them and their mini-page, using this against me because I have an account there. You are free to visit my account and see how much of a ''supporter'' I am. All this was born out of the fact that I defend the Doomer Boards Projects (the WADs) and apparently it is impossible to play Doom without thinking about the moral consequences of playing a collection of maps made by very bad people.
    I also want to express that even though my experience of the DBs is negative, that doesn't mean that I will detest everyone who has ever been or is a member of them. I'm sure you know a few who are both members here and there, and I don't see them being called out or accused of what I have been accused of. Which leads me to my next point.
    2. Some of the stuff I been called, accused and told, and had to deal with
    This I expected, no doubt, but I did not expect it in such a heavy and direct way, and from such people. I have been called a bigotry supporter (for the above), called a sexist, and implied to be a fascist. I have been told that my server is a home of hateful people (because I have a moderation policy that consists in not autobanning people or not having a blacklist) and this has even reached my team, some members that are completely innocent of all this issue. Suddenly, my influence has turned like a black legend. I was even called, in an ultimatum, a 4chan user. What the fuck? I don’t even have an account there yet I somehow made it.
    I have been banned from multiple Doom servers, and even ones that have nothing to do with Doom. When I searched for an answer, I only found strong accusations against me, and comments that reveal to me that there is a banlist that must be honored. I have lost connections with people with whom I have worked with mutually in a perfect state of respect and admiration, and passion for Doom. Now it’s just whispers in the wind, a few just ghosted me instead. I lost a considerable amount of my team members and have to re-structure my entire server, which I am having some hard time doing because I don’t even know who to trust (more on that later). So, in the end, I have received terrible backlash just because I posted my concerns and exposed some of the behind-curtains stuff going on. Yet I never banned anyone, don’t own a blacklist of unwanted, never reached out to anyone (until I found out there was some smear against me going on) and I didn’t even respond to the updates on my status. I felt, FELT, like I said enough, but now, I have to come back again and defend myself because it reached the point that I was even threatened with influences and power.
    3. The Doomworld Staff issue
    And this, more like a statement, is an update. Turns out, there’s much more stuff going on than I anticipated. Some of the staff reached out to me, some didn’t, and some prominent people (including people that are not even DW-active) also went to contact me. Whereas before I thought the staff acted as a cohesive unit, now, thanks to various comments from both officers and veterans, I have discovered that the team is incredibly fractured. There are those that completely despise me right now, those that are trying to stay neutral on this, those that bashed me publicly but partially agree, and those that agree but don’t want to make it public. So, what is it? Where I once thought I was calling out a unit, I now feel like it’s just a collection of influential individuals struggling for control, and that’s why there has been no major word from them acting as a whole during this time. I’m pretty sure there’s no leadership, and I know for a fact that the DBP ban was not unanimous. I would really like if this changed, but fuck me, I don’t even know because there’s actual influence at stake.
    4. The behind the scenes
    Now, I believe I am quite sure who are the individuals behind my Discord fallout and excommunication, I hope there’s not more. While at first, I thought this would just end up as a quiet thing, it ended up turning into a path of revenge against me. Before I kept quiet, but now I have to be contacting people I worked with before to avoid them thinking I'm a misogynist, abusive, violent, or bigot. In other words, I have to actively defend myself.
    Some have listened, been reasonable and expressed neutrality in a fair manner, while others have severely hurt me and even the Wadazine. I know for a fact that members of my team are now on watchlists. That seems too much to me, call it hyper moderation, call it power abuse, or whatever, but it is not fair for them. People are free to ban me from their servers if they feel it’s right, but when they have to maintain an unwanted-list, they might want to reconsider their views.
    Of course, I know there’s plenty of chat behind my back around, probably a lot of negativities against me. I’m always welcome to discuss it. I didn't kick anyone out, and didn't ban anyone from my server and I am pretty sure I answered to every single person that sent me a DM, either to bash me or support me.
    Not only did influential people contact me, but also regulars, some lurkers, some people that were actually hiding and finally felt free to speak up. Some may say: Oh, look at this dude, he believes he’s the messiah. Heck, closest thing I am is torn-apart dude, but I’m doing it for the right reasons. Because people actually feel there’s something wrong going on, and it’s being hidden from them.
    I was threatened with a ban, or to be more precise, best case for me, a temporary ban, only that would happen, I was told. Well, I haven’t been banned because I believe that some members of the staff are quite divided by this. So, I really hope things get FIXED, not just settled, not just drowned or forgotten, but fixed. It’s at least, one step to admit that there’s a power struggle, and then work it out. Talk to the people as I am doing, or just ignore me and keep silent.
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    Somniac reacted to ⇛Marnetmar⇛ for a status update, Ayy nice avatar   
    Ayy nice avatar
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