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Everything posted by Marvv7

  1. Thank you all for playing and for your feedback, it is much appreciated! As I excpected I have much to learn when it comes to enemy placement and designing of fights: I agree most placements feel rather random, not much use of monster closets, difficulty not balanced etc. I'll keep these in mind for my next map and hope to have a bigger focus on nice enemy encounters, as the visuals and layout seemed to be serviceable. Thanks again!
  2. Hello all! This is my first map. It's a smallish map, relatively easy, trying to get some nice glitchy aesthetics going. Gameplay wise it should be ok. It is a single map, DOOM2 limit-removing. Tested with Crispy Doom and PrBoom+. Complevel 2. Eigenstate.zip Music is from "Floppy Disk Full of MIDI Files": PBLOOD8 Here are some screenshots:
  3. Love this idea, would also contribute in any way that would be helpful
  4. I'd love to see any project where german doom content creators come together honestly!
  5. I'm using the SC-55 soundfont by Patch 93, sounds pretty great to my ears.
  6. Sorry for asking so much in here, but I'm not sure what I encountered with PrBoom+: For complevels 2 & 3 (and 4?), weapon firing sounds are cutoff by enemy sounds and also pickup sounds, most noticeably while firing the chaingun. (Try picking up all the health bonuses while firing the chaingun in MAP01) It seems to be part of the vanilla compatability, also toggled by the "doom sound quirks" option. However, Chocolate Doom doesn't have this same issue, so I'm not sure what PrBoom+ is emulating here. If anybody knows, that would be great, thanks!
  7. Off-topic but I see alot of Memento Mori II - is the first one also worth it or should one go directly for the second one if somebody hasn't played either one yet?
  8. This may be a noob question, but would it be possible incorporate CrispyDooms blood colour fix into PrBoom+? Or is there any reason why that would not be possible or reasonable?
  9. If your problem is mouse sensitivity changing with resolutiin settings, I've got that, too.
  10. Hey guys, a bunch of people still seem to play on ZDoom - is there any reason other than your PC not being able to handle GZDoom or does it haven any "hidden" advantages over GZDoom (and maybe other ports like PrBoom+)? Just wondering - thanks!
  11. I see, that's what I thought, thanks. I downloaded this fork because it also contained the most updated version of PrBoom+, and I hoped it would solve some mouse lag I was experiencing in in comparison to GZDoom, although it doesn't feel like it.
  12. Hey! Can somebody explain to me what exactly this means? Also I didn't seem to find the option in the menus or the cfg file. Thanks!
  13. I came across this thread and a thread where they were ranking wads based on difficulty - isn't ranking for skill progression basically ranking for difficulty? Or are you taking any additional things into consideration other than difficulty for these rankings?
  14. This fixes it, thank you! I was under the assumption I would have to load it last, as @Revenant100 said to load it with lowest priority. Interestingly, autoload (or "pre-loading") with PrBoom+ works, too, so that seems to also load it before the mappacks.
  15. I have a question regarding compatibility patches: For Wads with custom statusbars (Vanguard, Plutonia 2, Memento Mori 2) are they exactly like Ancient Aliens in that they need a compatability patch? The only thing I noticed when quickly loading them up was that some numbers were not correctly displayed in the statusbar ("5" and "8" interestingly across all pwads). Is this normal glitched, non-compatible behaviour or am I doing something wrong and it should normally be compatible? Thank you!
  16. Thanks for the answer, I see. So 8-bit software render in Prboom+ is closest to vanilla doom, and opengl render in Prboom+ is similiar to how GZDoom handles software rendering?
  17. Hey guys, quick question: I'm a bit confused by the renderer options in prboom and glboom: What's the difference of 8bit software vs opengl render in prboom? And what's the difference to the 8bit software vs opengl render in glboom? Basically I'm confused why prboom (software render) and glboom (opengl render) both have the options for software and opengl render. Thanks!
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