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About Kinetic

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  1. Give Me All Your Love Map01 UV-Max in 4:51 ul01m451.zip Map01 Pacifist in 2:15 ul01p215.zip
  2. why is mhrz invis liking everything like kuckkuck
  3. I should've just posted these all at once instead of 3 separate posts but I didn't think I would just keep demoing tonight. ChordG UV-Max in 4:53 chrdg29m453.zip
  4. Chord2 UV-Max in 7:34 chrd226m734.zip Chord3 UV-Max in 5:10 chrd327m510.zip
  5. Chord1 UV-Max in 3:55 chrd25m355.zip
  6. sorry for derailing the argument with a response to the topic, i wrote this like 8 hrs ago and forgot to post it. For the record hate is absolutely too strong of a word for the below words, "not a big fan of" works better for me imo. Not a big fan of tiny shoot/button switch secrets in huge maps where the sheer surface area of all the walls in the map just make trying to explore every nook and cranny and corner for a switch becomes extremely exhausting, since there isn't any tell, the secret is just something being really small and hard to find. The smaller the swtich/the bigger the map the more my eyebrow raises. Not a big fan of singular health bonus/armor bonus reward secrets. These can be both given in secrets and nonsecret secrets, and sometimes it is given after a long and arduous secret hunt or after some platforming section or some visual treat. Sometimes it is used for comedic effect, sometimes it is used as a simple communication method from mapper to player that the secret has ended. But if given the option of leaving it in vs. leaving it out, I will always leave it out. The singular bonus always comes off as direct communication with a player from the mapper since it's virtually always useless, and the trope has been established a long time ago as a silly "here is your reward for your exploration". I've gotten over the use of it as a joke a long time ago, and as far as being communication that the secret has ended, I find it a bit harmful to a map's atmosphere, unless the atmosphere is silly/shitposty.
  7. Map03 UV-Max in 11:08 dmn03m1108.zip
  8. the lines being around a pillar doesn't change it actually, I was just saying that once the pillar lowers enough, the player can grab the RL without going over the trigger. If you do not wish for players to skip the ambush, I would suggest increasing the speed of the pillar lowering to Turbo or at least Fast. This way, the pillar will fully lower to the point where the player is forced to run over the trigger to grab the RL, rather than being able to camp at the bottom and pick it up without running over the trigger.
  9. Hello, awesome username btw. I gave the map a runthrough blind on UV. Overall I thought it had some super strong lighting and texture composition, and I particularly loved some of the LITE3 light cones and the shadows some supports cast. I also liked the 2nd arena's twinkling 242 sectors. Combat in this map was actually fairly open in each individual arena, and in the final arena you can open a door to head back to the start, so it is a nice camping opportunity if a player wishes to run away from it all. On the RL pillar, it lowers very slowly from the switch that lowers it, so a player can grab it before the pillar lowers all the way. Thus, the ambush the RL is meant to trigger may not trigger since it is reliant on the player running over the small square that comprises the pillar the RL was sitting on. Might want to have the switch that lowers the RL reveal the ambush instead, but perhaps you dont want a lot of rigidity with triggers and encounters like that, having some players not trigger it accidentally might be part of the fun to you. I liked the secret area a lot, very creepy until I saw the health bonus.
  10. Notes: - Avocado smoothie softlock after blue key switch, can run into back area with no way of getting out - Euro Sleaze: SSG would be nice :D, and crusher on first cyber - softlock in Total Douche Favorite Maps: - Avocado Smoothie - Euro-Sleaze - Pistol Gangbang - Dont Faze Me Bro - Absolutely Not - God is Deadass - Blow and Foreign Banknotes (Best map title, best map in the set, best music in set, prettiest map) - Mia Khalimba Overall it feels almost exactly like Italo, great job on making it feel like Italo DLC. Loved a lot of the transforming geometry, and reuse of space and the super low and small linedef counts on some maps.
  11. image.png.d016a593dfd020abe5fa9832ba1824c4.png

    1. Jacek Bourne

      Jacek Bourne

      Sunlust Map17 The Sequel.

    2. Kinetic


      something like sl17 + scythe 2 hell maps

    3. Jacek Bourne

      Jacek Bourne

      I look forward to it with optimism and enthusiasm.

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