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Kinetic got a reaction from Budoka for a status update, not sure what wad to put this in
not sure what wad to put this in
Kinetic got a reaction from Billa for a status update, not sure what wad to put this in
not sure what wad to put this in
Kinetic got a reaction from Catpho for a status update, not sure what wad to put this in
not sure what wad to put this in
Kinetic reacted to Monsieur E for a status update, Crumpet 2 FDAs, they aren't particularly good but I got an exit on 02 and 04 so I fig
Crumpet 2 FDAs, they aren't particularly good but I got an exit on 02 and 04 so I figured I'll post them :|
Kinetic reacted to Monsieur E for a status update, D5DA4 WAD A Map58: Portrait Of A Goth Girl A homage to Maribo (play I Can't Give You
Map58: Portrait Of A Goth Girl
A homage to Maribo (play I Can't Give You Anything, it's great) combining HOMs, slime, beautiful music, and BFG spam.
I wanted this to be a high risk setup where you have to push into the revenant crowd to get health because the perimeter around it is damaging, and I think I succeeded in that, although in retrospect the non-damaging outermost ring wasn't necessary and neither Vile nor Vortale noticed it heh. Maybe I'd agree more revenants to make the opposition beefer and make it almost like a siege if the concept where to be developed.
I also had a homage to Brendondle (play his maps and watch his youtube, they're great) planned for D5DA4 but that requires a certain dehacked change so that is still cooking, hopefully you'll see it soon :p.
Map08: John Romero Design Rules
A slight gag at freeflowing, scythe-ish derived maps. The map is a title to a set of "design rules" that John Romero said but never actually used which is often thrown to newbie mappers akin to a holy document to make good map design. Also the midi was picked since I feel like alot of maps just toss in iconic doom community midis even when they feel out of place. Not that you shouldn't use your favorite tracks for your maps but it's something I'm not a fan of :P
Map09: Monsieur E and Tonytheparrot Present: The Revenant Parade At The Temple Of Fear
Even though it was a 5 minute map, I thought it'd be funny to collab with tony on it. And we did, I gave him a minute to draw something, I added onto that the next minute and so on, kinda like playing hot potato. For 5 minutes between two people it turned out pretty well. Also tony is to blame for the absence for startan sorry to all startan enjoyers
Kinetic got a reaction from DuckReconMajor for a status update, discord acct alt (DMs only): kinetic_2 This is how you reach me directly for the time
discord acct alt (DMs only):
This is how you reach me directly for the time being, since I'm not on my main account most of the time anymore. Ignore this message if I don't know who you are already.
Kinetic got a reaction from Billa for a status update, discord acct alt (DMs only): kinetic_2 This is how you reach me directly for the time
discord acct alt (DMs only):
This is how you reach me directly for the time being, since I'm not on my main account most of the time anymore. Ignore this message if I don't know who you are already.
Kinetic reacted to Monsieur E for a status update, Pacifist Paradise Secret Santa A Gift For Tonytheparrot Map24: Peak Revealed Being as
Pacifist Paradise Secret Santa
A Gift For Tonytheparrot
Map24: Peak Revealed
Being assigned as Tony's secret santa was a pretty straightforward assignment considering we're pretty good friends and talk alot about what we enjoy and play in doom, and bouncing each other's maps back and forth.
I decided to homage Hell Revealed 2 Map32: Playground since it is one of his favorite maps in the set and I think is a good encapsulation of the kind of gameplay he enjoys: Unapologetic bfg spam with some jams playing.
The map also highlights my current mapping "trends" if you will of moving away from orthogonality and linearity, the switches for progression for example come in pairs but you can press either to progress. And there are no goofy timed fights. I'm quite proud of the map's layout, particularly the central structure, since I drew it mostly by hand so to speak, without curve tool (with minimal uses of rectangle tool for the outer perimeter as you can probably see), which was quite hard to do for the desired ambush that happens in the structure itself.
Cyberdemon 2-shot arena might seem counterintuitive based on the earlier unapologetic bfg spam comment however I suggest locating Hell Revealations [sic] Map28's secret :P and generally speaking, it's something he enjoys.
A big revenant crowd is a tony staple (so much so it came up for my map for TSMT), so the finale is a large revenant crowd for you to enjoy bfg spamming down.